
Robert Smith: "The next album will be out hopefully in 2025"

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Started by Steve, April 08, 2007, 08:56:52

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Second disc with headphones on as it's still fairly early.
CLT Into the Void.
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


Quote from: Steve on April 08, 2007, 08:56:52

Second disc with headphones on as it's still fairly early.
CLT Into the Void.

you know i have that one on my desk, in my "listening queue", waiting for it's turn... 8)

i've been going through the NIN back catalogue lately since they will be playing in helsinki next tuesday - looking forward to that...!  :rocker
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


For some reason NIN just passed me by completely.
I got this from a friend in Scotland recently & really enjoyed it.
I'm planning a "shopping" trip to amazon later, so something else may end up coming my way.
Can you recommend anything?
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


i've always really liked 'the fragile' a lot, although i suppose any "real fan" (:lol:) should say it's too long and incoherent etc. etc.
- a bit like any "real" cure fans are supposed to be bashing WMS, i suppose...
anyway, i always liked it a lot. for me there's certain kind of "glide" on it that is not found on other NIN albums and which i really genuinely like.
then again, i cannot not recommend 'pretty hate machine' and 'downward spiral' too. :smth023
i'd say those two are worth getting.

some of the re-mix "albums" are pretty useless (like 'thing falling apart' etc.). some good re-workings here and there but nothing more.
i didn't enjoy the latest album 'with teeth' either. whereas it's a good thing that mr. reznor feels a lot better these days than he obviously did in the late 90s and it's good that he didn't end up going down that certain spiral altogether AND whereas i do know it's a stupid thing to say it, but i'm still almost left with the feeling that he did make better music when he was all messed up. 'the fragile' is the peak of that, i suppose.
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


Thanks for the tip Marika.
Downward Spiral in the cart  ;)

I know you won't like it Marika, but the discussion on the re-masters got me going & this is one of my fave bands. 8)
For years we have had to endure the frankly totally sh!t original CD transfer of this, unless we were lucky enought to have the WEA mixes bootleg.
This re-issue is finally correct  :-D
Still doesn't make up for the lack of new recorded material for 15years  :evil:
Think I'll go find a bus station this afternoon  ;)
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


Quote from: Steve on April 08, 2007, 10:28:02
Thanks for the tip Marika.
Downward Spiral in the cart  ;)
hope you like it - after all, there's no CD collection without 'hurt'... 
(ooo i know saying things like that makes one sound like a total twat haha - ok sorry)

Quote from: Steve on April 08, 2007, 10:28:02
I know you won't like it Marika, but the discussion on the re-masters got me going & this is one of my fave bands. 8)
For years we have had to endure the frankly totally sh!t original CD transfer of this, unless we were lucky enought to have the WEA mixes bootleg.
This re-issue is finally correct  :-D
Still doesn't make up for the lack of new recorded material for 15years  :evil:
Think I'll go find a bus station this afternoon  ;)
hmm maybe i should try to convert myself over again... not sure - you see i tried so many times already. ;)
anyway, no doubt it's an improvement for sure.

about the stations: i'll actually be on my way to the railway station later today for real. so maybe i'll just go hang around well in time and sort of "spike it up" a bit, i'm feeling slightly nostagic today... hehehe i think the H&M kiddies need something to stare at for a change instead of being stared at themselves hahaha :P :P
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


Maybe we can start a "hanging around bus stations" thread where people send in pics of themselves pouting & **** in their cheeks etc.
:smth082 :smth082 :smth082
We can give them marks out of 10 for "goffness".
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


CLT (well, watching really)

Dead good, cleaned up re-mastered (that word again).

I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake



Ahrayeph are a revalation to me. I have their demo disc & it is v good (IMHO)
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


Quote from: japanesebaby on April 08, 2007, 09:45:35but i'm still almost left with the feeling that he did make better music when he was all messed up.

Same might be said about Robert, no?


Or anyone for that matter.
Hendrix, Morrison, Led Zep, Robbie that last one  :oops:
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


"Pompeii Am Gotterdamerung" (sp) off of the last Flaming Lips album... Phenomenal song. Can't wait until the DVD-A/surround version comes this week...

Oh, and I totally agree on The Fragile. It's neither too long, nor too incoherent, IMO. I like the repeating/similar musical themes that surface and re-surface throughout the album. Parts of certain songs can be clipped and pasted into totally different songs and fit and sound pretty natural. I haven't listened to it in a while, so examples are not coming to me right away.

Oh, now it's "Heavenly Nobodies" by Lush.


I like this thread already.
We can read the posts & think, "ahah! haven't listened to that in ages" & can also see what others are listening to & open other doors for ourselves into "uncharted waters" perhaps.

The best version of A Hundred Years I think I have ever heard!

I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


Quote from: rjl on April 09, 2007, 18:20:50
Oh, and I totally agree on The Fragile. It's neither too long, nor too incoherent, IMO. I like the repeating/similar musical themes that surface and re-surface throughout the album. Parts of certain songs can be clipped and pasted into totally different songs and fit and sound pretty natural. I haven't listened to it in a while, so examples are not coming to me right away.

yes, exactly. i think it's actually pretty succesful in the use of repeted materials/themes/motives. every other album i knew that tried the same more or less failed, yet 'the fragile' manages to produce interesting and meaningful links and arches between the songs. you get these repeated feelings of deja-vu that really serve something within the overall structure.
of course the structure isn't as straightforwardly powerful as it is with 'downward spiral' - maybe people simply grew to expect something similar again and again. but i especially like the contrast and combination that placing such straightforward material within such a layered structure produces. because in that way just about everything in it becomes much more dimensional and meaningful. to me  'downward spiral' is very "chronological", like you "read it from left to right". in 'the fragile' it suddenly becomes three-dimensional.
i haven't found many people to agree with me on this, but this is the reason why i do think that 'the fragile' actually is a step forward from 'downward spiral'.

Quote from: rjl on April 09, 2007, 18:20:50
"Pompeii Am Gotterdamerung" (sp) off of the last Flaming Lips album... Phenomenal song. Can't wait until the DVD-A/surround version comes this week...

ahh i have to admit i'm pretty much totally illiterate with flaming lips - i guess i should get this distortion fixed someday soon.  :oops:

Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake