
Robert Smith: "The next album will be out hopefully in 2025"

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Best of: Disintegration

Started by dsanchez, January 19, 2006, 17:45:26

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which is your favourite song in this album?

22 (18.6%)
Pictures Of You
10 (8.5%)
2 (1.7%)
Love Song
2 (1.7%)
Last Dance
6 (5.1%)
3 (2.5%)
Fascination Street
7 (5.9%)
Prayers For Rain
10 (8.5%)
The Same Deep Water As Yo
19 (16.1%)
24 (20.3%)
7 (5.9%)
6 (5.1%)

Total Members Voted: 101


Choose your favourite song for this album!, and write down WHY do you think it's great


2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Fascination Street!! The bassline and the rythme are so great!!!
#Cheers - Patrick#


this one's hard... i'm half-way between fascination street and pictures of you... let's say

poy: wonderfully structured song, that powerful but gentle built up when the bass line starts rising towards the end is just huge...
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


"Plainsong" or "Pictures of You." I voted for "Plainsong," simply because it's the greatest album opening ever. It pulls ya in slowly, and builds to brilliance.
"A Hand in my Mouth. A Life Spills into the Flowers."


"Untilted" is my favorite for many reasons.  It has alway been a song that put me in a vibe that was totally out of this world (very moving).  This week it rings to a different vibe...

"feeling the monster climb deeper inside of me, feeling him gnawing my heart away hungrily"

Painful, powerful and passionate all in one.  The lyrics to this song are so true to what has been happening to me this week in losing someone I truely cared for but never took the time to speak to her about what she was to me and how I felt about her.  Now she is gone and my heart has been gnawed by the monster of love.  I'll keep the pain but lose the memories...  


Bye Nelly... I loved you.



Fascination Street, why?

The BASSLINE :smt118  :rocker

Tristan Berlin

It's a difficult decision because I like almost every song from "disintgration". But I can explain one thing: I love to play bass during hearing this album and the song bassplaying is most fun is "homesick". I love to play it!!!! So I vote vor "homesick".  :D


"The Same Deep Water As You" is my favorite.  I remember exactly where I was the first time I heard the song (in my car) and I felt like I was in another world.  Everything from the melting, watery bassline repeating, to the injured, effected guitar lines are perfect.  The song embodies what it means to be hopelessly lost and hurt and fading in a relationship.  Very rare that a song can convey such emotion... simply elegant.
"... sleeping less every night"


Prayers For Rain. I love the way it builds up at the start, best song on the album by far. 8)  8)  8)  8)


This was a very difficult choice because I think that every song on disintegration is unique but also sort of complimentary to each other.  I picked plainsong because it sets a nice tone, and it always puts me in sort of this blissful state.  It reminds me of that fluttering feeling you get when you read something perfect.  Quite possibly the most beautiful song ever!


I chose Untitled...but i love Plainsong and Prayers for Rain also...Untitled have something inside...behind that track...i don't know exactly, but it is something fantastic.


I love all the songs from disintegration
Plainsong is the most beautiful opening, untitled ends so peacefully, pictures of you has a lot of meaning for me, Lovesong is exactly how I feel about someone at the moment, last dance is so sad, I'll never forget hearing The same deep water as you for the first time, facination street has such an amazing sound...
oh I can't decide!
"and you finally found all your courage to
let it all go"


this is a tough one.  i chose last dance becasue of some personal memories.  this song brings a tear to my eyes every now and then.  disintegration and the same deep water as you are both a close, close second.  



We start saying that this album is great, all songs are very nice and have something unique.
But finally I voted for Closedown, maybe because this song remebers me an old love-story between one girl and me that ended in bad manner... now only faboulous notes of Closedown remain.
[move][b][glow=red,6,28]100 Years[/glow][/b][/move]


My favorite: fascination street before disintegration.