Hi everyone

Started by spiralcure, January 31, 2016, 06:17:19

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My name is Dana. I've never posted on this forum before but I've been lurking and brooding on Cure sites for as many years as there have been Cure sites. At one point I went by fuchsiaMinuit and before that morticia. I've finally got around to posting here. So, hey  :lol:

My favorite Cure album... today it's Head on the Door but that will surely change tomorrow. I've seen them several times over the years but this time will be special. I'm going to follow them through most of the North American tour and about eight cities on the European tour. Follow the circus, and make a movie of the experience. I'm hoping to meet some people along the way who can tell a crazy story or two. Maybe even some people who want to take part in making a Cure film.

Looking forward to sharing the anticipation for the next 3-4 months....


Welcome, Dana!
Looking forward to your report(s) from the tour! Let us know which places you'll go to, so maybe meetings can be arranged. You got a great adventure coming up this year. (Sadly, I won't have the time/money to do it in the same way. But I'm looking forward to see a few concerts too.)
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Wow! That sounds really impressive!

You have to let us know how the filming went and of course post it somewhere for all of us to watch!

Is filmmaking your hobby?