Anyone else lost interest in The Cure after a certain time?

Started by Birdmad Guy, May 16, 2013, 02:12:09

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Birdmad Guy

I didn't really care for Wish that much.  When Wild Mood Swings came out The 13th was bizarrely interesting but I didn't like anything after that or anything else on that album.   Actually I liked mostly the era from Pornography to Disintegration. 


"Wish" for me was a "high" point, as I'd waited for a follow-up to the excellent (but very melancholic) "Disintegration", also I loved the "Wish tour '92" very much.
"Wild Mood Swings" I did enjoy, if you take the trouble to really listen, there ARE good songs on there, for example the 'beaming child of Friday I'm In Love' called "Mint Car" plus "This Is A Lie" (one of my faves of this band!), "Bare", "Jupiter Crash" and more!
"Bloodflowers" - here we have them trying to get back to the "Disintegration" feel, I liked it at the time, but don't listen much to it nowadays.
"The Cure" - well, after Bloodflowers for a while I really believed Robert's threats to disband (or at least take long breaks), so I didn't really expect much. This album came as a bit of a surprise, especially as recording didn't take long (almost recorded "live" in the studio)! Not my fave album, but some good tracks on there, especially "Lost" (a depart from the typical Cure sound, more rocking)...
"4:13 Dream": as Robert has hinted at, this album could be better with the other songs they kept in stock for a possible "dark" follow-up. But some incredibly strong songs are still on it: "Sleep When I'm Dead" and "The Hungry Ghost" plus the 'Cure-archetypical' "Underneath the Stars"...

The point where I started to lose a bit of interest? Right now or should I say 2011. Why?
Well, The Cure to me had always been a band that was "pushing forward", writing new stuff, exploring new sounds, expressing feelings in songs... How much new stuff has Robert written since 2009? I don't know, possibly a lot, however his "quality control" didn't let him record it... :(
Another important point for me is the "production" side of the recent albums. Seeing Tim Pope is back with them, maybe they can get Dave Allen to produce again? (In my opinion, WMS suffers a bit from weak production, so does 4:13 and others...)

Thus, my wish towards this band is: get some new stuff out, then keep touring! :)
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


I didn't follow the band that much during the WMS but this was mostly because I was listening a lot of shoegazing at that time (mainly Slowdive). I think I regained my interest when I got Bloodflowers. And of course, when I saw them for the first time ever in 2002, then I was sure this is the band I was going to follow for the rest of my life.

I am a Curefan since 1993 ;)
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


I don't know if I'd say I lost interest, exactly... I've been a fan since 1987, and just about everything they did up to and including "From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea" is very special to me.  They sort of lost me after that--probably partly because of changes in my own life, but certainly also because of Wild Mood Swings, which really didn't impress me at all. 

That said, there are some decent songs on the later albums, and I have complete respect for Robert and for The Cure.

dsanchez, I was and am a big Slowdive fan as well. 

(Yeah, I'm new here, though I thought I signed on a long time ago--that must have been another Cure forum!)


I don't really "lose interest", I just tend to neglect my interest for The Cure whenever I'm into another bands. But I will never unlike The Cure. Never :)
You're just an object in my eyes.


Yes, there was a phase between 1996 and 2000. I had a lot of "around the ears" and little time to listen to music in general.
Until 2002 I had some personal quarrels. It was only when I had time for myself that I was open to The Cure again.
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


I totally did for a LONG time. I was pretty obsessed with them when I was younger and KMKMKM was one of the first records I bought with my own money. I had all the tapes I could buy up through Mixed Up. I wound up moving to Vermont where there was a much smaller pool of people into "alternative" music around 1991 and when Wish came out I really never gave it a chance as the first two singles were a bit of a "What the hell is this??" and to my shame, I never really gave the album a chance and moved on to other music at the time - particularly jam bands like Phish (again... to my shame).

I dabbled a bit in the mid 00s... got the Join The Dots set - didn't really listen to it much. Got "The Cure" disc that came out in 04. Liked it, but didn't really listen to it much. Then last fall, I read a setlist from Mexico on slicing up eyeballs and was pretty blown away and started paying attention again. Now, I've completely rebuilt my collection and have amassed over 100 live shows and am seemingly unable to stop listening to this band again. It's like i'm 14 all over again.


It seems,that you don't rediscovered Wish,do you?
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Quote from: Ulrich on June 25, 2014, 09:58:32
Quote from: MeltingMan on June 24, 2014, 17:32:52
It seems,that you don't rediscovered Wish

I guess he did:

Quote from: mfk on June 20, 2014, 18:04:50
Now, I've completely rebuilt my collection

Indeed. I haven't listened to Wish a whole lot just yet but it was actually the live versions on the "show" album that made me re-think my whole stance on post 1989 Cure music. I'm still not a fan of High or Friday so much, but I really wish that I had given Wish more of a chance when i was a kid as the songs are really growing on me and I'm realizing now that it actually WAS the masterpiece followup to Disintegration