2013.04.06 Sao Paulo - Arena Anhembi (Brasil)

Started by dsanchez, January 28, 2013, 16:34:08

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(thanks to lilialoman for the setlist)

Open, High, The End of the World, Lovesong, Push, Inbetween Days, Just Like Heaven, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Pictures of You, Lullaby, Fascination Street, Sleep When I'm Dead, Play For Today, A Forest, Bananafishbones, Shake Dog Shake, Charlotte Sometimes, The Walk, Mint Car, Friday I'm In Love, Doing the Unstuck, Trust, Want, The Hungry Ghost, Wrong Number, One Hundred Years, End

1st encore:  The Kiss, If Only Tonight We Could Sleep, Fight

2nd encore: Dressing Up, The Lovecats, The Caterpillar, Close To Me, Hot Hot Hot, Let's Go To Bed, Why Can't I Be You?, Boys Don't Cry, 10:15 Saturday Night, Killing An Arab


(Click on "Playlist" to browse the videos)


The Cure 'hipnotiza' 30 mil fãs por 3h15 durante show em São Paulo

General Info

ONSALE 12:01am Feb 18th Feb 21st


The show won't longer take place at Estadio Morumbi but at Arena Anhembi. If you bought tickets for this show, click here for info on ticket exchange. Also notice that the concert will have now only 2 zones, instead of 12, that means there will be only two ticket prices:

R$ 500,00 (normal price)
R$ 250,00 (if you're student or elderly)

R$ 275,00 (normal price)
R$ 137,50 (if you're student or elderly)

This the new concert map for Sao Paulo

The previous map below:

The sectors and prices below are not valid anymore:

Arquibancada C: R$ 125,00 (U$64.00)  (seated)
Arquibancada A: R$ 200,00 (U$102.00) (seated)
Arquibancada B1: R$ 200,00 (U$102.00) (seated)
Arquibancada B2: R$ 200,00 (U$102.00) (seated)
Pista: R$ 275,00 (U$140.00) (standing)
Cadeira Inferior A: R$ 325,00 (U$166.00) (seated)
Cadeira Inferior B: R$ 325,00 (U$166.00) (seated)
Cadeira Coberta A: R$ 350,00 (U$178.00) (seated)
Cadeira Coberta B: R$ 350,00 (U$178.00) (seated)
Cadeira Coberta C: R$ 350,00 (U$178.00) (seated)
Cadeira Premium C: R$ 375,00 (U$191.00) (seated)
Pista Premium: R$ 500,00 (U$255.00) (standing)
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Algumas informações básicas sobre como chegar ao Morumbi, em São Paulo:

Praça Roberto Gomes Pedrosa, nº 1
Sao Paulo - SP
phones: 55 11 3742-3377 / 55 11 3749-8000

Esse site do Coldplay dá algumas boas indicações sobre como chegar ao estádio de carro, ônibus, metrô, etc.

Tem uma caravana saindo de Belo Horizonte para os dois shows em SP e no Rio. A pessoa responsável é o Gil Siqueira (gilmetall@hotmail.com, ou pelo Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/djgilwolf).

Se alguém tiver mais informações sobre caravanas, por favor, avisem. A gente ajuda a divulgar pelo site do Interlude e pelo Facebook.


Qualquer coisa, se eu puder ajudar em algo, estou à disposição.

Bom show para todos!


Thinking of going (i'm from Uruguay). Not knowing the prices beforehand bothers me a bit, i need time to take decissions, damnit!! Anyone else going? I'm kind of scared, because it'll be my first travel alone, and my first travel to Brazil!!! Any brazilian curefans willing to babysit an uruguayan?  hahahaha

Estoy pensando en ir, desde uruguay. Me molesta un poco no saber los precios de antemano. Necesito tiempo para meditarlo, carajo!. Alguien más va? La verdad me asusta un poco, mi primer viaje solo, y el primer viaje a Brasil también. Hay curefans brasileros dispuestos a hacer de niñero de un uruguayo?


Another thing: livepass.com.br wouldn't let me register without a brazilian CPF. Is there any way to bypass that?

Otra cosa. Livepass brasil no me deja registrarme en el sitio sin un DNI / Cédula  brasilera. Hay alguna manera de saltar ese control? Algun sitio para extranjeros? Ayuda!


As far as I've read around, tickets could be between R$250-R$500 (brazilian currency). This is NOT official at all.

I sent a mail to livepass.com.br asking them whether there's any way someone outside from Brazil could buy a ticket through the website. I'll post the answer as sooner as I get it.

And that may not be very useful, but if you could reach Porto Alegre, in Rio Grande do Sul/BR, you would most likely be able to come with a group of fans. They may gather people there to come to Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo, maybe you could join them.

I can keep an eye for you on groups coming from Rio Grande do Sul and could let you know about it, if you want. There are already groups coming from cities in Santa Catarina and Paraná.

Good luck!


Sadly i found this in the LivePass Brasil Facebook Page, in a Cure post:
"Infelizmente, o departamento de vendas internacional da Livepass não está em funcionamento no momento. Assim que iniciarmos atividades divulgaremos aqui no Facebook.".

As for travelling, by plane is my cheapest option unbelievably! A plane from MVD to Sao Paulo costs 300 Dollars.


I know this is my first post and all, but since I am a long term fan and I am waiting since 95 to see them live I can totally understand wanting to go from Uruguay to Brazil. Hell, I went to Germany to see a Dead Can Dance concert!

