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Started by Steve, April 08, 2007, 08:56:52

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Normally I don't like songs which tell me what to do or not to do, but this here is good advice:

I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


If anyone thinks accordion has to be boring, you've not heard Sharon Shannon.  Here's a live track which starts off innocently like a sea shanty, before picking up a reggae rhythm and then breaking into the maddest sax solo I've ever heard, which peaks at sounding like a strangulated chicken, before a happy sanity returns with Ms Shannon's lilting accordion...

SueC is time travelling


This is where I sat on Sunday...

Made me think of this song:
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


It's a dark day in Australia - we're once again reminded that people can sexually abuse women and children, and go on to hold high public office, because it's often so hard for victims to prove the crime beyond reasonable legal doubt, and because those with fat wallets get the best lawyers.

I listened to this song a lot around the time our always-odious former Catholic Archbishop Pell was up for personal charges of child sexual abuse.  It hit the spot for that scenario, as it does for the fact that a woman who has now suicided had testified that our current Attorney-General anally raped her when she was 16 years old.  This woman was born the same year I was born, and I want to play this song for her.  People may jump through legal loopholes, but I believe your story. ♥  I've seen how this works.  (

SueC is time travelling


Now I found one on the new Mogwai album, which after a few listens I can't help but thinking "it sounds like a Cure outtake", somewhere between Bloodflowers (the drums & bass) and WMS (the strings)! Maybe one day they'll release a new version with added vocals by RS! :beaming-face

I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


That's very cinematic, I like that.  While we can hear some similarities, we're not quite sure it's either dark enough or light enough to sound that much like The Cure (we kind of think only The Cure sounds like The Cure, and it would be stupid for anyone else to try to sound like them, like it's stupid for someone to imitate another person's appearance instead of develop their own style - errr, excuse my German cultural directness this evening...:winking_tongue).  But they certainly have a sound to them that allows me to recognise them from one song to the next...

I'm in the mood for instrumentals, so while I've ordered that band's 2017 album, I'll also look out for the new one possibly in a local CD shop.

Speaking of instrumentals, here's an old favourite of ours from Australia:

SueC is time travelling


Quote from: SueC on March 03, 2021, 14:47:06That's very cinematic, I like that.  While we can hear some similarities, we're not quite sure it's either dark enough or light enough to sound that much like The Cure (we kind of think only The Cure sounds like The Cure...

Of course, but it really does remind me of The Cure. (Would I lie to you, Curefans??)

(Normally when people tell me "you like the Cure, you should like ... too", I run as fast as I can... because I never like that stuff!)

With Mogwai, it's sometimes been like this: at first listen, something reminds me of Cure a bit, but then it becomes "typical Mogwai" over time. In this case, I liked it at first listen, but the Cure association came later.

Another good one:
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...



For Cure songs there is this topic:
(But it's ok, no problem here.)

I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


This must be one of the most paranoid songs ever... but I like it anyway...

Quote from: undefinedI thought I'd take a walk today
It's a mistake I sometimes make
Now I'm at the hairdressers
People watch me as they move past
A guy wearing plastic antlers
Presses his bum against the glass
Now I'm down on my hands and knees
And it's so f*cking hot!
Someone cries, "What are you looking for?"
I scream, "The plot, the plot!"
I grab my telephone, I call my wife at home
She screams, "Leave us alone!" I say, "Hey, it's only me"
The hairdresser with his scissors, he holds up the mirror
I look back and shiver, I can't even believe what I can see

I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


I'm sad today (reason here), and this is a long-time go-to song for me, when I have to think about loss.  It doesn't matter that this song is about the loss of a romantic relationship; I find it stretches well to any kind of serious loss - just alter or delete a few lyrics in your head - but the gorgeous singing and the music are just so timeless and the tone is just right - the acknowledgement of sadness and of all sorts of difficult aspects of being human, but also beauty and resilience, and knowing you're going to work your way through something and come out the other end.

Sleepless child; there is so little time...
Your hands held mine so few hours
I'm not a child anymore
I'm tall enough to reach for the stars

Honestly, where would we be if people didn't write poetry about all sorts of things we have to confront, all sorts of things we have to go through, and even better, set that to music, or if they didn't paint or write novels or essays or make films on things that matter... back in the caves, I think.  And of all these things, there's nothing like music when you're sad and you don't want to push it away, but you also don't want to drown in it.  There is so much dignity and catharsis in a song like this.  ♥
SueC is time travelling


A great song to sing along to:

Here's the lyrics, if that's any help!  :winking_tongue  This gets taught to you when you do conversational Gaelic, which I did in the 90s; it was nice to discover Ms O'Connor doing a version not too long after!

Báidín Fheilimí d'imigh go Gabhla,
Báidín Fheilimí is Feilimí ann.
Báidín Fheilimí d'imigh go Gabhla,
Báidín Fheilimí is Feilimí ann.

Báidín bídeach, báidín beosach,
Báidín bóidheach, báidín Fheilimí.
Báidín díreach, báidín deontach,
Báidín Fheilimí is Feilimí ann.

Báidín Fheilimí d'imigh go Toraí,
Báidín Fheilimí is Feilimí ann.
Báidín Fheilimí d'imigh go Toraí,
Báidín Fheilimí is Feilimí ann.

Báidín Fheilimí briseadh i dToraí,
Báidin Fheilimí is Feilimi ann.
Báidín Fheilimí briseadh i dToraí,
Báidin Fheilimí is Feilimi ann.

Báidín Fheilimí briseadh i dToraí,
Iasc ar bhord agus Feilimí ann.
Báidín Fheilimí briseadh i dToraí,
Iasc ar bhord agus Feilimí ann.

===English translation===

Felimi's little boat went to Gola,
Felimi's little boat and Felimi in it.
Felimi's little boat went to Gola,
Felimi's little boat and Felimi in it.  (...isn't that a wonderful grammatical construction!  :heart-eyes ...and also how the "F" sound is dropped when it's followed by "h"...)

A tiny boat, a lively boat,
A charming boat, Felimi's little boat.
A straight boat, a willing boat,
Felimi's little boat and Felimi in it.

Felimi's little boat went to Tory,
Felimi's little boat and Felimi in it.
Felimi's little boat went to Tory
Felimi's little boat and Felimi in it.

Felimi's little boat broke on Tory,
Felimi's little boat and Felimi in it.

Felimi's little boat broke on Tory,
Felimi's little boat and Felimi in it.

Felimi's little boat broke on Tory,
Fish on board and Felimi in it.
Felimi's little boat broke on Tory,
Fish on board and Felimi in it.
SueC is time travelling


I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


@Ulrich, the TV Smith cover reminded me of the internal sleeve art of This Is The Sea by The Waterboys, which featured a similar theme.  We looked up the paintings, and the TV Smith album features a work by Peter Wenzel:

...and this was in the Waterboys sleeve:

Which reminds me, I think you told me there was a connection somewhere between TV Smith and The Waterboys?  (Quite apart from the similarity in the voices...)

Listening to... I've got this album now but tend at the moment to just listen to this track from it on repeat:

SueC is time travelling