The Cure News => News from reliable sources => Topic started by: j on August 29, 2005, 21:19:01

Title: Berlin- the pictures
Post by: j on August 29, 2005, 21:19:01  Please be kind to me....some pictures are alright, others are complete shit.  Too many Berliner Kindl's will do that to you!  Damn German beer.

On my computer, the page loads VERY slowly.....if this happens, just click where the thumbnails are to see the pics in a new window.  I also have 2:32 worth of video of A Letter To Elise- 75mb worth. seems to be out of sync.  That is not because of alcohol.  I think that may be the first problem in my life that was not alcohol related!
Title: Berlin- the pictures
Post by: boneheadhaggar on August 31, 2005, 11:55:56
nice photos, wish I could have been there myself :wink: