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2008.12.15 Los Angeles, CA 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' *SOLD OUT*

Started by crowbi_wan, December 02, 2008, 23:54:21

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The Cure
Outdoor mini-concert

Mon Dec 15, 2008
Location: El Capitan Outdoor Stage, Los Angeles, CA
Arrival Time: 6:15 PM

Tickets are now available!,3962,Jimmy-Kimmel-Live-THE-CURE-outdoor-mini-concert.html


No clue as to how long The Cure will play.  Didn't they do three songs in '04 with the credits rolling during the second song?  I was reading a blog that said the Silversun Pickups played for a half hour!  That would be great for those attending to get a free 30 minute set.  :D

Get your tickets before they're gone.  They will be gone soon, that's for sure.



Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


Does anyone need a ticket for this?  I grabbed one just in case someone wasn't around their computer yesterday and was wanting to go.  Let me know and we'll get the ticket transferred.


i think they played a half hour or so last time on kimmel..


Quote from: crowbi_wan on December 03, 2008, 20:08:19
Does anyone need a ticket for this?  I grabbed one just in case someone wasn't around their computer yesterday and was wanting to go.  Let me know and we'll get the ticket transferred.

Hi, yes I do! Someone on suggested I look here for a ticket. I'm flying from Montana just to see The Cure while they are in LA. I would be so grateful for a ticket!



Quote from: minisuperjennifer on December 08, 2008, 03:06:46
Quote from: crowbi_wan on December 03, 2008, 20:08:19
Does anyone need a ticket for this?  I grabbed one just in case someone wasn't around their computer yesterday and was wanting to go.  Let me know and we'll get the ticket transferred.

Hi, yes I do! Someone on suggested I look here for a ticket. I'm flying from Montana just to see The Cure while they are in LA. I would be so grateful for a ticket!


It's yours.  Have you registered at  I'll need the e-mail address you signed up with in order to transfer the ticket.  PM me if you don't want to post your e-mail in public.



Yes I am registered. I just sent you an email. Please let me know if you do/do not get it.

Wow, I am so grateful! Tracking down Cure tickets has practically become a part-time job for me this last week. This is the first success I've had. THANK YOU!!!!!!



Hey guys! After purchasing tix to Kimmel and Daley on Craigslist, I won an auction on ebay for Leno tix. The auction also included tickets to Kimmel and Daley. Now I've got two extra tickets for both of these shows. I've been a die hard Cure fan for almost 20 years, and I am NOT trying to make any $$$ off of this, I just want to break even. I spent a total of $156 on all these tix. For the Kimmel and Daley shows I'm asking $50 for each pair of tickets. I can transfer them immediately through the 1iota website. Please e-mail me at if you are interested.


I may have an extra ticket for the Leno taping tomorrow. I need to hear back from a friend who does not think she can get off of work now. I'm not worried about selling this one, I'll gladly share it with another Cure fan.


Prayers for NO rain, thats what this night was. after waiting in the rain and hail storms for 5 hours, I and about 150 other people did not get in. They had to cancell the outdoor mini concert and bring it indoors, Mr. Kimmels security staff told us it will be anouther hour before you are all seated, we waited anouther 2 hours in the cold rain, just to find out from other cure fans that they were not going to let anyone else in, They did not have the balls to tell us this fact, just let us stand there like fools, I spoke to 1iota there production company over the phone the next day, It was just a big mess, they felt bad for us, unfortunatly they could not do anything for us, It was the first time in 6 years they had to cancell an outdoor show, they said they learned alot of lessons that night, I suggested they build a big awning over the little parking lot stage to hold these outdoor shows, problem solved, They did a sound check of prayers for rain, right before they cancelled the outdoor show  lucky me :evil: - Unfortunalty shit happens



I believe Kimmel will broadcast one song and show another as the credits roll.  At least that's what I've seen in the past.  More songs might very well be available online.  Not really sure about that, though. 


