Who the hell did this to Robert Smith's IMDB? An investigation. . .

Started by mooki, April 13, 2014, 05:35:44

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Thank you for tuning in tonight with us. I'm your host, mooki. Tonight we'll be investigating the mysterious Veronica Grey. Viewer discretion is advised.

So the other night I was looking up film soundtracks that included The Cure. I went to IMDB.com to find the info, so I went to Robert Smith's page and found this nonsense.


Christ, what the hell is this? Just in case you can't read it, it says:

"I used to play the field, being linked to musicians like Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins, etc... NO I WAS NEVER A GROUPIE. Bands like Depeche Mode, The Cure, MGMT, and 30 Seconds to Mars acknowledge me as a modern day muse.

During my life experiences I learned vital information that begs me to ask

Is your orgasm aging you? Orgasms release youthful energy and vitality. Let us be clear here. We are pro sex. We love it. We are all for it. But the reason the French call orgasms "The little death" is because each and every time a person orgasms, that is a release of your energetic life force. The proper way to have sex is at the point of orgasm, instead of "letting go", channel that energy inward to your spinal column and direct it to your heart as opposed to outside yourself. "Tantra." The more sex you have with no outside release, the more you revitalize your internal organs and retain youthful energy, vigor, and beauty. When you spill the orgasm, you literally disconnect your chakras from the Energy Source. This means accelerated aging and possible physical illnesses, all of which contribute to overall unattractiveness, irony: the more "wrong" sex you have, the less sexy you become. There are tons of references about "sacred tantra." most notably the FREE .pdf online by Samuel Aun titled "The Perfect Matrimony", gnostic teachings, and a documentary on Youtube "Sex: The Secret Garden to Eden"

Because I truly care,
Veronica Grey
Life Extension Expert

So I went to her site and wow. What the hell am I looking at here? There's a bunch of videos on here. I saw this one, most notably.


Wait a second, what the f*ck? She's on the news? Yeah. And what does this have to do with The Cure? At around :58 seconds in the video, she mentions her dolls are Robert and Mary Smith of The Cure. Why? Why does she have these creepy dolls of these REAL people? So promptly, this turned into an investigation. Who is this person? And here's some more pictures on Robert Smith's IMDB.


She adds in the info that Robert Smith came to Hawaii just to see her.  Hmm. . . Don't think so, Veronica.


Here her info says "Jared Leto and muse Veronica Grey. "4:13 Dream" by The Cure is partially inspired by her. Jared has been quoted as saying the artist he would most like to work with is Robert Smith." Wow, I didn't know The Cure made an entire album just for her. I can totally tell with songs like "Freakshow".
So I did a little more research. Apparently she also goes by "The Surf Lady." So now, along with being the sole inspiration for The Cure and being an "Immortality Expert", she's a surfing expert.


She has 83,000 likes on facebook which is actually quite impressive. She was on the news AGAIN as a surfing expert (who the f*ck keeps letting this lady in their news room?)


So I kept searching on youtube. I had found at least 4 different youtube channels that she made up. All 4 of them are different names. She was on this lady's show telling her story about how her father kidnapped her and escaped the FBI (??). Obviously it's a fabrication. It's very odd.


Here she is with "Charlotte Sometimes" playing in the car while she pretends to fellate the Robert Smith doll at 2:00 min in.


And as we dig deeper, here we find a video she has taken down from youtube and is up on another side. She goes through her Deluxe Edition of Disintegration and it's just as f*cking disturbing as ever.


And along with her many youtube accounts, she has multiple facebook accounts. Here's the worst of them all.


Anyway folks, this concludes the first episode of my investigation. Hopefully there will be more answers next time. I don't know when I'll update this, because there's a lot of mystery to this all. Who is Veronica Grey? And what the hell is wrong with her? Is she an axe murderer?

Stay tuned.
Thanks for joining us tonight.


Quote from: mooki on April 13, 2014, 05:35:44
So the other night I was looking up film soundtracks that included The Cure. I went to IMDB.com to find the info, so I went to Robert Smith's page and found this nonsense.

I just typed "imdb robert smith" into a search engine and it lead me to this:

To me it looks like someone hacked the site (or at least the site where the original photo was).

At least the info on soundtracks etc. seems to be there.

Quote from: mooki on April 13, 2014, 05:35:44Anyway folks, this concludes the first episode of my investigation. Hopefully there will be more answers next time. I don't know when I'll update this, because there's a lot of mystery to this all. Who is Veronica Grey?

My guess is this person does not exist as such and there are one or more "spammers" or "trolls" at work here.
I'm not a member at imdb (nor at youtube), but I guess there is a possibility to "report" such spam?
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


haha so i was googling this chick and found your post and HAD to sign up to comment on this.... I first found Veronica Grey searching Smashing Pumpkins videos on youtube back in like 2010.  Billy Corgan has dated that porn star chick Sasha Grey, and so thats who I thought it was at first...haha..  Anyway since then I've been intrigued by Veronica's crazy... She's claimed in different videos (a lot of which she's taken down) to have been married to Billy Corgan and Andrew Vanwaynegarden (mgmt), that she's the friend/muse to Jared Leto, Leo Dicaprio, some dude from Sex & The City, and countless others.. She also claims some spiritual connection with Kurt Cobain & Courtney Love.      Back in 2010 Thirty Seconds To Mars had a store in LA, and she used to have up(she removed) a video going to the store, which was closed so she tried to break in, and was like kicking the metal grill work on the front of the store, and screaming...  It was nuts.. She also had videos up where she had (allegedly) kidknapped some dude who was supposedly Timothy Leary's astrologer (I think he's the one who told her of her cosmic connections to kurt & courtney)......   Like her videos are f*cking INSANE... On top of being a "muse" to all these people she claims to be a pro surfer and aging guru (the f*ck?)......    Her getting on these morning shows though is a next level of crazy....  Not to mention the IMDB stuff... I seriously cannot believe it took this long for that stuff to be removed.. I get Robert Smith's people not knowing, but seriously no one in Thirty Seconds To Mars camp checked out their IMDB profiles ever? Oh and then all of her crazy bogus Facebook pages... (the likes on them are fake.. she talked in older videos about using Fiver to boost youtube stuff, so i'd assume she did the same on Facebook).... I don't understand how she hasn't been arrested or 5150'ed yet..


Arrested? What for? Posting strange videos and faking FB profiles?  :?

I think best would be to report these FB profiles and youtube vids etc., instead of giving that person attention (because I guess that is what he/she feeds on...)!
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...