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Started by Steve, July 14, 2007, 17:49:04

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My brother's been bugging me about seeing this movie, so I was a tad skeptical about it at first...good one, even if it wasn't "much of a movie". Yeah, yeah... ;) Gotta love Milton, and that scene when they "take care of" the printer out on a field. :-D

Oh and I luuuve Harold and Maude, saw it for the first time just a month ago or so. May I venture that there's no other movie quite like it!? "Harold! That was your last date!" :smth082

Heathers is another keeper, by the way. I actually came to think of a line from the movie just a couple of days ago that cracks me up every time: "I LOVE MY DEAD GAY SON!"

Haven't seen Hot Fuzz yet, but perhaps I should...sounds like such a "boys will be boys" superhero movie, "he's sooo cool and amazing they had to get rid of him"...Loved Simon and his buddy (can't remember the name) in Shaun of the Dead (have you seen Simon in Black Books? Unforgettable!). And oh, Martin Freeman from the original The Office (oh yeah!) has a small role in the film. Don't think he's that much of an actor, but he can be quite...attractive, at times...
[i]Betty said she prayed today
For the sky to blow away...[/i]


watched Stephen Kings' "The Mist" last night... saw it years ago, but still made my eyes pop out and my skin prickle!!     The ending...oh my..... :shock:  love his films, even though I've read the books....
You know, I don't know if it's cos I'm getting old and cranky, but there aren't many films which really "grab" me... have seen quite a few lately, but I usually feel disappointed when the dvd finishes. I am open to any "topic", don't have one particular genre that I stick to. Just want to be entertained for a couple of hours ( by a film, by a film!!) doesn't have to be deep and meaningful, just a good story that captures my imagination. *sigh* maybe it's me...!!   :smth087
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain "...


@ Melly: I've only heard of The Mist from 2007, is there an older version? Can't find it...

I don't watch horror movies that often. Hardly ever, actually. The last one I saw was The Orphanage by Juan Antonio Bayona (Guillermo del Toro from Pan's Labyrinth one of the producers), and I really, REALLY enjoyed it. I bet a lot of horror movie buffs snort at it, there are some clichés used, but they felt fresh to me. I loved the movie more for the atmosphere than the jump factor though. Being someone who has a bit of a prejudice against horror movies, thinking the creators always resort to grossing you out when they can't muster the suspense, it was a real treat to get to watch a genuinely suspense-driven horror movie like this one. Oh, and when you realize what's happened at the end, it's heartbreaking. Warmly recommended.

[i]Betty said she prayed today
For the sky to blow away...[/i]


Quote from: melly on April 13, 2008, 09:13:07
watched Stephen Kings' "The Mist" last night... saw it years ago, but still made my eyes pop out and my skin prickle!!     The ending...oh my.....



Fatter than Bob, balder than Porl, as sober as Simon, as amusing as Jason


Quote from: melly on April 13, 2008, 09:13:07
You know, I don't know if it's cos I'm getting old and cranky, but there aren't many films which really "grab" me...

You know, the same thing has been happening to me... and I've actually decided that it is indeed because I'm getting old and cranky. I can't remember last time I really, really enjoyed a movie. Which maks me sad, because I've always loved cinema! It's just been ages since I've seen anything that felt new or surprised me.
Oh boy, isn't it a little early for me to start feeling like I've "seen it all"?


@Poe.. I am SURE I have seen The Mist before, would have been a long time ago, but I knew the film every step, even the actors were very familiar. There must be an old version of it somewhere?  I kept asking my fella, "Have you seen this before, I know it so well?"..No, he's never seen it. Hmmm, odd. is a relief to see that I'm not the only one who feels like this!!  Most of the new releases, with such fanfare and high expectations, leave me flat and thinking "that's IT??!!"....
No Country for Old Men was good though... well, I enjoyed it!!
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain "...


Quote from: melly on April 14, 2008, 11:33:42 is a relief to see that I'm not the only one who feels like this!!  Most of the new releases, with such fanfare and high expectations, leave me flat and thinking "that's IT??!!"....
No Country for Old Men was good though... well, I enjoyed it!!
I haven't seen it, but my husband said he liked it, though he said it's not the Cohen brothers' best ( he loves those guys to death).
(Look at you, going all sophisticated with multicolored posts...   ;))

Last night we watched Rendition. It was ok. I like Jake Gyllenhaal.


Oh yes, I am really embracing the technology, using colours in my posts.. felt quite pleased with myself.  :-D
Thanks for noticing Robiola!!
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain "...


I'm watching Brewster McCloud. Has anyone seen it?? Its really brilliant its about a reclusive boy who builds wings so he can fly. Its not out on DVD though  :smth011 but hopefully it will be this year, I've heard rumours!
Anyway, its really good and last night i watched Ed Wood and that was fantastic too, Tim Burton is such a genius! :smth023


Quote from: Hero on April 18, 2008, 19:52:28
I'm watching Brewster McCloud. Has anyone seen it?? Its really brilliant its about a reclusive boy who builds wings so he can fly. Its not out on DVD though  :smth011 but hopefully it will be this year, I've heard rumours!
Anyway, its really good and last night i watched Ed Wood and that was fantastic too, Tim Burton is such a genius! :smth023

Ooo, I've been wanting to watch both of those movies, especially Brewster, but haven't been able to get a hold of them. Lucky you.  :smth012

Oh, and, like I've said on "another Cure forum" (whatever that could be ;)), I'm currently watching:

My brother's really into this one. Get the DVD and watch it without the voice-over, the way it was intended to be watched. I was pulled in immediately...mesmerizing...
[i]Betty said she prayed today
For the sky to blow away...[/i]


godfather I

the best (hollywood) movies ever were made in the 70s, there's no doubt about that.
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


Fatter than Bob, balder than Porl, as sober as Simon, as amusing as Jason


RE: Monster House -
I love it when they play Siouxsie and the Banshees 'Halloween' song over the credits at the end.  :smth023


Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


hey.. I watched on TV the other nite.. 'Anger Management' .. with Adam Sandler & THE Jack Nicholson.. just the scene on the bridge has been going round and round in my head.. when they sing... "I'm so pretty...oh so pretty..  "  ;)

I could do with a little Jack in my pocket now and then to bring out that song.. to distract from the everyday problems and ease the tension!  8)
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