I can't live without THE CURE

Started by dsanchez, August 17, 2005, 02:48:19

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What a boring life would be this without their music....
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo

Tristan Berlin

Thats true. The Cure is like a friend who is accompanating me for so many years. The Cure is always there when I need them. When I'm happy, when I'm sad and when I simply want to hear good music. It's like a drug to me.... :lol: No drug in the world can replace this. :!:

Cheers, Tr#

Haha (laughing) - i remember the song from Mariah Carey:
"Can't liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive....if living is without Cure"  :wink:


Robert Smith is a great man, he saved my life so many times that i dont know if i have to say thank you or i hate you!!! he he he
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:
life wouldnt be the same without Robert Smith



They wake me up in the morning and sing me to sleep...


Quote from: AnonymousThey wake me up in the morning and sing me to sleep...

And why can I never remember to log in?? I am getting senile...

Beesley Wytchboy

Family members die, friends and girlfriends come and go, Robert and Simon have never deserted me.

Thankyou sirs!

Luke x :P
You're Walking a thin line between here and out of control


I totally agree! i swear a day doesnt go by without me listening to them! They make me smile and they make cry...they're always there.
I love their music so much, I honestly cant believe I discovered this band! my life would be on a completely different path without them.
god i'm obsessed...
"and you finally found all your courage to
let it all go"


The Cure have been with me in so many moments of my life that they've became a part of it  :-)
i'm running out of time i'm out of step and
closing down


Its true guys..I cant imagine my life without The Cure...They are always the greatest thing that ever happened in my whole life..A day without listening to them is like life without a soul...
"Thick As Shit"


Or rather, a day without substance.
Another Curefan for The Dark Christmas album.


they are our immortal passion.. :smth001
[color=red][b]I BELONG TO THE CURE!♥[/b][/color]
[color=black]Lost forever in a happy crowd![/color]
[color=purple][i]I will kiss you forever on nights like this, I will kiss you, I will kiss you...and we shall be together...[/i][/color]
[color=green]CUREFANS.COM RULEZ!:D[/color]


My favourite band, and have been for some time. Theirs is prolly the most emotional and moving music ive ever heard though.


ive been listening to them almost exclusivly for around 6 months but im trying to wean myself off, i hate one band ruts


It's difficult to imagine me without The Cure. Robert & C. are part of my life.


Quote from: Bloodflower on February 14, 2007, 06:57:29
Or rather, a day without substance.
short term effects come and go... but the substance stays.
as pathetic and stupid as it may sound like, i don't care, there's one cure song out there that literally saved my life once,
on a strange day...
and we can walk away and wander off sometimes

a sudden hush - and we're here again.  :smth001

Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine