Robert Smith bothered by fans - Brighton 1994

Started by dsanchez, March 05, 2007, 14:22:39

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wow, why cant people just learn to meet musicians the normal way, chasing them after concerts, or getting a fake press pass.


Quote from: bomber2007 on March 07, 2007, 01:22:24He said they went to Robert's house another time when Robert was not at home and Mary called the Police.

I wonder, is there a video of this too? :lol:


If I was a famous person or a rockstar's wife, I would be more understanding with the fans: they don't wanna hurt anybody, but just see and speak with their love!

I say it once again: to film the house isn't correct, but in the second video I don't see any "evil" and robert doesn't seem annoyed

please, try not to be so "cold" ;)
[color=red][b]I BELONG TO THE CURE!♥[/b][/color]
[color=black]Lost forever in a happy crowd![/color]
[color=purple][i]I will kiss you forever on nights like this, I will kiss you, I will kiss you...and we shall be together...[/i][/color]
[color=green]CUREFANS.COM RULEZ!:D[/color]


Quote from: Lady on March 07, 2007, 12:58:39
please, try not to be so "cold" ;)

it's on the contrary: i think it's "warm" to leave the person alone and let him have his peace for at least when he's at his own home for chrissakes(!!) and it's "cold" to invade him like that, without thinking any better and just selfishly doing what you want to do.

every fan should understand that whoever you were, famous or not famous, home is a sacred place for most of us, all of us i would say. home is the place where you have the undisputeable right to your peace and privacy, it's the only little corner of this chaotic world where you can really control your surroundings and not be tossed around and pushed around. home is home: it's your place, your time, your rules - yours only. no-one else can have a say to it.
we cannot think that it's somehow more acceptable to invade a famous person's home just because he's famous and like he was somehow "obliged" to let the fans have their memorable moments anytime, anywhere, anyplace they want.
everyone should have the equal right to privacy.

we might have a glamorous image of a rockstar's life sometimes but i'm sure we all realize that living year after year under the public observation is very tiring and forces one to make compromises in your life which must not always be that ideal.
people like robert smith are already giving so much of themselves and their whole life to the fans (to complete strangers!), that what little they have left for themselves should stay untouched.
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


Quote from: japanesebaby on March 07, 2007, 13:14:37
Quote from: Lady on March 07, 2007, 12:58:39
please, try not to be so "cold" ;)

it's on the contrary: i think it's "warm" to leave the person alone and let him have his peace for at least when he's at his own home for chrissakes(!!) and it's "cold" to invade him like that, without thinking any better and just selfishly doing what you want to do.

every fan should understand that whoever you were, famous or not famous, home is a sacred place for most of us, all of us i would say. home is the place where you have the undisputeable right to your peace and privacy, it's the only little corner of this chaotic world where you can really control your surroundings and not be tossed around and pushed around. home is home: it's your place, your time, your rules - yours only. no-one else can have a say to it.
we cannot think that it's somehow more acceptable to invade a famous person's home just because he's famous and like he was somehow "obliged" to let the fans have their memorable moments anytime, anywhere, anyplace they want.
everyone should have the equal right to privacy.

we might have a glamorous image of a rockstar's life sometimes but i'm sure we all realize that living year after year under the public observation is very tiring and forces one to make compromises in your life which must not always be that ideal.
people like robert smith are already giving so much of themselves and their whole life to the fans (to complete strangers!), that what little they have left for themselves should stay untouched.

Datemi un cielo per caderci dentro!
LADY, la luce nel mio buio!


Another Curefan for The Dark Christmas album.


i wonder is it about different tradition of behaving that make people disagree here?
because it is easy to see italian members saying "this is ok, they are only "warm" and other members saying "this is bad and awful to watch. maybe it shows us people having different habits in different countries.  maybe it is ok in italy to do things like this and no-one thinks bad of it no? but a person from other country must always try to adapt to local habits, it is not other way round. person must adapt, not expect the worl around the person doing it. so fans in this film should respect it yes? and even if it's ok in their home country to do this kind thing, it not mean it is ok to do it anywhere. they should thinking about the way behave correct in england (because robert lives there). i have feeling it is not so good in england.
and first, of course i have nothing against italian fans! i know many and some are my good friend and i love them they are great people and my frineds. but i just start seeing this national difference when i watch the videos and watch this conversation. so maybe this is why people disagree why people watch it different.
but in my opinion, what matters is how to behave well in this english village.

i don't know if it's true but i hear one of the film was shoot just one day before robert and mary have wedding anniveersary. if it is true i don't think thif filming was good behavior, it is not polite to go so near a day when someone having important family-celebration like this. it is not fan business.

just my opinion.


Quote from: disintegration on March 08, 2007, 00:29:35
Quote from: japanesebaby on March 07, 2007, 13:14:37
Quote from: Lady on March 07, 2007, 12:58:39
please, try not to be so "cold" ;)

it's on the contrary: i think it's "warm" to leave the person alone and let him have his peace for at least when he's at his own home for chrissakes(!!) and it's "cold" to invade him like that, without thinking any better and just selfishly doing what you want to do.

every fan should understand that whoever you were, famous or not famous, home is a sacred place for most of us, all of us i would say. home is the place where you have the undisputeable right to your peace and privacy, it's the only little corner of this chaotic world where you can really control your surroundings and not be tossed around and pushed around. home is home: it's your place, your time, your rules - yours only. no-one else can have a say to it.
we cannot think that it's somehow more acceptable to invade a famous person's home just because he's famous and like he was somehow "obliged" to let the fans have their memorable moments anytime, anywhere, anyplace they want.
everyone should have the equal right to privacy.

we might have a glamorous image of a rockstar's life sometimes but i'm sure we all realize that living year after year under the public observation is very tiring and forces one to make compromises in your life which must not always be that ideal.
people like robert smith are already giving so much of themselves and their whole life to the fans (to complete strangers!), that what little they have left for themselves should stay untouched.

i'm sorry i'm not sure i understand what the head-shakes i receive stand for.
i only wrote what i wrote because i believe it is true (at least for me), not because i wanted to preach. 
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


Well, I've seen these videos before, and i think that is strange a moment like this , anyway Robert was very kind with them :?


