Happy today because....

Started by Steve, April 14, 2007, 10:39:40

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Happy about the weather today (nice & warm) and the concert last night.  :happy

Quote from: MeltingMan on October 11, 2019, 20:47:52Every morning I read the headline(s) in Bild, Neue Westfälische and Westfalenblatt.

Well, for an overview of the "print media" you'd need to look at "Sueddeutsche", Frankfurter Allgemeine, Focus, Spiegel etc. etc.!?  :?
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Quote from: Ulrich on October 12, 2019, 11:22:56Happy about the weather today (nice & warm) and the concert last night.  :happy

Quote from: MeltingMan on October 11, 2019, 20:47:52Every morning I read the headline(s) in Bild, Neue Westfälische and Westfalenblatt.

Well, for an overview of the "print media" you'd need to look at "Sueddeutsche", Frankfurter Allgemeine, Focus, Spiegel etc. etc.!?  :?

When I want to know what's going on in the world, I just sit down and look at my navel.  :angel

Happy today because I got my tomatoes planted out.  Let tomato season begin.  Also planted the potato patch yesterday and today.  And we're finally going to re-watch that Cure concert from the Sydney Opera House this evening, which we saw originally as that live stream, sans three songs when the signal dropped out here behind the moon.  It will be nice to see the whole thing uninterrupted.  And eat the strawberry icecream we made this afternoon.   :smth023
SueC is time travelling


Here's a double-happy:  With our happy dog playing "The Wiggle Game" on our Sunday hike...

Often she will lie on her back and start wiggling and pointedly looking at me, at home, so I will come play... We thought we'd catch one on film. She was very happy because it was a walking day: 18km through sand dunes on the Bibbulmun track, from the Wilson Inlet to the sea and then back again. Took us four hours, breaks included, which wasn't too shabby, but when we got home, after showering (the humans) and eating spaghetti (all three of us), we all just went to sleep for two hours, in the middle of the afternoon! Honestly... I suppose we have to make concessions to midlife. We don't get home and clean the house after something like that anymore - we go home and enter a minor coma instead. :rofl
SueC is time travelling


8. Reading Michael Leunig cartoons! :)
SueC is time travelling


Just noticed this year I made so far 1200 Km by bicycle. So unless a bus runs over me, I might live a bit longer in the long term ;)

P.S. I know it's not too much compared to the woman in the video below :P

2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


See, @dsanchez?  No reason to worry about your age.  ;)  Congratulations on your miles!  :smth023  And that's a fabulous clip, good for her! :cool

That age-worry thing is a funny phenomenon, you know.  I felt so unbelievably old when I turned 25.   :rofl  :rofl  :rofl   Quarter-century and all that.   :1f631:   And then 30... OMG.  But by 40, no worries.  I just see it as a bonus now, considering that I would have been long dead by now as a caveperson.  And it's a pretty excellent bonus!  :cool

I honestly think that for me, that early age-phobia was due to my parents having a bad attitude to ageing - I remember my father's howling when he turned 39, everyone always catastrophising over every wrinkle and grey hair, my mother always remarking, "OMG, hasn't such and such aged!"  My husband's family weren't like that when he was growing up, and he's really mellow about all this, which very much rubbed off on me.  We just laugh about it.  We had to get reading glasses early this year and Brett was running all over the house with them going, "Sue, come look at the doorknobs!"  :rofl  He was like a kid with a telescope.  The up side of failing close vision is that you don't seen your wrinkles in hard focus anymore, bwahahaha.  So now I can iron something without wanting instinctively to iron the inside of my elbows!  ;)

We're not up to your bicycle miles this year, but we're very happy to have gotten back into extensive hiking, where we're averaging over 100km a month.  This is great - of course on our first two-week holiday together in 2007, we did 200km of hiking tracks in Tasmania.

That photo was taken by a Yorkshireman wearing shorts!!!  When we asked him, "Aren't you cold?" he said, "No, it's warmish today!" and his girlfriend laughed.  :rofl

So my official happy for today is that one New Year's Resolution worked out well:  We got back into hiking properly.  :smth023
SueC is time travelling


... I spent a great evening (well, half the night) with old friends at a gathering of people of the same age in our town. To my surprise, when I was ready to walk out the door, the door bell rang and outside were old school mates of mine to pick me up on their way to the gathering (they'd sent a FB message a short while before, but I hadn't seen it). So the evening started off nicely!
We then met so many familiar faces (and some unfamiliar ones). We ate and drank as well, but the most important thing was chatting to many people we once knew, but lost touch with long ago...
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Very tired, but happy after spending much of the day working with bees.  We took honey for the first time in nearly two years - last year the drought was so bad the eucalypts didn't flower, and the bees could barely collect enough nectar to get them through the winter, so needless to say we didn't take any (because we won't substitute them with sugar, it's not good for them).  But this year, the blossom is great, and after nearly forgetting the taste of our own honey, we ooohed and aaahed afresh over how excellent it is (you can't buy honey this good commercially because commercial bees are hothoused and the honey is heated for processing - we cold extract from hives that don't get shifted or fed sugar, and the honey is multifloral from several dozen wildflowers including tea-tree and eucalyptus, with a little lavender from the garden hedges thrown in).