Quote from: JavKiss on December 17, 2008, 02:08:36
Prayers for NO rain, thats what this night was. after waiting in the rain and hail storms for 5 hours, I and about 150 other people did not get in. They had to cancell the outdoor mini concert and bring it indoors, Mr. Kimmels security staff told us it will be anouther hour before you are all seated, we waited anouther 2 hours in the cold rain, just to find out from other cure fans that they were not going to let anyone else in, They did not have the balls to tell us this fact, just let us stand there like fools, I spoke to 1iota there production company over the phone the next day, It was just a big mess, they felt bad for us, unfortunatly they could not do anything for us, It was the first time in 6 years they had to cancell an outdoor show, they said they learned alot of lessons that night, I suggested they build a big awning over the little parking lot stage to hold these outdoor shows, problem solved, They did a sound check of prayers for rain, right before they cancelled the outdoor show  lucky me :evil: - Unfortunalty shit happens

Man, that sucks!  What is up with the CA weather this week?  The whole time I was out there, it rained, and the weather forecast in SanDiego called for rain 7 days straight!


Hey guys! Yup it was a big ole mess. I am really upset with 1iota. Especially the manager. This is a bit long, but here is the story......

A few days earlier for the Carson Daley show, about 10 of us spent the night to get front row for the show, then another 30 or so were there almost all day. When they let us in, they seated most of us on the opposite side where the band would play and were going to fill in the front of the stage with extra people outside. A bunch of us complained and they decided to let only the first seated row (about 12 people) go to the stage. I was the first person in the second row. I asked the manager if we could go as well and he was rude to me. I explained how I had camped out and he said "If you don't like how we do things here, you can just leave." Luckily someone else spoke to someone else and our line was allowed to go as well, then they filled the rest in with people outside. I was about 5 people deep back from the stage, but others who had camped out could not even leave their seats. I later found out this manager was rude to quite a few of us Cure fans.

Fast forward to the Jimmy Kimmel show. I did not camp out this time, but did show up around Noon. We waited all day in the freezing, pouring rain. A large group of us were all sharing a big bottle of red wine and OJ. This was really early in the day, around 2pmish. Anyways, hours later the manager of 1iota shows up again. He goes out of his way to walk up to me, get really close to my face and say "I remember you." He says it almost flirtatiously though. I reply, "Yeah, you were really rude to me at Daley show." He says, "I was just doing my job." I shrug as if to say "whatever" and turn my back on him. I am confused at the whole conversation. I don't know if he was trying to hit on me or what.

Fast forward a couple of more hours. I have since eaten an IN and OUT burger and the wine and the evidence of the wine is long gone. Plus now we are really soaked to the bone. A friend and I go to use the restroom. By this point I know the outdoor show is canceled, but I was told as long as we have a wristband we will make it inside to the taping. We come back, and attempt to get back in line. The manager walks up to us as though we are cutting. Everyone in line vouches for me being there all day long. Of course I am immediately defensive. This guy messed with me before and he saw my place in line. He gets up to my face again and says "I smell alcohol on you". He walks away and I hear him tell security, "Remove her from line, she is drunk and belligerent." Security comes up to me(they knew us from being there all day) and he says "I'm sorry I have to follow orders" I tell him I am not drunk, nor belligerent. He says "I know, but I have to follow orders."   

Once again, people in line are sticking up for me. The manger just keeps repeating the "drunk and belligerent" thing. If he smelled wine on me, then he smelled wine on about 10 people in front of me as well. There is no way he smelled anything. If anything I had onion breath from the In and Out burger!

At this point I realize this guy is just abusing his power. Why he chose to pick on me I do not know. He obviously knew how much this meant to me. Tears start to come to my eyes and instead of standing there and arguing, I run to my car and cry and cry and cry. I could not win. Had I argued, I probably would have actually became belligerent because the whole situation was unfair. 

It was the most unjustified, f*cked up thing to ever happen to me.

Thanks for listening to my story....