Coronavirus: More than 80% of patients have mild disease and will recover

Started by dsanchez, February 23, 2020, 23:47:08

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Quote from: SueC on June 03, 2020, 12:36:51It seems we're reading the same articles!

Yeah, I got friends from UK and some share these articles on FB or elsewhere...
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


SueC is time travelling


Sadly it's the same thing (almost) everywhere...
QuoteGegründet haben wir die Initiative Künstler*innensoforthilfe als private Gruppe am Montag, 16 März.

Über Facebook/Instagram (Joe Bauer) und private Kontakte rufen wir zu Spenden für Künstler*innen und Kulturschaffende  im Raum Stuttgart auf, die aufgrund  der Pandemie-Krise in Not geraten sind. Viele sind  ohne jegliches Einkommen, oft haben sie auch noch ihren Nebenjob verloren.

Unsere kleine Initiative ist gedacht als Zeichen der Solidarität. Künstlerische und kulturelle Arbeit betrachten wir als unverzichtbar für ein humanes gesellschaftspolitisches  Leben und den kritischen Blick auf die Verhältnisse. Auch geht es uns darum, die Freiheiten eines internationalen, antirassistischen Miteinanders gegen die Feinde der Demokratie zu  verteidigen – und GEMEINSAM etwas zu TUN.

Den Begriff "Künstler*in" sehen wir keineswegs eng, vielmehr gilt unsere Unterstützung Kulturarbeit im weitesten Sinn: Wer z.  B. mit Veranstaltungsstätten zu tun hat, mit Veranstaltungstechnik und ähnlichen Tätigkeiten, gehört ebenso zu unserem Kreis.
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


The Cure via FB:

QuoteYouGov poll shows that 31% of people want to see big changes in the way the economy is run coming out of the crisis, with a further 28% wanting to see moderate changes and only 6% of people wanting to see no changes.
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


The story is infuriating, the way Crikey presented it is excellent, and I'm sure we're not the only country with such lunatics in charge.  From this morning's news email:


According to The New Daily, Scott Morrison will today announce a 10-year, $270 billion military package, to include long-range missiles, armed drones, and anti-submarine warfare capabilities.

The funding, which follows the $1.3 billion cyber-warfare boost outlined yesterday and comes as Australia grapples with a recession, is $75 billion more than a figure originally outlined in Malcolm Turnbull's 2016 Defence White Paper.

In his address at the Australian Defence Force Academy, Morrison will claim the record spending comes ahead of "a post-COVID world that is poorer, more dangerous and more disorderly".

FUN FACT: Permanently increasing JobSeeker to above poverty-levels would cost between $7-17 billion a year — not including the net economic benefit from supporting low-income spenders — while the ABC's job-destroying 2020-21 budget has been cut from $1.181 billion to $1.065 billion. Just some figures to keep in mind next time we are told what Australia can and cannot afford!

...JobSeeker is the new name for Australian unemployment support payments, which were well below the poverty line and resulted in much homelessness and despair before lots of people became unemployed with COVID-19 and the government then was forced to "temporarily" double the payments so people could eat and pay rent, now that they couldn't simply vilify the unemployed as "dole bludgers" and "leaners" and "entitled" anymore (because it would have cost them the votes of the many newly unemployed)... :evil:
SueC is time travelling


Two articles that really nail it this morning.  The first, on COVID-19 and international citizenship:

...and another on the next step in BLM, not just protesting...the harder part:
SueC is time travelling


Something fun from Japan about rollercoaster etiquette during the pandemic:  "Please scream inside your heart!"  :lol:
SueC is time travelling


QuoteReopening is a mess. Photographs of crowds jostling outside bars, patrons returning to casinos, and a tightly packed, largely maskless audience listening to President Donald Trump's speech at Mount Rushmore all show the U.S. careening back to pre-coronavirus norms. Meanwhile, those of us watching at home are like the audience of a horror movie, yelling "Get out of there!" at our screens. As despair rises, the temptation to shame people who fail at social distancing becomes difficult to resist.

But Americans' disgust should be aimed at governments and institutions, not at one another. Individuals are being asked to decide for themselves what chances they should take, but a century of research on human cognition shows that people are bad at assessing risk in complex situations. During a disease outbreak, vague guidance and ambivalent behavioral norms will lead to thoroughly flawed thinking.
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


You know, @Ulrich, I'm scratching my head - because when I recently commiserated with some American online pals about the horrendous situation in the States, I basically got, "What horrendous situation?" and when I said it was shocking that measures against the virus were taken so late and lockdown happened way too late and then they opened before the curve was properly flat, I got, "Our curve is flat.  And our hospitals are coping."  And when I said, "Well, look what happened in New York!" I got, "Well, New York handled it badly."  And when I said, "Well, I've seen updates on the American situation, and they don't look good!" I got, "The overseas media reports negatively on America."   :1f635:

I don't know what to say anymore, so I'm saying nothing.  Also all that whining about mask-wearing - honestly.  We're in a respiratory pandemic, for goodness' sake, and masks are an effective tool in the arsenal, and it's not a big thing to be doing.  I don't want to hear about how people's freedom is being infringed because they should wear a mask.  And funnily, we're not hearing people carrying on about that here, now that mask-wearing is officially recommended in Melbourne.

And here was a great comment from a Crikey reader today, on the second wave and lockdown in Melbourne:

July 10, 2020 at 1:49 pm

The fact remains that we are still all in this together. The virus is as infectious as ever and irresponsible behaviour on the part of a few can have disastrous consequences for all.

If you visit the ABC website today you'll find a report on a study from the UK that shows that a key differentiator of those nations that were successful in the first CoVid wave was their sense of communal solidarity (

This study reflects what most of us would expect intuitively. We were all pleasantly surprised at the way our federal and state governments managed to put their differences aside for the common good in complete contrast to previous behaviour, while events in the US clearly demonstrate the failure that comes when leaders try and maximise personal political advantage by sowing division amongst their constituents.

The media plays a critical role in maintaining this sense of solidarity. The actions of Fox News in the US over the course of the pandemic and, similarly, News Corp's various Australian outlets, have in my opinion been nothing short of criminal. I believe that in the US, they have been indirectly responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people.

Unfortunately, the articles that Crikey has run over the past few days also seem to be showing an increased propensity for criticism of government actions. It may well be that these criticisms are warranted, but a strong emphasis on negativity also eats away at the social solidarity that is our chief weapon in the fight against the virus.

I know that Crikey values its standing as a source of hard-hitting journalism. I also know that you've been running a determined campaign to increase subscriptions lately. I'm just one subscriber and I don't expect my voice to count for much, but can I respectfully request that your editors and journalists reconsider the direction you are taking with your reporting of the pandemic's progress? At the very least, if you feel it essential to public interest that particular government failings need to be highlighted or exposed, try and balance those reports with something positive. You are a moral, responsible and professional news organisation and you have set a high bar for yourselves. Please don't let us down.
SueC is time travelling


Quote from: SueC on July 10, 2020, 13:43:31... I got, "The overseas media reports negatively on America."

Well, there is a tendency to be "critical" towards the U.S. in (some) media. (And I admit myself, even if Trump did something good, I would go looking for the "hair in the soup"!!)

There is an ugly flipside to this, because some left-wing extremists go way over the top:

QuoteThere's been a steadily rising tide of conformity in recent years. Increasingly, we have been told what we are allowed to say, hear, see and know.

Swarming over the internet, the Left-wing mob is waging a campaign to silence dissenting voices and get free-thinking people removed from their jobs. And they have succeeded. Now the wokerati want to enter the bedroom and say who we may sleep with, too.

Take last week's attempt to 'cancel' the Killing Eve actress Jodie Comer. Her crime? Nothing she has said or thought.

Instead, the online trolls had been enraged to discovered who she is dating. The supposed culprit is an American lacrosse player called James Burke.

His crime? Mr Burke is alleged to be a registered Republican and a Donald Trump supporter. Cue an internet meltdown and a demand by activists that Comer be prevented from working again.

It's ludicrous. How can anyone demand that we restrict ourselves to partners who are in 100 per cent ideological alignment with the views of a Left-wing sect?

(DIsclaimer: I don't agree with everything said in that article, I'm just trying to show the other side of the coin.)
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Well, that's extremism for you!   :1f635:   Thank you, @Ulrich, much appreciated.  I need an Understandascope!

SueC is time travelling


Rather worrying, new infections worldwide on the rise:

QuoteInnerhalb von einem Tag sind die gemeldeten Zahlen an Neuinfektionen so hoch, wie noch nie zuvor seit Beginn der Corona-Pandemie. Ein Land ist besonders betroffen.
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


This one surely qualifies for a Darwin Award this year:

Quote from: undefined30-year-old dies after attending 'Covid party' in Texas

Patient said: 'I think I made a mistake, I thought this was a hoax, but it's not', according to health official.


That's right, a Covid party - where someone who returned a positive test is present so other people can test whether or not it is possible to get SARS-CoV-2 off them.   :1f635:

Human stupidity knows no bounds and like the universe, is always expanding...

SueC is time travelling


Quote from: SueC on July 14, 2020, 00:43:52This one surely qualifies for a Darwin Award this year...

I had the same thought when I'd heard this piece of news!
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...