2008.03.12 Paris - Palais Omnisport de Paris Bercy (France)

Started by close2me31, September 27, 2007, 13:03:42

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Quote from: japanesebaby on March 14, 2008, 23:43:43
amazing crowd at this show, almost "just like the old days" at times... :smth023
and nowhere does they sing 'play for today' quite like that (i pity the americans who never get that kind of singing over there!).

I think the southamerican crowd could all be very(!) warm and entusiastic (hope is well written) as well. Here's "Play for today" filmed by me. See all those hands up in the air and the crazyiness of the people. Love it.

2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Wow great vid, the sound is so good, I can't believe it! I'm totally back into that room when I see this hihih



Newspaper "LIBERATION" http://www.liberation.fr/culture/315521.FR.php

Robert Smith résiste trois heures trente
QUOTIDIEN : vendredi 14 mars 2008

Pendant tout le show de mercredi soir, à Bercy, une pancarte brandie dans la fosse réclamait la chanson Other Voices. Que The Cure n’a finalement pas interprétée. Ça n’est vraiment pas de chance, puisque Robert Smith a donné un concert littéralement phénoménal en forme de saga, interprétant plus de trente titres déclinés sur trois heures trente (trois heures trente !) ininterrompues d’une Walkyrie old wave constellée de morceaux de bravoure souvent remontés du tréfonds (One Hundred Years, M, Jumping Someone Else’s Train, Play for Today, Grinding Halt…). Quelques minutes avant minuit, le groupe de référence (Smith, Thompson, Gallup, Cooper) laissait l’assistance abasourdie sur un ultime et rare Faith, signifiant sans doute, pour qui n’aurait pas saisi, qu’il avait bien gardé la foi.

Hormis l’album 2008, delayed, un DVD devrait tôt ou tard sceller l’événement, si l’on en juge par la valse mécanique des caméras et l’éclairage intempestif de la salle, au moins autant ivre de bonheur, que de fatigue.

Sorry I use a translator  :? but this is just to notify that the newspaper spkeak about "brandished a sign in the pit song called Other Voices"

"Throughout the show Wednesday evening at Bercy, brandished a sign in the pit song called Other Voices. The Cure That did not interpreted. It is really not likely, since Robert Smith gave a concert literally phenomenal shape saga, interpreting more than thirty securities declined over three hours thirty (thirty three hours!) Of a continuous wave Walküre old strewn with pieces of Bravery often rebounded from the depths (One Hundred Years, M, Jumping Someone Else's Train, Play for Today, Grinding Halt…). A few minutes before midnight, the reference group (Smith, Thompson, Gallup, Cooper) left puzzled assistance on a rare and ultimate Faith, signifying perhaps, for that would not have before, that he had kept the faith .

Apart from the 2008 album, delayed, a DVD should eventually seal the event, if we judge by the waltz mechanical cameras and emergency lighting of the room, at least as drunk with happiness, that fatigue ."


Quote from: Tof on March 20, 2008, 16:19:33

Sorry I use a translator  :? but this is just to notify that the newspaper spkeak about "brandished a sign in the pit song called Other Voices"

yes this was a funny detail - thanks for the french press for the coverage... ;)
i had posted a scan form this article here already:

Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine




Quote from: Tof on March 20, 2008, 17:54:13
OUPS !!!  :oops:

no problem tof. i had posted that in another thread anyway.

anyone spotted any other gig reviews in parisian nwespapers about this show?
i tried to grab some newspapers form the airport before i flew back home but didn't see anything much. this liberation article was actually the only one i spotted.
any scans would be appreciated - thanks!

(@tof: could you make scans from those articles from portuguese newspapers, about lisbos concert? would be nice to have copies!)
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine




My personal review of the amazing show I saw in Paris.

One day in Paris… with The Cure (Part II)

The Part I is still in spanish, about three pages. Need to make the translation yet. This part two are my remembers of the concert, an amazing night which was even greatest because of the people I met.

2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


'' I think it is dark . . .''

* perfect times...
'Is It Always Like This?'


God, time really goes too fast.

It was one year ago, I remember it very clearly.

At this time I was with crowbi, jb, frog, Tof and other Curefans.com members near Bercy. I remember it very clear, I remember how long we had to wait, and I remember my heart banging faster when Robert started to sing. It was a magnificient night. Almost four hours of concert with the best band of the entire planet. I was so f*cking tired after being stand up like 8 hours, but it was worth it. Thanks The Cure.
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Last 30' pro-shot of this gig just shared on YouTube...

2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo