What made you annoyed today?

Started by Aarna, July 01, 2007, 19:59:54

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I am having a bad day...firstly, bought a lovely bird bath for all the little birds who have, in the past, happily bathed and drank from a plastic bowl I put out for them, so, thinking I was doing the right thing, purchased a really nice bird bath..the water is cool and crisp, in dappled sun. Do you think they will come and use it?? Will they s**t!! Hmm..maybe it's slippery on the sides I thought, so have placed small branches securely over the water, to provide a more "natural" setting for them. Nothing. What do they want?? Warm towels, a small diving board,cocktails??  Ungrateful little snots. THEN, mixing up my potion for repelling ants ( white vinegar, water and dish washing detergent)which I have a large bottle I use to spray it...you have to pump a lever, which makes pressure in the bottle, hit a button and away she goes, spray. WELL as I was pumping it ready to use, it malfunctioned. I was in my kitchen. PPPPFfTTTTtttt vinegar and suds everywhere.As I ran out to the garden with it, the wind caught the wayward spray and I got it. THEN I let my dogs come out into the front garden with me, and whilst I was picking flowers, I looked over, and to my horror, one of my dogs had found cat poo ( every flamin' cat poops in our garden) and he was LICKING IT!! So... here we are.. I stink of vinegar, my dog has cat poo breath and the birds and ants are all laughing at me. I think I shall take myself back to my bed and start this day again!OH and to top it all off, my pain levels are off the planet ( osteoarthritis) and I have to take steroids for the next few days; and don't THEY make me feel foul???!!! I shall crawl under my doona and stay there I think... :smth011
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning to dance in the rain "...


 :lol: :-D :smth044  Oh sorry Melly but that was so funny reading  :smth023
My dog loves that evil sort of thing aswell  :roll: and especially possum phoo.

Dont worry the birds will come, If you build it, they will come !! hehe true. Takes them a few days to a week, then you wont be able fill it up often
enough ! 

They are watching you, sussing it out, is it safe? and all that. They will come, oh yes they will !!
With those wooden build bird homes takes them about a whole year to suss it out, but yes eventually if positioned right- Fussy bugga's, i know, but
they wont be so fussy with a bath, they are very lucky.  Must be few, and far between a good bird bath in these dry conditions.~very nice of you to
think of them  :smth050

"..and the birds and ants are laughing at me" ~ thats so funny. :lol:

You've made me laugh i forgot why i was annoyed...?   :smth023


Melly, do you think it's wrong to laugh while reading about someone else's misfortunes? If so, go ahead and smite me....  :smth043
A good sense of humor sure helps to get through one's troubles though, doesn't it? You seem to have that working just fine!
Now I've got to find something laughable about the fact that I'm having my first thrilling experience with kidney stones....They are really EVIL!!! I am beyond annoyed. :smth087


Yes, a sense of humour is a MUST in all situations!! I don't "smite" anyone, and I laughed at myself anyway, what a flamin' day I had!! Anyway, it's Sunday here, the election is over ( new leader of the country!) and I'm not going to let the birds, ants or the f*#*ing MOUSE  I saw run under my gates annoy me.. nope..no way!! Just the neighbours dog barking from 12.30 -1.00 am this morning got me riled...but..I shall..keep...my...anger...under...control....
(Kidney stones??!! Yikes!! Drink lotsa water..I think that helps to flush 'em thru)
So... annoyed?? me?? Hmmm not yet...(although I keep peeking out of my windows, at that bird bath...)
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning to dance in the rain "...


Stones!! that's it Melly!!.. try putting some stones, or rocks so the birdies can see how deep the water is!??  ;)

and yes I agree Robiola, it may be wrong to laugh at other's misfortunes, but I have been guilty of this too, after reading this thread the last couple of posts  :oops:

Hope you get better Robiola, and they pass sooner than later!
Melly.. you know you crack me up.. now.. I've forgotten why I was annoyed today... :smth011
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Hmmm..stones you say?? Might try that...although I would hate to go out there and find an unconcious bird, you know, goin' in for a dive and CRACK!!! You're going to love this... I went out to add a couple of more twigs to the sides of the bath, and a bird SWOOPED ME!!!! Can you BELIEVE that?? So, there I am, arms flailing, I looked at the bird bath and it's covered in ANTS!! The very ants I tried to repel yesterday when my sprayer malfunctioned and I ended up smelling like a fish and chip shop!!! SOB... *shaking head* nature is against me..I can tell....
At least the dog hasn't licked cat shit today..that's gotta be a plus...
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning to dance in the rain "...


Quote from: melly on November 25, 2007, 08:35:53
At least the dog hasn't licked cat shit today..that's gotta be a plus...

:smth046    :smth005 :smth082
possibly your puppy has had enough additional dietary supplements for now  ;)
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Ohh Melly, thats such a cracker - i could say iam not laughing but would be a lie.   :smth050
Maybe they will come to eat the ants,?  If not for a bath..
Yeh i think just leave it alone, A watched bird bath never.......?     :smth051

Robiola hope you feel better soon, that sounds nasty.  :cry:

Iam not annoyed today, just tired.  Possum sneaks in early in the morning and pops in bed with me, I dont mind, but was sleeping
on my back, knees up, and felt a cold wet nose on my private parts- shock of a way to be woken up, I jumped up very
quickly !!  Those claws and teeth, ahh the thought.
I leave the house open so she can come in if frightened.  :?  but where can i go ??  :smth017


yes... what has made me annoyed of lately, with sporadic patches of rain.. are the bloody snails   :smth076... but I can say this.. so far the birds have taken the job of gobbling them up after crushing their shells!!  :smth023   At least I don't have to yet put a jar of beer outside to get them drunk and... then they go to snail heaven!! 
My cat pretty clean.. doesn't eat other's pooh,. just butterflies, crickets, cicadas and the occassionally pescally mouse, not to mention the 'lovely pigeons' he brings into my bedroom, laying them on the floor near my bed, to show he WILL PROVIDE for us..  :-D but I remember seeing the next-doot nieghbours dog eating ITS OWN POOH!! gross  :smth037 :smth019
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


When i had a cat it used to eat the butt out of the cicada and leave the rest alive,  eeee its alive and still making that noise they
make  :smth009  -if you could see the look of horror when i write this, what a memory   :shock: :smth011

oh yes it would be proudly placed on the doorstep.  :lol:

Cure Freak

My BF.
I thought we would to have sometime online, yesterday, to talk. he never came on msn. but he seemed to want to talk to some other girl on myspace than to me.
I mean, I'm not asking for him to spend all his free time with me. But, we haven't really talked in awhile and when we get a chance he  does it with someone else.


Hi Cure Freak   :smth054~ That is annoying, i hated that when i had an internet based relationship. Is hard, and awful to wait,
I would just walk away or chat to someone else and by the time they come back, I'd feel bad because i was waiting
and i hate to wait.!! at all. 

So from then on i would make them wait~ but then you never chat- most frustrating.
Iam sure he misses you heaps, maybe thats why, is just so hard sometimes, when you want to just talk normally but
cant.  :smth045


Quote from: Cure Freak on November 25, 2007, 16:53:37
My BF.
I thought we would to have sometime online, yesterday, to talk. he never came on msn. but he seemed to want to talk to some other girl on myspace than to me.
I mean, I'm not asking for him to spend all his free time with me. But, we haven't really talked in awhile and when we get a chance he  does it with someone else.

  Ahhh, that's not very good of him... buy him a birdbath....
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning to dance in the rain "...


Thanks for the good wishes you guys, I have been sitting around drinking gallons of water and spending all my free time in the bathroom peeing, and I actually am feeling better.
So, not annoyed today, just a thank you message! :D


Thats good to hear you are feeling a bit better Robiola  :D

My dad bought a birdbath, but he is very particular about the size it has to be  :roll: Very large apparently, normal birdbaths- made for the purpose
are not good enough in his eyes, So he got- for the second time, a  toddlers blow-up  small pool.   :lol:

The first one he had was made also for children, but made to have sand in it, shaped like a massive plastic shell..... On heavy rubbish is accidently got
taken away ~either that or the neighbors got sick of looking at it, and pushed it further towards the road, to be taken away....

He'd been heartbroken since (I never heard the end of it)
and now is very happy with the new blow-up pool, and it looks really cute  :smth051 I took him home today and there was
a bird nestled beside it keeping cool,
Because it's in the same place as the old one, they have taken to it well,  . . . and i put a brick in it, so they can see depth and perch on it.  :-D

Annoyed because i want more rain, "Prayers for rain" please higher power.  :smth059  I have hey-fever for the first time due to dry conditions, or something,
i will try some herbal remedies and hope they work. Itchy nose and eyes, everytime i go outside, could be worse, but just irritating is perfect description.