
Robert Smith: "The next album will be out hopefully in 2025"

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Get the new Cure album "4:13 Dream" for FREE

Started by dsanchez, October 12, 2008, 23:03:00

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Dear Curefans,

Unfortunately we noticed that many members didn't get a notification of the upcoming contest. Because of this we were forced to re-schedule the contest from Monday to Thursday of this week.

This means that to celebrate the release of the new Cure album, we will now be giving away a free CD of "4:13 Dream" this THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 at 22.00-23.00 central European time(*). We will be posting 13 Cure questions in this topic.


Only members with at least 1 post can participate in the contest.
The contestant cannot modify his/her answers after posting them.


The winner will be the first person who has answered all 13 questions correctly.

We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to your participation!

The Staff

(*) Times in other cities: Moscow: 24:00, Johannesburg 22:00, London 21:00, Buenos Aires: 18:00, New York: 16:00, Lima and Mexico DF (and most parts in the west of South America): 15:00, Tokyo: 5:00 Sydney: 7:00 (in Tokyo and Sydney it will already be Friday 24th October)

Check the remaining time until the contest
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo



Question 01
4:13 has a song that shares a name with a Siouxsie and the Banshees song, "Switch".

Which artist goes with which new Cure single/B-side and how so?

Britney Spears --
Evanescense --
Venom --
Blonde Redhead --
Van Halen --

Question 02
What was the only new song played during the 2007-08 shows that does not appear on 4:13?

Question 03
What model of bass did Simon Gallup during the 1986 tour?

Question 04
What was the longest show during the 4Tour?

Question 05
...there's really nothing in the world
I would do
to get a NEW YORK Disney smile from you

(NY Trip)

Name at least three other cities that have been mentioned in Cure lyrics over the years + name the songs in question.

Question 06
Which song from the "4:13 Dream" was originally written during "The Head on the Door" sessions?

Question 07
What was "The Only One" called when it was first played live?

Question 08
We've had lovecats and imaginary lemurs...
How many different animals make an appearance in the 4:13 singles/b-sides?

Question 09
7 new songs were introduced during on the 2007-08 4Tour. Name the cities and dates where each new song was debuted (this does not include the recent Roma show!)

Question 10
Considering the entire history of The Cure, name the four members who have been in the band the longest.

Question 11
The release date for 4:13 is 2008-10-28. When was the last time The Cure played a live concert on that date?

Question 12
On 1 May 2008, The Cure, via MySpace, confirmed that the album would be released on ... ? (cite the date)

Question 13
When was created?

Please publish your answers in this topic.
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo



Pregunta 01
En el "4:13 Dream", The Cure tiene una canción llamada "Switch", el mismo nombre de una de las canciones de Siouxsie and the Banshees.

¿Qué otros artistas tienen esta coincidencia con The Cure en los singles/B-Sides lanzados en los últimos meses?

Britney Spears --
Evanescense --
Venom --
Blonde Redhead --
Van Halen --

Pregunta 02
¿Cuál fue la única nueva canción tocada durante los conciertos en el 2007-2008 que NO aparece en el nuevo disco de The Cure?

Pregunta 03
¿Cuál es el modelo de bajo que Simon Gallup usó durante la gira de 1986?

Pregunta 04
¿Cuál fue el concierto más extenso durante el 4Tour?

Pregunta 05
"...there's really nothing in the world
I would do
to get a NEW YORK Disney smile from you"

(NY Trip)

Nombra al menos tres otras ciudades que han sido mencionadas en las letras de The Cure y menciona las canciones respectivas

Pregunta 06
¿Qué canción del nuevo disco fue originalmente escrita durante las sesiones para el "The Head on the Door"?

Pregunta 07
¿Cómo se llamaba "The Only One" cuando fue tocada por primera vez?

Pregunta 08
Hay gatos y lémures... ¿Cuántos diferentes animales aparecen en las portadas de los 4:13 singles/b-sides?

Pregunta 09
Siete nuevas canciones fueron introducidas durante el 2007-08 4Tour. Nombra las ciudades y fechas donde cada nueva canción fue introducida. (esto no incluye el reciente concierto en Roma!)

