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the worst cure cover you know?

Started by japanesebaby, January 04, 2006, 23:13:03

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as we know our favorite boys have (unfortunately) been covered by many other artists over the years. there are some good ones too but some pretty weird ones too. i don't know if this is the worst one ever but it's certainly bad and weird and hmmm... original:
it's 'friday i'm in love' by a finnish band called 'El?kel?iset' (= pensioners). they do nothing but cover songs but and although they have impressively broad repertoire (just look at it:   :shock:  :smt042 )
however, they do every song in a style of a traditional finnish dance called 'humppa'... (=very popular style among afternoon dance partys for middle-aged people together with going to bingo...) and they also "translate" the words in their own way so that every song tells about humppa dancing, friday i'm in love becomes 'perjantaina humpassa' = 'on friday at the humppa dances'

now it's even here for download IF you REALLY have nothing better to do...  :wink:  ...and it's a special live version! a treat!

(now i can't believe i took some time to upload this - it's sad really...   but at least i had the decency not to put it on the download section :wink:  )
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


I thought Dryden Mitchell's cover of Friday I'm in love was pretty bad.


i guess i have to check that one, never heard it
even though it's probably
TORTURE  :smt119  :smt120 :smt119  (but i'm almost there...)
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


Razorblades - Boys Don't Cry (on MTV Icon) :smt078

Oh My God what a shame to destroy the song like they did, and they were in front of the cure playing this...  :?
#Cheers - Patrick#


That's a riot, jb. :smt043 And to think how seriously these guys probably take their work. I can't imagine listening to all their covers. I think that might be TORTURE. :twisted:

I always enjoy weird stuff like this. I was certainly laughing very hard throughout. Thanks for sharing.

Is it the worst? Hard to say... The first tribute CD I bought was "Give Me The Cure", released in 1995 I think. There are some pretty terrible covers on there. It's been ages since I've listened to it, but there was a version of Catch on there that was just appalling. Maybe I should post it on here one of these days.

Razorblade, Doubt? You must mean Razorlight. :wink:


glad you got a laugh out of it  :-D   it's a crazy band for sure: but they do take themselves very seriously like you said and amazingly(?) they are also very popular... also in germany(!) i've heard   :oops:  
most of what they do drives you absolutely mad after ten seconds but they have some killer versions (like bon jovi's 'livin' on a prayer'...  :smt044 ). once i went to this party where someone put an el?kel?iset album on repeat for hours and it really much caused everyone to... hmm let's say to act a bit weird  :-D

i'd masochistically like to hear that bad version of catch... the weirder the better...   :lol:

(yes it's hard to say what's the worst one ever: there are ones that are very bad but still weirdly enjoyable and those that are just plain bad... the latter one's are the REAL torture i guess  :roll:  i'd say razorlight is among the torture section...)
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


Quote from: lostflower4
Razorblade, Doubt? You must mean Razorlight. :wink:

Yes, sorry...   :P Anyway, they are not better!!!  :lol:
#Cheers - Patrick#


Yeah, that was awful.

Of course, there is also the infamous 311 cover of "Lovesong"  :shock:


From "Give Me The Cure", for your displeasure:

The pathetic singing, the trombone (?, don't know my band instruments too well, I'll admit). It just couldn't get any worse for me. I just listened to this album for the first time in years, and now I can remember why. Overall it's pretty terrible. A few ok/good ones, but generally quite bad! :roll:

Perhaps another 10 years till I dust this one off... Sorry, but the humppa version is superior to this crap! :lol:


caley, thanks for this torture!  :smt082  it made me really laugh... and i guess i have to admit that this beats the humppa orchestra 6-0...

the master-mind behind this arrangement should really get some crappiness-award, it sounds as if somebody just found a random pile of deserted instruments and somehow mistook it for some great combination no-one's ever thought of before... well i can see why... the "horn section" is simply hilariously staggering and that singer sounds like he's choking... painful...  :smt095  :-D
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


I just come to listen the worst Cure cover ever

STRANGE DAY by Apotygma Berzerk

It gives me wishes to thrown in  :smt078

2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Just Like Heaven - Katie Mellua is pretty F***ing appalling by anyones standards, I can't stand it. It should be banned  :smt092


a letter to elise by blink-182 from icon.


Quote from: feefooa letter to elise by blink-182 from icon.

yeah, that was terrible
"and you finally found all your courage to
let it all go"


Quote from: strange_as_angels
Quote from: feefooa letter to elise by blink-182 from icon.

yeah, that was terrible

I agree!!!  8)
#Cheers - Patrick#