[color=red][b]I BELONG TO THE CURE!♥[/b][/color]
[color=black]Lost forever in a happy crowd![/color]
[color=purple][i]I will kiss you forever on nights like this, I will kiss you, I will kiss you...and we shall be together...[/i][/color]
[color=green]CUREFANS.COM RULEZ!:D[/color]


I recall reading an interview from 1997 where RS related those kind of incidents. And he wasn't using friendly words at all. Clearly, he hates being disturbed at home (who doesn't ??). And the only reason why he went out to see them was to get rid of them ("now you've seen me, you can leave) because he felt guilty his wife couldn't have the peace she's entitled to have at home (and imagine what they could be doing :-D).

When you look at the video, you can sense RS is pissed off and thinking "what the f*ck" when somebody says to him how gorgeous he looks like. As a nice English man, he didn't use harsh words in front of them. I imagine those fans weren't thinking they could see him for real and didn't realize... Anyway. I don't understand how some people think these kind of things are ok. The Jeep video seems more acceptable and funny in a way because it's odd to think such videos exist. :lol: I haven't watched it and don't feel like it somehow. But I don't buy that story of somebody getting to RS house and having tea (tea ?? :shock:) with him. Everybody had the same kinds of dreams/fantasies when they were 13.


I can't cast an opinion because when I click the links Youtube gives me a message that says "This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender's friend request" so of course i have no idea on how to view them..

If someone who isn't as computer-retarded can help me out to view them then I'll be able to give you my opinion. Which I'm sure you're all dying to hear...  ;)


Quote from: nausearockpig on March 11, 2007, 09:53:49
I can't cast an opinion because when I click the links Youtube gives me a message that says "This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender's friend request" so of course i have no idea on how to view them..

If someone who isn't as computer-retarded can help me out to view them then I'll be able to give you my opinion. Which I'm sure you're all dying to hear...  ;)
i was going to say it looks to me like your mom and dad must have put some restrictions on your internet access in general (i wonder what you're being punished for... :lol:)
but actually, it looks like it's changed over there somehow, it's been set to private.

(anyway, i don't think you're missing anything really important, cure-wise.)

(edit: that's supposed to say The cure-wise, of course,)
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


maybe.... maybe....
it is far more interesting the new interview  :smth001
with all the respect for this thread..i mean.. the real "curenews" is the interview posted by monghi  ;)
let's look at that.

he even talks about his relationship with the fans.

however, about this thread : IMHO that would be obviously annoying when they film the house ...but for the rest, hey, they've just their dream came true and Robert was pleasant to be a part of that dream i think...obviously it has not to be "exaggerated" because that become soon a "stress" and we know, Robert is a private person. i don't think anyway he was annoyed.


about the importance of this thread, i agree with you and i disagree with you.
yes, somehow this is pretty silly - because the source material itself is pretty unimportant, as it is. if we want to know something about the cure, the conversation is elsewhere, true.
but on the other hand this one here is not without value either
i would have two points to make/offer for the basis of further conversation (especially the first one):

actually, i think this thread is interesting and important because it's a thread about us, the fans. it's also bordering on the responsibility and moral issues, which are very rarely discussed on boards like this although they are ever-present and have effect on our behavior and our choices all the time. :!:
on other threads we talk about the band, the upcoming album, the upcoming shows - we expect so much about them, we wish they will deliver us something memorable, we wish they can do their best. sometimes we almost start thinking (many times falsely and alarmingly, imo) that the artist has some sort of responsibility to deliver us goods that please us - and we get pissed if we don't like what we got...
anyway, if we expect the artist to have such responsibility then what about our responsibility as fans? does it exist? i think surely i does, it just can't be a one-way street. so, go and buy the records, concert tickets, and... but what else, maybe?
i think that's a reasonably legitimate question to think about. and this case surely has given insight to it, of several different kind.
so, as silly as this thread is in some ways, the reason i bother writing here is this. imo it's perfectly clear that the artists "responsibility" towards his fans (that is, if there ever even was such) ends once we go "outside his art". everyone who's ever worked as a performing artists himself/herself, who ever had any kind of "stage persona" etc. knows this immediately. and everyone can go out there and see it for themselves in case it's needed.
thus, fans may legitimately insist on their piece of "RS of the cure"  being delivered to them as part of the deal - but they have no business with the "private person RS" whatsoever.
imo, one of the basic responsibilities of the fan should be to be able to tell the difference between the two, and know what it means -  or at least be able to tell when one crosses the line in case one might end up doing it.

(this "responsibility issue" itself (whether seen from artist's or the fan's point of view) is very interesting indeed. the issues of morality with art in general are very complicated and interesting topic! thus, i see that this is actually an interesting and even important thread. :!: )

this has nothing to do with robert smith, actually. it's also about "this is my dream in life, i want to do this and i have the right to do this".  i mean, how could this "dream factor" alone be any sort of excuse in just about any  kind of case? because well, some people dream about robbing a bank, some people dream about killing another person - maybe they should just go for it. i mean, it's got to be ok because after all, it's their dream in life! ok maybe not... but where do we draw the line?
i'd say one can pursue one's dreams of course as long as one doesn't forget one's responsibilities.

Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine