What made you annoyed today?

Started by Aarna, July 01, 2007, 19:59:54

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The nice and summery weather we're having...  :unamused:

I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


When book items are squeezed into the mail slot. The book, usually a brochure, is then bumped in one or more corners, and it takes months for the "crease" to be halfway out. In many old buildings there are still classic mailboxes. It is sufficient to place the shipment on it. 😫
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


I should know better than start watching a series ("neXt") on telly... guess what? Obviously it had not enough viewers, so now they show old episodes of "The Big Bang Theory" (which was okay, but I don't wanna watch it again) and the new series has been moved to later at night. :unamused:
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Quote from: dsanchez on September 06, 2021, 17:13:38have a cold :/

Guess what? So do I. And that's after the longest I've ever gone without cold or flu (two years), and despite all the usual pandemic precautions. It's extra annoying because I could just as easily have caught COVID - even though I'm fully vaccinated; there's still a good chance of catching Delta if it's around, which thankfully we don't have community transmission of in Western Australia - but it's only a matter of time; Sydney looks like it's part of India lately, since they lost control of their situation; they have over 20,000 active cases and every week we've got infected NSW truck drivers coming through other parts of Australia. They're taking precautions, but by the time their tests turn positive they've already gone thousands of kilometres.

How I caught this cold is through a guest. It's spring here and I thought she might have hayfever, because it's been so long since there's been any colds and flu around. I would have caught it walking through the corridor after she coughed in it - aerosols hang around and social distancing doesn't always help with that form. Masks do - but this was just one cough and the first one in the house in years. She was just starting as she was leaving.

Afterwards I read that WA is experiencing a spike in RSV, which is highly transmissible and sort of strips your lung epithelium and gives you asthma attacks. My immune system has finally cottoned on and is cleaning it up. That's why I am awake in the middle of the night - a hot drink helps clear everything out and get me back to sleep far quicker than not having a hot drink.

Any idea how you caught your cold? Get better soon. I was going to say good luck not catching the next one, but they kind of think it's better to catch these things at least occasionally and not go years without colds, or it's likely to hit harder because the immune system is out of practice... but while there's Delta around, no thank you, and not with Brett not getting his second shot until next month, after three months on the waiting list to get immunised with our super-slow "vaccination strollout"...
SueC is time travelling


OK, many things potentially annoy me which is why I don't look at the news a lot, but two in particular today:

1) That our Prime Minister broke the NSW/ACT lockdown he expects everyone else in NSW/ACT to follow (apparently he gets to travel on Father's Day but other people don't - and apparently he got that special permit for being an essential worker, ha ha ha, the country would be better off if he didn't turn up to "work"... appears he and the rest of his mafioso have been taking lessons from Boris the Clown and his ilk in the UK, or at the very least, are singing from the same song-book, right down to, "If not at 80%, then when?" Idiots. They'd not pass a Year 10 Science class, but they govern countries...)

...and related...

2) That right-leaning politicians in particular either don't understand, or wilfully misunderstand, reports written by epidemiologists regarding pandemic management, and cite them in ways that clearly show the lack of even basic understanding/wilful misunderstanding  :1f629:
SueC is time travelling


came from vacations and have a new boss :/
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Haven't had an internet (connection) breakdown for ages, but of course when I try to pay something it happens and it didn't work. Had to do it all again... :unamused:
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


My email provider's website seems "slow" today, so I won't be typing emails before the afternoon, I guess.  :unamused:
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


What annoys me (often) is when somebody tells me something in a tone which implies that it's "news", but it's something I already knew (and the person should know I do!)...  :P

Current example: (former) mate on FB sends me a song (yt-link) and asks me to listen closely. But we'd chatted about the "Fisherman's Blues" recordings by The Waterboys (some of which were released much later) before, thus he should've known I already knew the song "Too close to heaven" (it was released on a cd of the same title in 2001)!!

My response was "ha ha, that's a good joke" (plus explaining that I've known the song for 20 years), which he probably didn't like, but I don't care. He's going to quit FB anyway, so this will possibly be our last chat there.  :-D
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Quote from: Ulrich on October 04, 2021, 11:31:17Current example: (former) mate on FB sends me a song (yt-link) and asks me to listen closely. But we'd chatted about the "Fisherman's Blues" recordings by The Waterboys (some of which were released much later) before, thus he should've known I already knew the song "Too close to heaven" (it was released on a cd of the same title in 2001)!!

My response was "ha ha, that's a good joke" (plus explaining that I've known the song for 20 years), which he probably didn't like, but I don't care. He's going to quit FB anyway, so this will possibly be our last chat there.  :-D

Mmmh yes, that's been around ages, great song too. :cool

Do you know the saying, "People will usually forgive you for being wrong, but they may not forgive you for being right?"  :beaming-face

Also there's that the human brain "prunes" information all the time - even information you may actually be trying to retain! (Like, where are my glasses? What is my name? Has Ulrich seen The Cruel Sea live - I'm sure he has...) :winking_tongue
SueC is time travelling


Cyclists who ride on the wrong side and then grumble when another cyclist comes exactly towards them. My appeal: please drive on the right side or ... stay at home! 🤢
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


Want to know what I hate? The way West Australians behave around travelators, escalators etc. The moment they hit one they stop walking and just stand there like puddings. And they stand there like puddings on BOTH sides, instead of keeping to the left for standing and leaving the right lane free for walkers. And then when you want to walk past and go, "Excuse me, I need to get past!" they glare at you as if YOU are the problem and very reluctantly they get out of your way (you have to keep walking or they won't, sometimes with a pointy umbrella held out in front of you).

Why is it humans are so lazy and so selfish? Isn't it already enough that the puddings take up the left half of the travelators/escalators - why do they feel entitled to BOTH sides and to taking the choice of walking away from their fellow citizens?  :1f62b:

This is one thing that doesn't happen in London. A pudding in the right lane would find themselves prodded with pointy words or objects. In London you can't even slow down temporarily in the right lane to get a tissue out of your pocket without "D'you mind?" and I think that's fair enough.  :smth023

And the obesity epidemic in Australia would be much improved if people did more incidental exercise instead of behaving like puddings.

Quote from: MeltingMan on October 04, 2021, 16:37:41Cyclists who ride on the wrong side and then grumble when another cyclist comes exactly towards them. My appeal: please drive on the right side or ... stay at home! 🤢

I hear you. Maybe mount a 1-metre glass spike on the front of your bicycle?

Hopefully this joke will cheer you up - you can think of it whenever you meet a wrong-side cyclist:

A couple were driving on a freeway listening to the radio, when suddenly an emergency announcement cut into the music. "Attention! Attention! People on the M47 Freeway, there's a car going up the wrong side of the freeway!"

And the couple look at each other and say, "ONE car??? They're ALL bloody doing it!"

SueC is time travelling


Cyclists often come towards me on the wrong side and most of them are aware of the mistake. I then drive extra slower; sometimes I even stop, hoping he / she will see me in time. But the person yesterday was still in "Sunday mode". 😦
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


I wonder why I get so worked up about it but it happens when walking the dog on the left hand side, as you should in this country, and you meet another dog owner coming towards you, walking on the wrong side, and I get the evil eye for not getting my dog out of their way. Happens very often.