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Ideas for Christmas

Started by dsanchez, November 09, 2006, 22:17:20

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Christmas is coming and among other things, it's specially a time to SHARE.

Here at my work we play at the "secret friend". That means, we get pappers with the name of someone and then I am suposse to buy a present for this person who does not expect a present from me. You've got it?

Thought we should make something like that or something else here.



2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


on the white stripes forum i go on we have a christmas mix cd swap, someone organises and all participants get give a member, we then send a compilation cd to them. we also recieve one from another member, whho gets whos CD is kept secret to add to the fun of getting it. its a simple but fun idea


it is a great idea, but how could we make it work?????
its nice to be nice


This is a great idea but difficult to organize !!!

Who can take part ???

How to select the "secret friend" ???

how to choose gifts ???


its relativly simple;

1. someone volounteers to take charge

2. everybody who wants to take part and is willing to send their compilation cd anywhere in the world emails the person in charge wit their username, real name and address.

3. at a set date entrys are closed. the person in charge starts to randomly distribute members to people, eg i could be told i would be sending my cd to david and tof could be told he would be sending to me.

4. this is all kept secret so its funner when we recieve our mix cd

5. enjoy the new music!

you could also impose a rule like only people who are active enough can take part but that might not work here. the person in charge must not give out your details to anyone other than the person sending you a cd, there for i think a moderator would be the best candidate for this job.


Thanks for your ideas farquad. Actually we do something quite similar here at my work. We put our name in pieces of papper. Then everyone go to get a papper randomly.

We will see how it works in

Thanks again farquad92  :smth023


2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


no problem, ive already made the cd for the other forum so all il have to do is take out the cure track for something else and im done (i propse a no cure or glove or banshees tracks; basically anything the band have played on we dont just want a trilogy compilation :lol:) and also no more than 2 tracks per artist on the compilation f or the same reason.

i highly doubt mine will go down well at all here but you never know i put pull the one other member with similiar tastes.


Can we work this out this time?. Of course no-one is obligated, but it might be fun  :smth023
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Here in OZ it's called 'Kris Kringle'... names pulled out of a 'hat' and you are obliged to get that name you picked out..a gift.. usually with a limit.. ay $5, or $10. It occurs also in families where the 'spirit'  of christmas has been so commercialised.. :smth011

I have always liked the idea of Kris Kringle.. that way, you have a limited budget, and only have one present to purchase.. and everyone benefits..sometimes for a grateful cause, and that's what x-mas is about.. the thought, Not the $$$$$$.
I'm in guys..  :smth023
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


What a great idea!! Of course, the logistics are a little overwhelming, but I am sure someone here will be able to work it all out!! May I make a suggestion? Because I am SURE that my other tastes in music would not appeal to say, the younger members ( and probably not the older ones either!!) and that the cd disc would more than likely end up as a coaster, I was thinking, how about a small "souvenier" from your own country or region?  I live in a small coastal town, well known for it's fishing, large port for ships, the prawn fleet etc. There are some lovely 'fridge magnets, coasters,spoons, key rings etc. depicting this. Not expensive items, reasonably small and inexpensive to post. I would LOVE to receive something similar from a country far away and would be so happy to send something like this to someone! I'm not saying to scrap the cd idea, not at all, but maybe having a choice of gifts to send would be ok? It is a shame this idea didn't come up earlier, as the xmas post is full on now, but, even if the gifts didn't arrive until after xmas, it is indeed, the thought that counts. What do you think?   :smth017
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain "...


Hhhmm....they've actually been doing a gift exchange over at MFC for years.  Never participated in it. :smth023

Dunno if I could participate in one of those gift exhcanges here either.  Only cos I'm still sort of new here and I don't really know anyone.  Plus I'm broke. :(   


Cool idea melly! I like that because we are from pretty much everywere all over the world it could be quite good. I like both ideas - there's no better gift than the gift of music  :D


Quote from: melly on November 30, 2007, 05:58:58
and that the cd disc would more than likely end up as a coaster, I was thinking, how about a small "souvenier" from your own country or region? 

I'm pretty broke too, but a coaster would come in handy!!  ;)   
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


 :D Yes i like both idea's, but really also like Melly's idea, As it can be hard to buy music or The Cure, seeing as though
most people have got it already.

And iam also broke at moment, So i like the mystery, surprise idea.  :smth023  thats great to open something from oversea's
and not know what it is.
Iam also doing this at moment, making a small gift for someone oversea's.  Sweet idea    :smth050 :smth051


Quote from: melly on November 30, 2007, 05:58:58
I was thinking, how about a small "souvenier" from your own country or region?  I live in a small coastal town, well known for it's fishing, large port for ships, the prawn fleet etc. There are some lovely 'fridge magnets, coasters,spoons, key rings etc. depicting this. Not expensive items, reasonably small and inexpensive to post.

That's nice idea. I was also thinking that it has not to be mandatory to send a CD or a music-related gift (however if someone wants to do it, he's free to do it so, of course). So let's do this way:

*We would need at least 10 people to make this happen. I don't think it has much sense when we are +1500 members, and only 4 or 6 people are interested.

*Persons interested in the "Secret friend" game may send an e-mail to indicating their complete name and address until 7th december at most.

*Randomly, will choose the pair of members who will exchange the gifts. Every member will be notified by 9th december who will be his/her "Secret friend"

*Members who are in the game engage to send her/his gift as soon as possible (as christmas is quite soon!)

If you have any suggestions please send me a PM! :smth023



ps: hope the other staff members will join the idea :roll:
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo