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"Push" A Curefan Documentary

Started by CureWhispers, July 30, 2005, 22:13:35

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I recently found this on the COF site, if you haven't seen it CHECK IT OUT!! I think the work is so GREAT!!!

Tristan Berlin

Hey, thanks for the link. I like it. It's good to see people who enjoy this great band like me and how happy they are. It's always very amazing to join a tour and visit she shows of them. Thank God for giving us music, thank God for giving us The Cure  :D

Cheers, Tr#


Such an amazing performance of Want there...


Didn't know where to post this. Interesting material there, check it:

2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo

Cold Colours

What happened to this documentary?  The website link no longer works, either here or at COF.  Did they not get enough support and/or funding to finish or distribute this film?  I enjoyed the trailer when it was available.  Was really looking forward to seeing this someday.

Is there anyone involved with this project posting here on the Curefans forums that could give us anymore information about the film's status?

Not that big of a deal but I was just curious as why this now seems to be dead on arrival.
[i]Follow me to where the real fun is[/i]


I have contacted the person who did the Documentary:

maybe she can put the video in YouTube?
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Hey there 2005! The short answer is, Cure Fan Doc is on Life-Support. Not dead, not quite living, but still here. In the 20 years going of trying to make this project into a real movie, we have never gotten enough funding to finish the film. We are still working!  Bigger response coming up...

Quote from: Cold Colours on July 16, 2008, 21:24:27What happened to this documentary?  The website link no longer works, either here or at COF.  Did they not get enough support and/or funding to finish or distribute this film?  I enjoyed the trailer when it was available.  Was really looking forward to seeing this someday.

Is there anyone involved with this project posting here on the Curefans forums that could give us anymore information about the film's status?

Not that big of a deal but I was just curious as why this now seems to be dead on arrival.


Hello! Here are some FAQ about PUSH - A Cure Fan Documentary. I hope this helps:

Q: What's happening now?
A: You can find links to everything here:
   Youtube, facebook, insta, yadda yadda. Our website is under construction but should be up in a few days.

Q: How did it all start? A: In 1996 my friends and I followed 5 shows and were determined to meet the band. We got lucky, and did. I was blown away at the world I stepped into. I had no idea other fans went to show many shows, across America and the world. By 1998, I was compelled to document my adventures of following The Cure. I wanted the band to be a part of it and to share video. So I pitched the idea to them. Robert Smith said yes, Go for it. Robert, Perry and Daryl gave me tickets and passes to all the shows in America for the Dream tour. Photo or Media passes. It was a very, very DIY situation. Not ok'd by the venue per so. It was ok's by the band in person, but nothing was every signed off on paper. I agreed to keep the band out of it as much as possible and focus on the fans. But I needed the live stuff and some bits of the band interacting with fans. Most of my material is from The Dreamtour.

Q: What happened after the Dreamtour? A: I struggled as a new film maker on how to tie the story together. There were holes everywhere. I needed major help or it would just be a mediocre diary of sorts. Plus, I had to work. My jobs have always been 10-18 hour days....I tried on and off for years to get help from professionals. Most wanted to help but I needed money to pay them. Without a signature from The Cure, regarding permission to use the music, professionals would not sign on in fear of being sued. The punchline is I even got an interview on video in 2004 with Robert in a radio station that he let me tape. But again, with nothing on paper, the professionals are not interested in something that cannot get proper Error and omissions insurance.

CureFanDoc was frozen from about 2008-2014. I spent those years making my way up in the film industry as an Assistant Director. I moved to New York. I barely had enough time to breathe. I had given up. But the footage would not give up on me. It was like the stacks of tapes were haunting me. Finish this! Put it out there! Some way somehow! in 2014 I ran into Daryl Bamonte on the streets of London, which brought a new wind into my step. I also re-examined the material, and showed some story ideas to Roger and Jason. Roger Loved it. He was extremely supportive. But there was still the issue of music licensing, and so on.

From 2016 until now, I carry on filming fans, and filming outside of venues. I no longer am granted access inside to film. The band are aware that I am still trying. I have no idea where Robert stands on it.

Q: Why not slap it together and put it on Youtube? A: This is a huge undertaking that, to me, is bigger than just releasing what I have shot in raw form onto Youtube. It could get taken down anytime because of music licensing, just like any bootleg Cure Video can. It is also mainly shot in SD - it needs proper upres.  There is a good chance I will die before I ever get the money to finish this, and I will make arrangements for the footage to be released then. But until my passing, I have to stay true to me. This is my life story and the biggest passion I have ever had. I want to release the material edited well, with sound cleaning, color correction, and story arches.  If 2 million dollars landed in my lap tomorrow, I would work on it every day for 10 hours, hire all the lawyers needed, pay for all of the music licensing, pay an editor/sound person/colorist/titler/post production super/story editor/ and on - and who knows. Maybe it would end up on Youtube after all. Some bits already are on our channel.

Q: Isn't there anything you can do now? A: Bits are all over our social meida - youtube, facebook, etc. That is the best I can do for now. You will get a taste for the quality I can produce on my budget. I want to produce the story of Cure fans, to last well beyond our lifetimes. This has been my vision forever. It delights me that The Cure know how loyal their fans are. I am so excited for the Tim Pope and RS doc to come to life. I am forever grateful to be given the opportunity back in 2000 to shoot. This was the best time of my life.I have producers on board, once again, who are working with me to get funding and work with legal issues.

Q: Are you doing this to make money?
A; No. CureFanDoc has always been and always will be a passion project. I've invested thousands upon thousands over the years. Should I ever be in a position to make any sort of profit, I would ideally like to work with Robert on donating any profit to the charity of his choice.

Any other questions please contact me at


Postcards from the 2022 Shows of a Lost World Tour:

2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo