What made you annoyed today?

Started by Aarna, July 01, 2007, 19:59:54

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Some HR bod has effectively arranged for me to go on an outdoor team building weekend this weekend   :evil:
Good to get plenty of notice huh?
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


Quote from: Steve on September 12, 2007, 08:15:08
Some HR bod has effectively arranged for me to go on an outdoor team building weekend this weekend   :evil:
Good to get plenty of notice huh?

usually team building is enjoyable right??? hope you enjoy this weekend....
Life full of colorful, beautiful and mystery...just need to wait...it will come and chase you...


But I spend the whole week with these people. The last thing I want to do is spend MY weekend with them. :(
I work my nuts off all week & really look forward to driving back to my home town to get away from this (frankly horrible) city.
Now I need to go to a town that is 15 mins away from my hometown to spend the weekend with my colleagues walking on hills, probably paintballing ( :smth011), climbing rock faces ( :smth011 :smth011) & stuff.
So, my Friday night pool session with my friends is fcuked, spending time with my girlfriend is out the window &, most importantly, I can't get to see what you lot are all talking about. :smth012
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


dude...only this weekend you need to spend with all of this crap...next weekend you can get your life back....don't be so angry....cheer up dude.... :smth023

when you are stress what song will you listen???? to release your tension.....

Life full of colorful, beautiful and mystery...just need to wait...it will come and chase you...


Quote from: Carnage Visor on September 11, 2007, 23:13:40
There's this one guy at school who makes fun of me all the time for no reason...I'm a nice guy and I always keep to myself, but this kid picks on me all the time, teases me for liking The Cure, calls it a gay band, and says that me wearing Robert Smith t-shirts makes me look gay.

Not just that, but he constantly comments on my appearance and tells me I'm ugly and poor-looking. I'm already extremely depressed, and I already hate how I look, so him telling me this makes me want to commit suicide. It's that serious. He's everywhere I go. Always making fun of me, always spreading lies about me that I am gay (which I am not) and telling people that I'm a loser and he hates me...

Stuck in every class. He made me cry recently, and I'm a guy who usually doesn't cry, I keep it bottled up (because Boys Don't Cry, remember?) and he broke it and I started bawling, head in my arms...he would not leave me alone, and started teasing me because I was crying and calling me a psycho and a fag.

If anyone is reading this, I just wanted to let you all know that those of you depressed peoples are not alone...infact, I am now the epitome of depression.

That is very cruel of him. I think you should tell a teacher or counselour about this, because technically that sort of behaviour is classified as bullying, which most schools do not tolerate. Even if he doesn't stop, at least someone else will be aware that he's harassing you.


i agree with you siouxie.....you should tell to your teacher.... :smth023
Life full of colorful, beautiful and mystery...just need to wait...it will come and chase you...


@carnage visor:
yes i agree you should try to bring it up with someone at school. nobody has to tolerate bullying. :!:
it's a serious thing and should never be belittled, because can seriously harm you and still have effect on your in your later life, have effect on your personality/how you feel about yourself.
i used to bullied back at school, for reasons that i never really understood, not then and not today. it just kind of happened to me. later i've realized how it somehow escapes all rationality, it's can be something completely random and very irrational, the way you get "chosen" as a target. anyway maybe a bit strangely, although i did grow to have some very strong dislikes towards all school environments, i still ended up being a teacher - not at a "regular school" but anyway. but my own experiences have made me very sensitive to bullying. i can stand all kinds of hazards and even a certain amount of general disorder and some noisy students/adhd cases etc., but one thing i can't stand in my class is any kind of bullying towards other students. bullying is a secure way to get thrown out of my class - and i've done it a few times too. thankfully, in many cases it does instantly help when something is done in the early stages and when the thing is brought into the attention of more people. because there're a lot of bulliers who are just waiting for someone to tell them "stop that!".  and so talking about it to someone, bringing the topic up can really have a real positive effect. also,  bullies are often (more or less consciously) counting on their victims staying silent and not speaking up so that they can just keep on bullying without anyone interefering. they are sometimes counting on the idea that it's somehow shameful for the victim to speak up and ask for help - yet this is never something to be ashamed of, quite on the contrary. it's not a sign of weakness to ask for help agaist that sort of people - because it's very difficult and sometimes even impossible to try to fight the bullies by yourself, yes i know this from personal experience. but bullies count on this and they count on things staying as they are: just as long as no-one from the outside steps in and does anything, bullies think they are somehow untouchable, they think they have the power. but i've seen some bullies being pretty much ashamed of themselves after they've been brought into the spotlight and really asked for an explanation for what they've been doing. and after that:!:

i hope this helps and i really hope you can find a solution and make things better for you. :smth023
don't let it continue, you don't deserve it. :!:
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


i still can't believe in this new era...there a lot cruel people..... :smth011 :smth011
Life full of colorful, beautiful and mystery...just need to wait...it will come and chase you...


Quote from: Carnage Visor on September 11, 2007, 23:13:40
Stuck in every class. He made me cry recently, and I'm a guy who usually doesn't cry, I keep it bottled up (because Boys Don't Cry, remember?) and he broke it and I started bawling, head in my arms...he would not leave me alone, and started teasing me because I was crying and calling me a psycho and a fag.

