The Cure and Astrology

Started by tanyasmith, January 07, 2019, 07:00:38

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Quote from: tanyasmith on January 23, 2019, 02:03:58

" I think he has an excellent point when he says "you're flying through space at a millions miles an hour/for 4 billion years, the sun keeps coming up/it's all too wonderful for words/but for you it's not enough."

Yeah I love that lyric too, is so true how amazing every moment truly is, but we can fall asleep to recognising it, and get lost in striving for more...better than this ...when it's a freakin miracle.  I've always been in awe of consciousness... that we are awake conscious beings.  However it feels like there's a tendency to get distracted by the objects we clutter our lives with, and allow our minds to get confined by rigid ideas and judgements, rather than simply being conscious and open.

Tanya I'm not convinced RS is closeminded to the sort of things you discuss. I feel he is likely quite intuitive, and able to access and expand into a heart-centred awareness that is beyond form (or perhaps I'm just hoping this is true?). I feel in the lyrics that he's saying that when people become rigid / closeminded, and push their beliefs on others that this frustrates him.
"It's when your "I believe it's true, I know", I start to get upset"
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


Quote from: word_on_a_wing on January 23, 2019, 12:59:15
Quote from: tanyasmith on January 23, 2019, 02:03:58

" I think he has an excellent point when he says "you're flying through space at a millions miles an hour/for 4 billion years, the sun keeps coming up/it's all too wonderful for words/but for you it's not enough."

Tanya I'm not convinced RS is closeminded to the sort of things you discuss. I feel he is likely quite intuitive, and able to access and expand into a heart-centred awareness that is beyond form (or perhaps I'm just hoping this is true?). I feel in the lyrics that he's saying that when people become rigid / closeminded, and push their beliefs on others that this frustrates him.
"It's when your "I believe it's true, I know", I start to get upset"

I always thought Robert was spiritual, but as an adult I came to wonder if he takes the skeptical side. He's admitted in interviews that he doesn't feel as positively as he used to. And there's also "but if I had your faith, then I could make it safe and clean..." which leads me to believe he's always been on the skeptical side.

Oh, I wasn't understanding that lyric the way you explained.  Another good point, Word-on-a-wing (and Robert). ;-)

Quote from: Ulrich on January 23, 2019, 11:49:11
Quote from: tanyasmith on January 23, 2019, 02:03:58
Yeah, I was thinking of Jupiter Crash, too. Also Step Into the Light, which I'm not sure who he's talking to in it

That's interesting about "Step into the light"! I think it's often "typical" for a song that you don't know exactly who it is directed to (or who it is about) - thus they become "universal" and (nearly) anybody can relate to the lyrics...

Quote from: tanyasmith on January 23, 2019, 02:03:58
It's a good perspective, a masculine one, with reason having to do with the intellect. I think women tend to believe in the metaphysical more than men because of being more centered in our emotions and intuition...

It's hard to understand why people want to extract the spirituality out of experiences, but Robert Smith is a Taurus (like Freud) and Tauruses are very physically oriented, tend not to be as open to spirituality as Pisces, Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio, and Libra. It might be as simple as certain people  just don't have lenses for which to perceive the spiritual so don't believe in it.

Of course: there is the "rational" side in me which doesn't believe in some things because they've never been "proven". And I've experienced some bullsh*t where it was very clear (to me) that some folks use "spirituality" to make money...

On the other hand, I have experienced some strange "coincidences" in life, which point towards there being (much) more than we can see or prove.
Plus the "feelings" I had when I visited some "special" places on earth (sources, old churches, graveyards, castles...)!

Well, said Ulrich! I agree that some people use spirituality to make money. It's our responsibility as self-caring human beings to do the best we can to make sure we don't get tricked. (And others, too).

I've experienced a lot of spiritual things in my life. Most recently I was in the kitchen and there was a man standing next to me. At first I thought it was my partner, but he was in our bedroom and I never heard him come out, so when I looked and saw nobody there, I guessed it was a ghost. To be really honest, my male cat, Matisse walked by right after the experience, so it could have been his male presence I sensed, but still, it was like I knew a man was standing in the kitchen with me. We live in an 83 year old house, so it's not outlandish to think there might be some spirits there. A friend of mine once said she felt a strong Native American presence in the furnace room. Native Americans did live here before settlers came.


The band is set to go to the studio again soon! They will "finish off" the recordings already done last year. Let's hope "the stars are aligned" for them to make another great album! :happy

Quote from: tanyasmith on January 23, 2019, 18:44:32
It's our responsibility as self-caring human beings to do the best we can to make sure we don't get tricked. (And others, too).

Yep! :smth023

Quote from: tanyasmith on January 23, 2019, 18:44:32
A friend of mine once said she felt a strong Native American presence in the furnace room. Native Americans did live here before settlers came.

Fun fact: I met a Native American through being a Cure fan! Was a nice fan meeting (Nov. 2016)! :cool
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Quote from: word_on_a_wing on January 23, 2019, 12:59:15
Tanya I'm not convinced RS is closeminded to the sort of things you discuss. I feel he is likely quite intuitive, and able to access and expand into a heart-centred awareness that is beyond form ...

Well I do think Robert is "sceptical" when it comes to things like "after-life" and such. Which is what he once said, but he might've changed his mind since then.

I can only guess he knows about the origins of astrology/astronomy, but then again back in those times there weren't things like "horoscopes" in newspapers.

However, I imagine he can think himself into these things, e.g. when he writes lyrics like in "Never" (2004):
QuoteShe doesn't read the stars
She has no time for fate
She doesn't see the signs
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Quote from: Ulrich on February 06, 2019, 09:45:10

Well I do think Robert is "sceptical" when it comes to things like "after-life" and such. Which is what he once said, but he might've changed his mind since then.

I can only guess he knows about the origins of astrology/astronomy, but then again back in those times there weren't things like "horoscopes" in newspapers.

However, I imagine he can think himself into these things, e.g. when he writes lyrics like in "Never" (2004):
QuoteShe doesn't read the stars
She has no time for fate
She doesn't see the signs

I have to go back and re-listen to Never. Cure lyrics have a way of pulling you in.  :D

From an astrological perspective, Robert is a walking paradox. He has so much opposition and challenge in his chart that I'd assume he would be quite open-minded from the challenge he's faced in life because of that paradoxical chart. I can relate, as I have a paradoxical chart, too. Basically when you have a paradoxical astro chart you can say one thing one moment with much conviction and then the opposite or something that really contrasts in another moment with as much conviction, usually not aware of it, or say one thing, but do another. It's hard for people to deal with who aren't like that. Robert's Sun is in Taurus on the cusp of Aries, so I think that gives him a dislike of hypocrisy (we all know him to have artistic integrity) and perhaps the paradoxical aspects in his chart have empowered him to become integrated, which is a paradoxical phenomenon in itself that a person born divided might actually have the potential to become whole and integrated, more than a person born without paradox or contrast in their charts. Robert has a Libra Moon, which makes him prefer peace over conflict deep inside. Actually his chart connotes a singer/performer/artist, the tense , contrasty aspects provide him the fuel for being so self-expressive.


Quote from: tanyasmith on February 07, 2019, 01:24:46
From an astrological perspective, Robert is a walking paradox.

I kinda like that!  :lol:
Maybe because I am too (at times).  :neutral-face

Quote from: tanyasmith on February 07, 2019, 01:24:46 can say one thing one moment with much conviction and then the opposite or something that really contrasts in another moment with as much conviction, usually not aware of it, or say one thing, but do another.

Well, when you look back: Robert often talked about "death wishes" when he was young(er). Nowadays he claims he actually had a very positive view when he was young (while he was making "dark" music)...

I guess some of it is dependending on his "mood". There are days when you don't feel much hope and I think those are (mostly) the days when Robert feels like writing a song/lyric.

Quote from: tanyasmith on February 07, 2019, 01:24:46
I think that gives him a dislike of hypocrisy (we all know him to have artistic integrity)
... which makes him prefer peace over conflict deep inside.

I can relate to all this! I'd rather go quiet than entering a huge conflict (in real life, not on the internet, ha ha ha)! It is known that RS sometimes left it to Lol (or other band members) to tell someone he's out of the band. Which probably means he tried to avoid any conflict with that person.
And I dislike hypocrisy too...
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


And now, someone's "left the room"... I wonder how that will affect Robert.
I guess that a lot.


Was Robert even in touch with Andy anymore? Andy was an Aquarius, born on the same day as me: January 30th. It's actually the same day Olivia Colman was born, the most recent winner of the Academy Award for Best Actress, as well...One wins, another dies, and yet another stays alive. Andy's unexpected death falls under the powerful Super Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse we had on January 20th. I guess his closest friends are grateful he didn't have to suffer long.