Pregunta 10
Considerando la larga historia de The Cure, nombra los cuatro miembros que han estado en la banda la mayor cantidad de tiempo.

Pregunta 11
La fecha de lanzamiento para el 4:13 Dream es el 28 de octubre. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que The Cure dio un concierto en esa fecha?

Pregunta 12
El 1 de mayo del 2008 la banda confirmó via MySpace que el album sería lanzado inicialmente el... (señala la fecha)

Pregunta 13
¿Cuando se creó

Publica tus respuestas en este mismo tema
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


01) Britney Spears --freakshow
Evanescense --the only one
Venom --sleep when i'm dead
Blonde Redhead --down under
Van Halen --without you

02)A Boy i never knew
03)Fender Jazz Bass/ Telecaster
04)The SHow in Paris on 12th March
05)'rio sunrise **** on a straw' a Pink Dream
'blur red Tokyo lights' Watching me fall
'remember that day in Paris' How beautiful you are
'the holy city(Jelussalem) The wailing wall
06)Sleep When I'm Dead
07)Please Project
08)Must be night birds-The reasons why
Ennui...-the real snow white
chicken,kitten,bunny,puppy-sleep when i'm dead
The mermaid-down under

The Ony one-
06/10/2007 Shoreline Amphitheatre Mountain View
Freakshow-22/10/2007 Palacio de los Deportes Mexico
Sleep when im dead-12/05/2008 Agganis Arena Boston
The perfect boy 09/05/2008 Patriot Center Fairfax
Underneath the stars-19/05/2008 Starlight Theatre Kansas City
It's Over-19/05/2008 Starlight Theatre Kansas City
A boy i never knew 21/10/2007 Palacio de los Deportes Mexico
10)Robert Smith(1976-) Simon Gallup(1979-1982 1985-) Porl Thompson(1976-1978 1983-1993 2005-) Perry Bamonte(1990-2005)
11)Hollywood American Legion Hall 1997
12)13th September
13)since November 2006


cheers to everyone participationg and to curefans
i think that the simon question has screwed me but still i hope i get it right
chers to some other cure sites as well  ;)
contact me if i win  :-D :oops: :D :D


thanks sickboybg  :)

anyone else care to try? come on guys...!  :D

Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine



Quote from: Yves28 on October 23, 2008, 22:53:11
Yeah I'm working on it !  :-D

ok we'll keep the contest open for a little while longer as it seems that researching the archives takes a while. ;)

ten more minutes to go.... hurry up!
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


Top chrono ! Here are my answers ...

Question 01
Britney Spears – Freakshow
Evanescense – The only one
Venom – Sleep when I'm dead
Blonde Redhead – Down under
Van Halen – Without you

Question 02
A boy I never Knew

Question 03
Musicman Stingray

Question 04
Paris 12-03-2008

Question 05
Berlin in World war
Tokyo in Watching me fall
Paris in How beautiful you are

Question 06
Sleep When I'm dead

Question 07
Please project

Question 08
7 different animals (counting mermaid as animal ...):

Birds (The reasons why)
Coral (The hungry ghost)
Chiken (Sleep when I'm dead)
Monkey (Sleep when I'm dead & NY trip)
Whales (NY trip)
Vultures (NY trip)
Mermaids (Down under)

Question 09
The only one – Please projet: 06/10/2007 Mountain view
Freakshow – Don't say anything: 22/10/2007 Mexico
A boy I never knew: 21/10/2007 Mexico
The perfect boy: 09/05/2008 Fairfax
Sleep when I'm dead: 12/05/2008 Boston
Underneath the stars: 19/05/2008 Kansas city
It's over – Baby rag dog book: 19/05/2008 Kansas city

Question 10
Robert Smith
Simon Gallup
Perry Bamonte
Porl Thompson

Question 11
1997, in Los Angeles

Question 12

Question 13
August 2005


1/ britney spears - frekshow
  evanesence - the only one
  venom - sleep when im dead
  blonde redhead - down under
  van halen - without you