Is this guy bigger than you?
Have you considered take some karate or judo or related thing? I would really consider it. Some people need to get a kick in the ass to not bother others. Ok ok, maybe violence is not the right thing, but just try to practice something else besides school.

Do you have reliable friends at school? A group of friends? I always was with 4 guys (my friends) at school. We were a very solid group. And still, after 14 years I finished school (I'm 30 now  :() we still meet for a soccer.

If depression is doing something to you I would suggest you to do some extra-activities. For instance, I play with my friends soccer (again, after 4 months), it such good therapy. Not that I'm depressed but it's always good to laugh, hang around with friends. You should think in something like that perhaps. Just try to keep your mind busy. Arseholes like that guy you will find everywhere and you just can't think on suicide because such a stupid guy like the one you're talking, no way dude.

A couple of links you should check

2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Hey CV.
The guy's a twat. End of :evil:
You sound like you have genuine grounds to take this to your school counseller & principal immediately.
That gets you around the potential added hassle if you get your folks involved from the get go.
If that doesn't work, then get your folks to set up an appointment with the school heads responsible.
You can't let twats like that just keep getting away with it.
I'd have decked the b@stard by now, but then I'm not very pleasant & probably almost 20 years older than him, so that's not going to happen.
You get this nipped in the bud & you're laughing.
Might be a bit worse before it gets better, but it's like ripping off an elastoplast.
Nice & quick & it's all over.
Good luck.

I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


go carnage visor go.....we in the curefans will help you.... :rocker :rocker :smth023
Life full of colorful, beautiful and mystery...just need to wait...it will come and chase you...


Quote from: Carnage Visor on September 11, 2007, 23:13:40
There's this one guy at school who makes fun of me all the time for no reason...I'm a nice guy and I always keep to myself, but this kid picks on me all the time, teases me for liking The Cure, calls it a gay band, and says that me wearing Robert Smith t-shirts makes me look gay.

Not just that, but he constantly comments on my appearance and tells me I'm ugly and poor-looking. I'm already extremely depressed, and I already hate how I look, so him telling me this makes me want to commit suicide. It's that serious. He's everywhere I go. Always making fun of me, always spreading lies about me that I am gay (which I am not) and telling people that I'm a loser and he hates me...

Stuck in every class. He made me cry recently, and I'm a guy who usually doesn't cry, I keep it bottled up (because Boys Don't Cry, remember?) and he broke it and I started bawling, head in my arms...he would not leave me alone, and started teasing me because I was crying and calling me a psycho and a fag.

If anyone is reading this, I just wanted to let you all know that those of you depressed peoples are not alone...infact, I am now the epitome of depression.




Fatter than Bob, balder than Porl, as sober as Simon, as amusing as Jason


Quote from: Carnage Visor on September 11, 2007, 23:13:40
There's this one guy at school who makes fun of me all the time for no reason...I'm a nice guy and I always keep to myself, but this kid picks on me all the time, teases me for liking The Cure, calls it a gay band, and says that me wearing Robert Smith t-shirts makes me look gay.

Not just that, but he constantly comments on my appearance and tells me I'm ugly and poor-looking. I'm already extremely depressed, and I already hate how I look, so him telling me this makes me want to commit suicide. It's that serious. He's everywhere I go. Always making fun of me, always spreading lies about me that I am gay (which I am not) and telling people that I'm a loser and he hates me...

Stuck in every class. He made me cry recently, and I'm a guy who usually doesn't cry, I keep it bottled up (because Boys Don't Cry, remember?) and he broke it and I started bawling, head in my arms...he would not leave me alone, and started teasing me because I was crying and calling me a psycho and a fag.

If anyone is reading this, I just wanted to let you all know that those of you depressed peoples are not alone...infact, I am now the epitome of depression.

First of all i'm so sorry that this guy is making fun of you and says such unfriendly things to you.
Yes, i think that either, that he is bullying you. And you should say something to the guideance councelor or go the headmaster of your school.

I can really understand that, because some students of my class picked at me all the time for no reasons i think. I was very shy (i'm still shy :) ), didn't talk very much, i was most of the time on my own - i was dressed in black (that was the time when i get a Cure fan).
And i can remember when i was at the primary school that a classmate told lies about me to another classmate of mine (i'm sorry, i don't know what it was, that happend a very long time ago). 
This runs throughout till the rest of my school days.
Compared what is happening to you is mine harmlessly.

If you have depression and this is one reason of amongst other things, you should look for professional help, i think.
Please don't take it too much to your heart, this is an idiot and nothing more.

We are all there for you Carnage Visor :)




Fatter than Bob, balder than Porl, as sober as Simon, as amusing as Jason


Quote from: japanesebaby on July 03, 2007, 12:24:17
hey my life is miserable anyway so what's the difference hehehe  :-D

C'mooon!!! Be positive!!!! ;)
[color=red][b]I BELONG TO THE CURE!♥[/b][/color]
[color=black]Lost forever in a happy crowd![/color]
[color=purple][i]I will kiss you forever on nights like this, I will kiss you, I will kiss you...and we shall be together...[/i][/color]
[color=green]CUREFANS.COM RULEZ!:D[/color]