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Ideas for Christmas

Started by dsanchez, November 09, 2006, 22:17:20

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I'm in too!
Don't expect musical gifts from me though, because I'm into oldies but goodies and have no musical revelations to share....And besides, I couldn't record a decent compilation to save my life, I'd probably botch it all up!


Quote from: robiola on December 05, 2007, 23:10:49
I'm in too!
Don't expect musical gifts from me though, because I'm into oldies but goodies and have no musical revelations to share....And besides, I couldn't record a decent compilation to save my life, I'd probably botch it all up!

Same here!    :oops: It would take me until NEXT XMAS to put one together!!!!  :smth023
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Quote from: ROGUE on December 05, 2007, 16:50:37
:smth050  Iam inn, but not sure if posty will make it ontime, even with air-mail.  Otherwise me in.  :smth023

Oh well, nice thought anyway David.   :smth051

Doesn't really matter if the pressies arrive after xmas day...which they probably will, but sometimes it nice to get something afterwards....
I hope it all goes ahead!!
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain "...


I agree melly.. it may not reach destination till after xmas.. but still exciting though! :smth006

david, how are we going? it is the 7th here.. have we reached enuff numbers? I'm sure maybe next year with a little more prep, we can gradually build numbers!  :smth023
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Melly~ Yes iam still inn, if after xmas.

But love the idea of whatever goes= surprise gifts  :D  (music is good also, but i personally find hard
to choose for others.)  So if you want to give music is good, but i think i will choose 'other'  to give, and also dont mind after xmas.

Lovely idea either way.  :smth051   :smth050

but thinking of David and the problems,  I also dont mind if we do it next xmas.  :smth023  In the meantime is the thought that matters,
and being late, people having their own problems,

Next year probably also better for me. (to be honest)   i stay tunned though and see what happens  :smth058


Dear members,

Everyone who wrote to joining this game must have by now his/her "secret friend" details.

Every person was given a number and then randomly we re-ordered the numbers to form the pairs.

If you have any further question please write to

Remember to keep as secret who is your "Secret friend". The surprise is the most important thing in this game!

Enjoy :smth023

2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Eeeeek... I got a really hard one! :smth100

Ok, ok, secrecy is mandatory, I'll say no more....


just as a matter of interest, how many did we end up with?

Got mine early yesterday morning, and seeing as though we had to go out, thought I would go and buy my "secret present" for my secret pretty excited about it all, took a while to pick what I wanted to send...OoOo will they like this..or this...Hmmm..maybe that... payed for it and hightailed it to the post office, name and address firmly in hand. Now, I know we live in a country town, and that, apart from the supermarket, everything closes at mid-day on a Saturday  ( lots of sport played you know) I was SO cross that after I cannoned into the post office door (thought it would be open!!) I read in disbelief, on the door, that they close at 11am on a Saturday!!  :smth099  They are new in town, the people running it...I think they have a bit to learn!! Especially at Xmas time!! I was pretty disappointed, you know, all excited and happy to be posting off this pressie... gotta wait until Monday now... Hmmmpphh...  :smth012
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain "...


hey guys,

We've got this question today

Quotewhen i send my secret friend a xmas gift, do I reveal who I am ( my real name and address)? Normally I put a return address on mail, so I know if it gets lost. I have no problem with revealing who I am, but what are the rules?

And the answer is OF COURSE! have to put your name on the envelope you're sending to your secret friend. Otherwhise how she/he will known who's sending the gift? :smth001

For example, I plan to write a small letter to my secret friend and so on. And of course I'll put my name in the envelope, etc.

The only rule would be not to reveal who's your secret friend until he/she say that he/she got your gift. That's all I guess :smth001
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


wow the poeple in this topic become increase....congarts.. :smth023 :smth023

i just courier a present gift to miss lady and mr disintergration....
:rocker :rocker

we exchange the gift....

why don't all of you exchange gift before celebrate christmas....i cant wait 19th lovely humpy boyfriend will be back to Malaysia...i cant wait to see him.... :)
Life full of colorful, beautiful and mystery...just need to will come and chase you...


Quote from: FarFar on December 10, 2007, 05:34:46
wow the poeple in this topic become increase....congarts.. :smth023 :smth023

i just courier a present gift to miss lady and mr disintergration....
:rocker :rocker

we exchange the gift....

why don't all of you exchange gift before celebrate christmas....i cant wait 19th lovely humpy boyfriend will be back to Malaysia...i cant wait to see him.... :)

Because most of us are at opposite ends of the planet, it will be a miracle in itself if any of the presents arrive before xmas,as we have to post our gifts; I think using a courier service could be a tad expensive!!  :smth001  And because this brilliant idea only came up recently, it's get in the post and hope for the best!! It is nice to receive something after xmas anyway, it's the thought that counts!! ( unless it's a card from someone you's like Oh No..too late to send them a Merry Christmas card!!) When I went to post my present off, the lady in the post office weighed it, then told me how much it would cost to send airmail..I explained to her that I didn't wish for it to have an actual seat on the 'plane... :shock:  So, a rethink was called for!! All sorted out now, and I have resumed normal breathing...after that shock!! :smth038

Good news about your boyfriend..(Humpy?? dare I ask??!!)
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain "...


Quote from: FarFar on December 10, 2007, 05:34:46
i just courier a present gift to miss lady and mr disintergration....
:rocker :rocker

we exchange the gift....

:smth023 Your present is on the way!  ;)
Datemi un cielo per caderci dentro!
LADY, la luce nel mio buio!


am pleased we can put a little note in with our parcel.  :D
The other one feeds on my hesitation
Grows inside of my trepidaton
Buries his claws in my dislocation
I whisper your name to lose control


Mmmmhhhh..Please tell me again that this is all about the Xmas spirit and the joy of sharing and it's the thought that counts... Because I drew a name which leaves me at a total loss! Oh well.

@FarFar: I too, like Melly, would really like to know what a humpy boyfriend is like. Doesn't sound half bad, actually.


I hope iam not too late, forgot about this., Umm so i have sent msg to David,  I thought i was inn, already.  But thats ok= Enjoy everyone.

But wondering, do we register our addresses and send them directly from origin, Or does curefans resend them ? 

thank you, also sent address.  That how it works?   (i wasnt sure it would happen, nice it is, looking forward buying something for a secret person)

Such a nice idea.  :-D