I uncap the frames in the kitchen before they go in a hand spinner.

We've been doing this since 2010 and usually have around four hives.  I'm also happy because I caught another swarm today, the size of a soccer ball and really worth catching.  It was the easiest one I ever caught - sat on a low branch and I just knocked it straight into a box and the queen went in first go, so I just closed the lid.  By evening they were flying already. :)
SueC is time travelling


Happy because today is the 12th anniversary of when we were engaged.  Usually people remember mostly their wedding anniversaries, and ours is coming up in three months, but we remember our engagement anniversary too because Brett proposed to me on a mountain climb, at the top of Mt Toolbrunup, which is a spine-tingling climb in Australia's Southwest.

It's being pointed to in this photo, taken recently on a neighbouring peak.  I might add one of today's photos later - but we're a bit too tired to deal with photo downloads at the moment.

Anyway, we spent all year getting back into proper mountain shape so we could climb this really strenuous track without needing an ambulance afterwards, and I am happy to report that we did it, and without feeling awful on the way up - but I did have to stop a heck of a lot more than 12 years ago, because for some reason I'm not a young whippersnapper anymore!   :-D

2.5 hours climbing, 45 minutes having lunch and reminiscing on the peak, 1.5 hours descending.  Neither of us have the slightest bit of buyer's remorse - we'd do it all over again.  If anyone out there thinks they're never going to find the right person, that was us, until our mid-30s - but then we did.  Also we know people who found the right person far later in life than we did.  There's nice stories coming out of old people's homes too.  If you're still looking, don't give up!  :)
SueC is time travelling


... I'm going to go out later today, drive my niece to her appointment and then go into a shop to look for the Cure "anniversary" Bluray (2 disc version)!

(And if I won't find it, I will order it as soon as I get back home & online.)
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


... I found a few spots here in our "mountains" which were above the fog!! Gave me the opportunity to take some great pics.
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Have you been hiking, @Ulrich?  Those are lovely photos, thanks for sharing!  :smth023

I'm happy today because I'm sitting here with an enormous soup mug of jasmine green tea with a teaspoon of our own honey (which is super yummy) and a big creamy dash of real cow's milk that didn't come from the supermarket.  Just heavenly; really needed that because I've just returned from trimming a set of horse hooves all around and that was really really hard work because the horn is like marble this time of year and the damn horse didn't want me to put his hind leg on my leg for support, and it's so hard holding it up with your arms and then using the nippers at the same time.  Ever tried holding up a bottle of beer straight in front of you?  Think you can do that for five minutes?  Try it, might surprise you...  :1f635:

Anyway, he's trimmed now and that means I don't have to do him again for another month.  It was good to get that done on top of a solid work day whipping the garden and grounds into shape.  :)
SueC is time travelling


Quote from: SueC on November 11, 2019, 13:05:28Have you been hiking, @Ulrich?  Those are lovely photos, thanks for sharing!  :smth023

Thank you very much! Not really "hiking", just a "walk" up the hill to a castle and later, to a spot at the edge of a "mountain" (where I took above pic).
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


You have castles, @Ulrich...we don't, but I suppose we have cave art tens of thousands of years old.  Some of it is great, but I did see some that looked like ancient graffiti!  And I bet there was ancient graffiti, too. :)

We've finally uploaded some photos from that mountain hike I said I'd append. This is from the re-climb of Mt Toolbrunup on the 12th anniversary of Brett proposing to me on the summit of the thing.  It's miraculous we can still get up there, bwahahaha. I have a walking stick now to save my knees on the descent.  :P

If anyone likes to see these sorts of landscape photos from the West Australian wilderness, there's more on the source site which you can get to by clicking on the photos.  And no, we're not on holidays (as some people have asked me), we've just been walking regularly on weekends and Brett's days off this year, and not been taking many photos of anything else...

And I'm happy today because Brett just came home and this time next week will be on holidays for nearly two weeks!  :)
SueC is time travelling


Nice pics!

Quote from: SueC on November 20, 2019, 10:17:30You have castles, @Ulrich...we don't, but I suppose we have cave art tens of thousands of years old.  Some of it is great, but I did see some that looked like ancient graffiti!

We have lots of caves here too (even one in the town where I live), some of 'em can be accessed. I'm sure there's some art graffiti in one of 'em too.  ;)
Well, these pieces of ancient art was found in one of the caves here:
(language can be changed to English, btw)

Can you beat that?  :cool
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...