2019.05.28 Sydney - Sydney Opera House (Australia) 'Vivid Live'

Started by dsanchez, February 18, 2019, 22:34:33

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28.05.2019 Sydney - Sydney Opera House, Concert Hall (Australia/NSW)
Part 1: Delirious Night, Fear Of Ghosts, No Heart, Esten, 2 Late, Out Of Mind, Babble,
Part 2: Plainsong, Pictures Of You, Closedown, Lovesong, Last Dance, Lullaby, Fascination Street, Prayers For Rain, The Same Deep Water As You, Disintegration, Homesick, Untitled,
E1: Burn, Three Imaginary Boys, Pirate Ships


2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves


2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves


I'm losing my shit!!!!
Awesome!!!!!  Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.  Yeah!!!!!
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


Quote from: word_on_a_wing on February 19, 2019, 10:00:47
I'm losing my shit!!!!
Awesome!!!!!  Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.  Yeah!!!!!

Yass! Get them tickets WOAW  :D
Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves


I entered the ballot and now the waiting begins 😬
...feeling a little nervous

In 10 days they send emails to ballot winners. Based on the level of congestion there seemed to be heaps of people applying.

Hey RS if you should read this perhaps you could nudge my email into the list: word.on.a.wing.1980@gmail.com

I'm going to take the morning off work on the day the emails are sent to lucky ballot winners ...sit by my computer and hope an email arrives in my inbox 😬😬😬

....and then I read Andy's news and it puts it all into perspective! 
Whether I get tickets or not ...it's all just a beautiful shadow on the wall.  The journey continues...
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


Back in 2011 The Cure announced two exclusive 'Reflections' shows at the same venue. A time later, they announced further shows in England (1) and the US (6). I hope the history will repeat, but this time with several other 'Disintegration' shows in European soil and elsewhere. Fingers crossed!
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


I got tickets!  😅🙏🏼
1 for each show.

It was an intense waiting, the ballot goes for 6 hours... sitting waiting for the email to arrive (*refresh! Refresh!!*).  I was so thankful when it appeared.
Best wishes to those still waiting for an email 😘
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


Quote from: word_on_a_wing on February 28, 2019, 04:40:20
I got tickets!  😅🙏🏼
1 for each show.

It was an intense waiting, the ballot goes for 6 hours... sitting waiting for the email to arrive (*refresh! Refresh!!*).  I was so thankful when it appeared.
Best wishes to those still waiting for an email 😘

Wonderful WOAW!
Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves


"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


I've been thinking about the ballot system used to allocate tickets, and gotta say...

I preferred the method used in 2011 (Sydney Opera House, Reflections). If I recall right there were one or more presales, then a general sale. It meant if you were disappointed the first time you still had another shot (and the more committed you were the more chance of success you had).

The method this year felt harsh and random for fans.  Someone who haphazardly decides to enter had just as much chance as a diehard fan who intensely tried as hard as possible to get a ticket.

...my heart really goes out to those who sat all day refreshing their inbox and no email arrived. It's freakin heartbreaking.
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


...This of course is no fault of any Cure folk, this ballot method was a (poor) decision of Sydney Opera House.
I hope they consider the comments of fans and do it differently next (?) time
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


I'm still quite perplexed that they even have a ballot system? I find it odd. I couldn't imagine waiting to see if I've been randomly selected?!

I feel for the ones who have indeed missed out. Fate in this repect is rather unfair.
Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves


Night 4!
And warning that this 'report' morphed into a philosophical discussion of what arose for me during the show.
I also note how several hrs of meditating prior may have again impacted my perception 😆

Wow I'm amazed how different each night feels. The audience was up on their feet the whole night. Perhaps a bit rowdy at times (ie if Robert is speaking please don't yell at him! Jeez!), and it seemed like incredibly tall people surrounded me on all sides 😬. Nonetheless it was a beautiful night. 

I'm loving Delirious Night!!
Prayers for Rain and TSDWAY are very very profound
And Homesick and Untitled ...wow such a blessing to hear these live. 

When they came back for the encore Roger arrived first and started gesturing for us all to cheer! (Wtf? Very humble! 😆) Robert then arrived at the mic and remarked kind of humorously but awkwardly that he wished Roger hadn't done that, and it was likely due to them going a bit long on Untitled and so Rogers grand moment was missed 😆

There was a jovial atmosphere to the band.  It felt like a celebration, and with Plainsong the initial moment of Robert connecting with the audience felt extremely personal and prolonged.   

I was struck throughout the night how open Robert is, it's really inspiring! In TSDWAY I realised how I appreciate not only his openness but also the depth to which he is able to reach. I feel like he is sharing "I've been through a lot!" and allowing the audience (through his openness of being) to listen deeply into this space. It reminds me of a NIN lyric "Saw some things on the other side, Made me promise to never tell, But you know me, I can't help myself...". Anyway... why would someone want to show us a glimpse of such depths? 
And if you are shown, and you realise it threatens to destabilise and possibly destroy your entire life and 'YOU' ... how will you respond?
will you ignore it so that your version of 'reality' can be preserved? Will you spiral into insanity when the world you knew starts to crumble? Or will you embrace the Disintegration and lean into it..."Breaking apart like I'm made up of glass again", merging into non-existence itself so that "NOTHING you can ever say, NOTHING you can ever do" ...realising it's all an elaborate shadow play on the wall, and waiting (oh waiting!) for the walls to dissolve? 
... I'm thankful to Robert, who I believe offered me a glimpse back in 2011, which became a catalyst that opened me to something I had been asleep to, and (after an initial period of fear and instability) led to a journey I could never have imagined  ✨  beyond words.
My feelings of gratitude for him, and his catalyst-like capacity really struck me during this show! A presence like that in the world is such a blessing!!!

(...feel free to call me insane 😛)
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."