Anyway: When the prices are disclosed, I am totally willing to buy some tickets (Sao Paulo concert only) for anyone that needs them that lives in other country. Of course, my money is a little scarce so the payment should be made beforehand by Paypal or something similar. I like Paypal because it has plenty of security for both me and anyone interested. One vending venue is very near my workplace so I could be there Monday very early to guarantee the tickets. I must warn though that I haven´t ever sold anything on Paypal, so I really don´t know the details of money transfer and stuff like that, like how many days it takes for the money to be used by me. I am assuming that it can be done the same day! If anyone shows interest I´ll dig deeper.

Usually there is a ticket limit per person. It varies from 2 to 8 tickets, so I´d not be able to buy more than that. Also, depending on the price, it would be a lot of cash to walk around with, and I am really not confortable with that...

Of course, I´d never overcharge for the tickets and would send them to any address you want only by verified and trusty companies, like FedEx, UPS or DHL. The brazilian mail system is very bad, so even though it is cheaper it isn´t an option. And there are some Paypal taxes that need to be paid, I believe they are 6% of the value. Since I am not a professional seller I´d repass this value to the buyer, hope this is understandable.

If interested, post it here and PM me, so we can talk better.

Now, regarding a trip to Sao Paulo for a first timer...

Sao Paulo is a very big city and it has the same problems that every big city has... mugging, cons, robery, etc... You must be always careful when walking around and be wary if someone starts eyeballing you to much. I recommend staying at the Ibis Budget Sao Paulo Morumbi (70 dollars a night up to 3 people) or Ibis Sao Paulo Morumbi (75 dollars a night up to 2 people) hotels in Roque Petroni Jr Avenue. It is not the nearest hotel to the venue, but it is very near, a taxi being close to 13 dollars assuming there is no traffic, and there are local buses that could take you there, but they require a little knowledge of the local geography. If anyone wants this option, I am more than willing to help. The bus fare is 1,50 dollars. It is in walking distance of 2 shopping malls with plenty of food options, from fine cuisine to a regular Subway or McDonalds (8 dollars a combo meal), it is in walking distance of a Brazilian Barbecue house, which is a very interesting thing for foreigners to visit, assuming they are not vegetarian, it is in a walking distance of the CPTM public transportation systems (a train similar to Paris´s RER) and it is in a safe metropolitan area, with lots of commercial buildings. It is a little far from the main tourists attractions, but I think that is not the main purpose of the voyage. Of course, being near the CPTM you can easily do some sightseeing. I´d recommend MASP if you´re into arts or the Ibirapuera Park if you´re into nature and casual sports. Those are safe and good to see places. If you are willing to risk a little, a trip to the center of the city has some beatifull buildings, like Catedral da Sé and Thatro Municipal, but those are not very safe locations. Also, the Ibis hotel network staff are multilingual, so communication would be easier.

I intend to arrive at the venue at a very early hour, something like 6 or 7 am, assuming that it isn´t a numbered seat arrangement, so I probably wouldn´t be a good guide... But I always try to help.

In any case, see you guys at the concert!


rgtschope, wow, thanks for all the info and all the help!
Sadly, the biggest problem with this approach is not knowing the price of the tickets beforehand (damn livepass). But i'll let you know.


Quote from: ItsNotMe on February 01, 2013, 16:07:32
Sadly, the biggest problem with this approach is not knowing the price of the tickets beforehand (damn livepass). But i'll let you know
just to give you an idea of the prices for the LatAm2013 Tour. I don't think any show will be more expensive than Chile: http://curefans.com/curenews/the-cure-numbers-of-the-%27latin-american-tour-2013%27/
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Yes, i hope so!. Indeed the chilean prices are the most expensive ones by far, but the chilean "public" prices where a marketing strategy only, because DG Medios and Cristal are giving each one 20.000 %20 discount codes. I got tickets for chile for 264 USD each.


Actually Brazil has the largest tax rate in South America, so expect our prices to be equal or larger than Chile. If I remember correctly, for the first U2 concert in the 2000´s in the same venue the tickets were so expensive that it was actually cheaper to travel to Buenos Aires for the concert... U2 or Madonna or some other big name, can´t really recall now.

This situation has improved, but still there is the discrepancy.


2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


According to the revised Press Release ( http://www.midiorama.com.br/works/news/14566/the-cure-no-brasil-2013/), the new sales date for the Sao Paulo date is 02/21, no time given, at the same website announced before, http://www.livepass.com.br. The information is at the bottom of the page.

See ya!


2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Prices are now known! Here is the map: http://www.midiorama.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/mapa1.jpg

Arquibancada C: R$ 125,00 (U$64.00)  (seated)
Arquibancada A: R$ 200,00 (U$102.00) (seated)
Arquibancada B1: R$ 200,00 (U$102.00) (seated)
Arquibancada B2: R$ 200,00 (U$102.00) (seated)
Pista: R$ 275,00 (U$140.00) (standing)
Cadeira Inferior A: R$ 325,00 (U$166.00) (seated)
Cadeira Inferior B: R$ 325,00 (U$166.00) (seated)
Cadeira Coberta A: R$ 350,00 (U$178.00) (seated)
Cadeira Coberta B: R$ 350,00 (U$178.00) (seated)
Cadeira Coberta C: R$ 350,00 (U$178.00) (seated)
Cadeira Premium C: R$ 375,00 (U$191.00) (seated)
Pista Premium: R$ 500,00 (U$255.00) (standing)

Apparently international buyers can send an email to livepass@livepass.com.br with Passport number, birth date and full name, but I don´t know details.

See ya there!