2/ a boy i never knew

3/ stingray

4/ paris

5/ cairo - fire in cairo
  paris - how beautiful you are
  berlin - world war

6/ sleep when im dead

7/ please project

8/ birds-The reasons why
  chicken, kitten, bunny, puppy monkey -sleep when i'm dead
   whales, vultures - ny trip

9/ The Only one - 06/10/2007 Shoreline Amphitheatre Mountain View
  A boy I never knew - 21/10/2007 Palacio de los Deportes Mexico
  Freakshow - 22/10/2007 Palacio de los Deportes Mexico
  The perfect boy 09/05/2008 Patriot Center Fairfax
  Sleep when im dead-12/05/2008 Agganis Arena Boston
  Underneath the stars-19/05/2008 Starlight Theatre Kansas City
  It's Over-19/05/2008 Starlight Theatre Kansas City

10 / robert smith, simon gallup , perry bamonte, porl thompson

11/ 1997 los angeles

12/ 13 sept 2008

13/ 2005
its nice to be nice



01) Britney Spears --freakshow
Evanescense --the only one
Venom --sleep when i'm dead
Blonde Redhead --down under
Van Halen --without you

02)A Boy i never knew
03)Music Man Stingray Bass
04) Paris (12 march 08)
05)blur red Tokyo lights - Watching me fall
remember that day in Paris - How beautiful you are
Cairo - Fire in Cairo

06)Sleep When I'm Dead
07)Please Project
08) birds-The reasons why
Ennui-the real snow white
chicken,kitten,bunny,puppy,monkey-sleep when i'm dead
mermaid-down under
whales, vultures - NY Trip
The Ony one-
06/10/2007 Shoreline Amphitheatre Mountain View
Freakshow-22/10/2007 Palacio de los Deportes Mexico
Sleep when im dead-12/05/2008 Agganis Arena Boston
The perfect boy 09/05/2008 Patriot Center Fairfax
Underneath the stars-19/05/2008 Starlight Theatre Kansas City
It's Over-19/05/2008 Starlight Theatre Kansas City
A boy i never knew 21/10/2007 Palacio de los Deportes Mexico
10)Robert Smith(1976-) Simon Gallup(1979-1982 1985-) Porl Thompson(1976-1978 1983-1993 2005-) Perry Bamonte(1990-2005)
11)Hollywood American Legion Hall 1997
12)13th September
13)24 june 2005
Datemi un cielo per caderci dentro!
LADY, la luce nel mio buio!


Gosh, I 'm so slow...  :roll: Guess I will just give it up  :-D

Harvestry of Ghosts

01) - Freakshow (Britney Spears song of the same name)
The Only One (Evanescense song of the same name)
Sleep When I'm Dead (Venom song of thesme name)
Down Under (Blonde Redhead song of the same name)
Without You (Van Halen song of the same name)
02) - A Boy I Never Knew
03) - Black maple-neck Stingray with white scratchplate
04) - Paris, March 12, 2008
05) - Cairo - Fire in Cairo
Paris - How Beautiful You Are
Berlin - World War
06) - Sleep When I'm Dead
07)- Please Project
08) - 10
09) - The Ony One - Shoreline Amphitheatre Mountain View - October 10, 2007
A Boy I Never Knew - Palacio de los Deportes Mexico - October 21, 2007
Frekshow - Palacio de los Deportes Mexico - October 22, 2007
The Perfect Boy - Patriot Center Fairfax - May 5, 2008
Sleep when im dead - Agganis Arena Boston - May 12, 2008
It's Over - Starlight Theatre Kansas City - May 19, 2008
Underneath the stars - Starlight Theatre Kansas City - May 19, 2008
10) - Robert Smith
Porl Thompson
Perry Bamonte
Simon Gallup
11) - Hollywood American Legion Hall - October 28, 1997
12) - September 13, 2008
13) - June 24th, 2005


Guys, the contest was supossed to be open only until 23.00 (european time), we will give some minutes more till 23.30, then we will lock the topic and will check the answers. The winner's name will be published here.
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo

Harvestry of Ghosts

I was the only one who stated "and how so" in the 1st question. :P