What made you annoyed today?

Started by Aarna, July 01, 2007, 19:59:54

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Quote from: Steve on November 20, 2007, 14:50:27
No-one whistles at me when I walk by. :roll:

@steve... I have had wierd errors going on here on my P.C... not spam, but trolls I think..  :smth062
ummm.. with the whistleing bit.. have you walked by my house??!!  :-D :-D :smth025

@Rogue.. pineapple is the natural antihistermine for allergies.. but I'm not sure if it is pineapple season, though canned fruit is just as good!  :smth023

What made me annoyed today.. tipped over ,stupidly..:
1. a glass of red wine  :shock:,
2. a vodka with lemon.. godda get to rehab soon!!  :smth100
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Well it doesnt affect me directly but im annoyed that, that British teacher has been charged in Sudan with insulting religion, inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs because the children in her class named a teddy bear Muhammad. Thats totally insane! She could face 6 months in jail, a fine or 40 lashes! And whats the government doing...nothing  :evil:
What is happening to the world???


Thank you Scatcat  :-D :smth050 :smth047 Pineapples you say, awsum learn something new everyday.  :smth023

I will give it a go.  :smth045  I bought some tablets, but havent tried them, i dont like to take things like that unless i have to.
Iam worried it will work and make me weak- to fight it off, or that i be stuck taking them foreverrrrrr.

Hero ~ I also find the world annoying, like what you were saying, and daily frustration for the lack of sense in this world.

I really worry for the future.  :(

Melly~ hope those birds are enjoying their lovely new bath.  :smth051

Carnage Visor

Today, we had a sort of argument over the ethics of homosexuality. I was trying to stand up for homosexual people by saying that it's just something that's a part of them, while others in the room argued and said that they could change if they wanted to, and that anyone, just anyone could turn gay at any moment. I found their points sort of judgemental, and so I tried to argue my point across.

I thought the whole thing was ludicrous and leaning towards offensive, and the fact that everyone was ganging up on me for saying what I was saying (that I believe it's spontaneous and cannot be stopped or changed, that it's not a choice, rather just the way they are) and I felt really uncomfortable and alienated.

So I said to the group, "F*** you all" and I was promptly sent to the office.  :smth100

I know, I was wrong here, but hey...it still annoyed me.  :(


Quote from: Carnage Visor on November 29, 2007, 23:23:43
Today, we had a sort of argument over the ethics of homosexuality. I was trying to stand up for homosexual people by saying that it's just something that's a part of them, while others in the room argued and said that they could change if they wanted to, and that anyone, just anyone could turn gay at any moment. I found their points sort of judgemental, and so I tried to argue my point across.

I thought the whole thing was ludicrous and leaning towards offensive, and the fact that everyone was ganging up on me for saying what I was saying (that I believe it's spontaneous and cannot be stopped or changed, that it's not a choice, rather just the way they are) and I felt really uncomfortable and alienated.

So I said to the group, "F*** you all" and I was promptly sent to the office.  :smth100

I know, I was wrong here, but hey...it still annoyed me.  :(

Bravo!! Good on you for standing up and not complying to others narrow-mindedness, mis-information and sheer stupidity!! We have friends who are gay (women) and you would not BELIEVE the way they are treated by some people!! Plus, my sister has gay friends (male) who are the most loving, caring and funny guys you could meet. The kind of attitiude you are relating to usually comes from a much older generation, and I am shocked and bloody annoyed that in this day and age, the lack of acceptance and understanding towards gay people is still so rife. The idea that anyone can turn gay at any time, or that gay people could choose not to be so is appalling!! The shame and fear young gay people feel, too scared to "come out", to tell their family and friends is just heartbreaking, being a teenager is hard enough!! So..GOOD ON YOU!! Through my annoyance of these people you speak of, I applaud you!!! :smth038
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning to dance in the rain "...


I join Melly in her applause for Carnage Visor! :smth038
Sometimes it's not easy to stand up for what you believe in when others gang up on you, but you did it -- even those who don't necessarily agree with your point of view (though I personally do agree with you) would commend you for your behaviour.  :smth023


 :smth041 Me too, is so stupid that people are still so afraid of being homosexual.

Is the same as being Hetro.  Its not a choice, its the way you are.  Stupid people think they could change such a thing, is just their way of trying to be in control.
But is different if they were to do it, a guy to turn gay, and not get affectionate thoughts/fantasy about females.
Its a deep thing, that is beyond choice.  It is nature.    Cant change the way you feel, and why should anyone, if it doesnt hurt people.