A day after Andy's birthday is Jason Cooper's birthday, January 31st and Lol's, February 3rd. I guess The Cure reserves a space for Aquarian drummers, although Boris has his birthday April 24th, just 3 days after Robert's.

The longest member besides Robert is Simon, and he's a Gemini. Robert's Venus is in Gemini which means that he feels affection toward the Mercurial messenger, which is probably why Simon has lasted so long in the band, and of course Reeves is a Gemini, too. Roger is a Scorpio, who might feel out of sync with the Aquarius/Gemini energy so strong in the band these days. Robert, with his Libra Moon probably serves as a diplomat in the band, bridging the guys differences with peacemaking tactics.

There aren't any more Total Lunar Eclipses until May 2021, so until then, things should feel milder than they've been in a while.


Quote from: tanyasmith on February 28, 2019, 04:47:16
Was Robert even in touch with Andy anymore? 

Good question. Lol once said it is him who "keeps the contact between them all" and that he's often the one delivering messages from Robert to other ex-members.
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


We're less than 48 hours away from the New Moon in Aries! That means that the Moon is currently in the phase of the Dark Moon, which happens every month, the last two days of the Moon cycle, the two days before the New Moon. People are prone to feel lost, sad, disappointed, emotionally heavy, tired, and uninspired at this time. It's the lack of light, the dark tunnel. Don't expect others to admit feeling this way because it's usually the more receptive, sensitive kinds of people who feel in touch with the phases of the Moon and other planetary aspects. If you feel frozen about a project or goal, it's just part of the course. By the New Moon in Aries, one of the most exuberant, vibrant, lively New Moons of the year you may feel so inspired and motivated that you don't know where to start, especially being that Aries ruling planet, Mars has entered Gemini and will be expressed in a scattered way. This can be really fun and creative, a good time for multi-tasking and starting several projects at once. Aries are not known for sticking around to finish projects, as Aries are more keen on starting things and directing others to carry on. Mars in Gemini will be expressed through Mercury (its ruling planet) in Pisces, so thinking and communication may be colored by feelings (Pisces) at this time, again making it a creative phase.

"The dark night of the soul comes just before revelation. When everything is lost, and all seems darkness, then comes the new life and all that is needed." Joseph Campbell

Robert's Sun is cusping Aries/Taurus, and as we all know he'll be celebrating his 60th on April 21st. His Venus is in Gemini, which means that from now and most of this month he'll be feeling motivated by love and inspired to chat, hopefully with the public.  :heart-eyes Also, Simon and Reeves are both Geminis, so they may be feeling more robust and daring than usual.


Quote from: tanyasmith on April 03, 2019, 20:30:58
...the phase of the Dark Moon, which happens every month, the last two days of the Moon cycle, the two days before the New Moon. People are prone to feel lost, sad, disappointed, emotionally heavy, tired, and uninspired at this time. It's the lack of light, the dark tunnel.

I can't help but admit the last 2 days I felt quite tired, lost und not very inspired...  :disappointed:

Nice "peacock" picture, btw!  :)
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Thanks! It's a still from The Caterpillar video I made:

After the New Moon, energy starts building again, so that by the Full Moon people tend to feel wired and energetic. And then as the Moon wanes into nothing, peoples energy levels tend to wane as well. The New Moon is less than a day away. Should feel focused and productive, an excellent time to set goals and start new endeavors.


Quote from: tanyasmith on April 04, 2019, 17:58:51
The New Moon is less than a day away. Should feel focused and productive, an excellent time to set goals and start new endeavors.

Sounds good, will see how I get on today!
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Quote from: tanyasmith on February 28, 2019, 04:47:16Andy was an Aquarius, born on the same day as me: January 30th. 

I am currently working on Naadi Astrology. After that, the three (next to the nine) is considered the "dominant" number. Robert has them (April 21) and also Mary (Oct 3) and Lol (Feb 3). It's remarkable, isn't it? 😯
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


Quote from: MeltingMan on May 03, 2020, 10:03:02It's remarkable, isn't it?

No. Not for me at least. (What about Simon for example?)

What's remarkable is that (as far as I know) none of the "astrologists" has read in the stars for 2020 that a huge crisis / pandemic would be coming... or did anyone? :expressionless:

What's remarkable is another thing about the band's members (anyone ever noticed?):

QuoteHartley, like so many of those in The Cure, was the youngest of three
(out of the book "Never Enough" by J. Apter)

Seems like having older sisters/brothers is something in common for many Cure members.
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...