What's On Your Mind Atm??

Started by PearlThompsonsBloodflower, January 03, 2018, 22:52:40

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Some news in Australia today:
Cannabis legalised in ACT Australia

A positive move for Australia in my view ...let's hope it continues and reaches Victoria.  I think it's a complex issue in some ways (that I could talk about in much more detail if anyone is interested in this topic), but the bottom line is I believe it's a decision every adult should be entitled to make.
Any one else willing to share their views? Cannabis yay or nay? 
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


Was just listening to this today. @word_on_a_wing, and it was a really interesting listen; shows how all that punitive stuff for personal use is completely counter-productive, and not the first case study to show it:


...that whole series is so wonderfully good to listen to when you're down about what some powerful idiots are doing to this world, and you're wondering why we're called an intelligent species...

PS: And thanks for the interview link - I'd not read that before either! :)
SueC is time travelling


Reddit. Its like jumping down the rabbit hole...I can't look away...
Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves


Quote from: chemicaloverload on September 28, 2019, 01:24:36Reddit. Its like jumping down the rabbit hole...I can't look away...

dangerous place for people studying. it's a procrastination magnet...
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Quote from: dsanchez on September 28, 2019, 18:47:28
Quote from: chemicaloverload on September 28, 2019, 01:24:36Reddit. Its like jumping down the rabbit hole...I can't look away...

dangerous place for people studying. it's a procrastination magnet...

Yeah, I spent a bit of time on that for a couple of months, but was careful not to get my own login... My husband wants to know if either of you have ever been to tvtropes.org?  Apparently that's the deepest rabbit hole he ever found (I've steered clear...).

This is a cartoon of what typically happens:  https://www.xkcd.com/609/
SueC is time travelling


Quote from: SueC on September 29, 2019, 03:52:29
Quote from: dsanchez on September 28, 2019, 18:47:28
Quote from: chemicaloverload on September 28, 2019, 01:24:36Reddit. Its like jumping down the rabbit hole...I can't look away...

dangerous place for people studying. it's a procrastination magnet...

Yeah, I spent a bit of time on that for a couple of months, but was careful not to get my own login... My husband wants to know if either of you have ever been to tvtropes.org?  Apparently that's the deepest rabbit hole he ever found (I've steered clear...).

This is a cartoon of what typically happens:  https://www.xkcd.com/609/

I have never heard of it but I'm scared to look! Maybe for a quiet period, I'll have a wee look, but until then, Reddit has stolen my soul...
Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves


Quote from: word_on_a_wing on September 26, 2019, 15:04:54Some news in Australia today:
Cannabis legalised in ACT Australia

A positive move for Australia in my view ...let's hope it continues and reaches Victoria.  I think it's a complex issue in some ways (that I could talk about in much more detail if anyone is interested in this topic), but the bottom line is I believe it's a decision every adult should be entitled to make.
Any one else willing to share their views? Cannabis yay or nay? 

I'm with you. Personal choice. Know when its good for you and know when its not. There's a lot worse out there, thats for sure.
Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves


Was chatting with an old friend. She is 36, was dating someone aged 52. He didn't want kids, so she broke up (they were together like 2 years). Now she feels with time pressure (she wants to be mother one day), but she is shy, so not many dating options yet. As she feels time pressure I suggested to make a good background check and set expectations from the beginning (in a subtle way) should she go on a date so that she does not waste her time! and I just remembered this video. Actually I agree 100% with this! Sometimes I think we give way more importance to our jobs and careers than to our personal life.

2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


OMG, that sketch is excruciating!  :fearful:

But I 100% agree with your post, @dsanchez, and by the time I was in my mid-30s that advice you gave your friend was exactly the conclusion I had come to myself, and I did in fact start approaching dating like interviewing for a job.  Not like the girl in this sketch, but first of all, with thorough background checks, which was made much easier by actually dating online this time, for the first time in my life.  It was with a place called RSVP, where every person on the database filled out page after page of replies to questions about life, the universe and everything, how they saw relationships, what they wanted in a partner, what they could offer to a partner, if they wanted children, how they saw parenting, and then, also crucially, what books and music they liked and why (which actually tells me more about people than many of the other questions, and which is harder to make up convincing lies about).  Having that load of information, and linked to effective search tools so you didn't have to go through completely unsuitable profiles, was really useful in making sure you didn't meet people who were going to completely waste your time. If you had an interest in talking to someone further, you first did that through a safe internal email without revealing your real-life identity.  Photos were password-only, so that people couldn't just go on appearances if you didn't want them to. 

All this sounds terribly unromantic, but it was actually really interesting.  I talked to a handful of people on email, and to about half of those on the phone, and there was just one person I agreed to actually meet, and that was Brett! :)  Who had found my profile and approached me, as it turns out - it went both ways on that site.  The whole process was really nice actually - emailing to get to know each other a bit better, discuss books, music, life; then getting on the phone, and once we were on that, we didn't get off again for hours... once you were at that point, it wasn't impersonal and unromantic at all.  We met up and went on long bushwalks and hung out together and became very good friends way before we were anything else.  It was a really good way of getting to know a person very well before you could be hijacked by sexual biochemistry!  ;)  Which can waste so much of your time if you get involved with the wrong people...

If you're a bit unusual and looking for another needle in a haystack, this can be a viable approach to finding one!  :)

I think that's great advice you gave your friend.  She should stick to her guns - the one time you shouldn't compromise is when you're looking for a life partner... Good luck to her!  :smth023
SueC is time travelling


I'm thinking of simplifying my keyboard...

SueC is time travelling


2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


It's peak wildflower season here, and a good chance to see Banksia flowers developing.  They unfold their filaments most strongly on the sunniest side, which here in the Southern Hemisphere is on their north face.  This therefore makes a good "bushman's compass" when you can't see the sun clearly!  :)

We snapped two on our weekend hike:

If you're wondering what they look like after pollination:

These flower spikes are nearly a foot tall! :)
SueC is time travelling


Lima traffic... which is one of the worst in the world. The funny thing is that Lima could be the best city in the world for cycling (it's flat, it never rains, and the coldest weather is 15 degrees in winter). Looking this short video of Utrecht and I am very jealous. Wish the morons we have running the city would have more vision and would change from a car-center city to a sustainable-transport center city.

and this is Lima today:

2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Ever heard of the McEffing Fish Fillet Burger?  You have now.  Bwahahahaha - good one, David vs Goliath:


The story made my day!  :)

And their burger looks like something you could actually eat, unlike Goliath's!
SueC is time travelling


@dsanchez, we were very happy to watch that inspirational Utrecht clip this morning.  It shows what can be done.  And conversely it is depressing that in most places this is not done, and when you look at it, it's because people holding the strings profit enormously from doing things in ways that are socially and environmentally damaging - and this is true for many other things besides making it hard in most places for people to ride bicycles and use public transport instead of going by car (which is the highest-profit activity for the corporations that pull many of the political strings in many places, and which they therefore try to railroad).

I read this cartoon yesterday and it meshes:

from https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jul/05/look-life-is-really-tough-even-when-it-isnt-youre-allowed-to-feel-shit

I'm involved in grassroots movements in Australia because I think positive change is less likely to come from the top down (snowflake's chance in hell) and more likely to come from the bottom up (but Australia has an especially difficult bottom).  One of the things that helped in Utrecht is that the population was motivated to have a livable city, and to do something about it, consistently, and that they didn't just spout words but took action and embodied the change they wanted.  :heart-eyes  We have much to learn from these people, elsewhere in the world...
SueC is time travelling