So silly, people still fear things they cant control.  And thats why they get so frightened, that they do primaly understand, and fear it deeply. They wont allow their minds
to really think about it.  Is the only way they can deal.  :smth011

I don't think you were wrong Carnage V~ yes you swore, but thats the only thing.  It is really hard when a room full of people wont see reason. I think its a bit much that
they sent you to the office.  The teacher should have been more open minded, and realistic, or at least a little supportive.

There is nothing wrong with it or acknowledging reality, I have lots of gay friends, and some that just refuse to say, because of this, And also the gay scene is full-on too. In the opposite way, Is
crazy world, i swear  :smth087
I wanted to find an emoticon that hits itself in the head, like Robert does.  Crazy world.


Aye, good on you for sticking to some f*cking common sense.  :smth023
I remember having (and still do) argue the same point to people, it particularly gets on my nerves when people use the word 'gay' for something they dont like, seemingly very popular over here in the UK...... Its infuriating ignorance and will have a huge knock on effect for the next generation of kids that come along and think its ok to say things like that.

You might have been beaten by the establishment this time, but your morals are more than in the right place. Look back and be f*cking proud of yourself!  :rocker


I agree with everyone here
Carnage Visor well done for sticking up for what you belive in. Yes you swore but maybe it was the only way to get your point across. The day its wrong to have an opinion and to stick up for other people is the day the world ends... or something to that effect, im not sure but you know what i mean  :-D
I have gay friends and i don't understand how something like being homosexual can be considered "wrong" its a fact of life and people are born that way in my opinion.
Don't let getting sent to the office get to you, that kind of thing happens to me all the time, i'm surprised i'm still in school!, if anything it will make you fight back harder next time.
GO YOU!!!! :rocker


What made me annoyed today?  That white stuff falling from the sky, that's what.  I dislike the snow and boy was it coming down today.  Not nearly as bad as some parts of the U.S., but enough to make my drive home from work uncomfortable.  Hopefully the temperature stays above freezing (as expected) and the roads don't turn to black ice.   


I think I prefer it snowing when driving, rather than frozen black ice.
That's a deadly situation.
Here, they aren't allowed to put salt on the roads, as it gets into the lake, so you can imagine how bad the roads are in winter  :?
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


Maybe iam being difficult, But i would love just one white christmas, never had it before, would be lovely to see. But then again, just any time of year.
Very rare to get snow where iam.  But did have it once this year, so pretty.

Very frightening to drive in though, wow we get black ice occassionally on the way up the "reefton spur" track- which goes into and through the Dandenongs,
and into the great dividing range, eventually.  Really nice but spooky when weather is bad, and nothing, no civilization to be seen. Not uncommon for people
to be stuck over night, and half freeze to death, Lots people get lost too.   :smth090

Well no trolls got me on my computer, have rid them OUT !! Be gone evil troll !! and yes is gone. :smth050  Glad yours has too Steve.

Me annoyed today from the xmas lights accross the road and people after viewing them, get punch drunk or something, Turn into my driveway before driving off,
and reverse and scratch the shi outa my letterbox, SCREEECH.... EVERYNIGHT, Silly Coights  :roll:
Now i just stare straight out the window and laugh at them, idiots,. :roll: :lol:  Happened last night and tonight.

Bah humbug bloody Blinding flicking x-mas lights,  grunt, whinge, fart, squeel and pop

Carnage Visor

Thank you guys!  :D

Thank you all for the support...It really made my day to read all those nice comments!

Now I shall go over to the "Happy Today" thread!

Peace, and I shall applaud you guys for the much-needed support.  :smth023

*Adds an applaud to each person's Karma*


Glad you are happier little friend....

What annoys me this day you ask? Well, with xmas fast approaching, the tv stations are bringing out all their old xmas TRIPE!! Like; "Christmas with the Kranks" WTF is THAT!!?? and another, "The Santa Clause"; a pathetic pun on words; Then the one with Tim Allen, where he accidently KILLS Santa, then turns into santa himself! Now, THAT'S a great one for small children to watch!!
I am annoyed that the tv stations treat us all like morons. Is it too much to ask to show something that kids can watch and enjoy???? I watched the Shrek one the other night... I liked it!! hahaha... good ol' Shrek, and gotta love that donkey!!
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning to dance in the rain "...


I enjoyed Shrek aswell one night on t.v. which was a nice surprise.  Seeing as usually nothing on.

Speaking of which iam annoyed 'Supernatural' was not on t.v. this evening, and i raced home to watch- Love it., buga  :cry:
those guys and their v8 are so cool  8)  love the blood and guts aswell, but nothing ninte, nout,  jackshi.  Nothing on the
box tonight.

:smth050 Good see you guys, always  :rocker