The Cure "40 Live Curaetion 25 + Anniversary" Deluxe Box Set

Started by dsanchez, August 05, 2019, 22:15:17

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@word_on_a_wing, we've had trouble ordering DVDs online that were allegedly for our region, but turned out region-locked for another region.  :1f62b: We couldn't return them (postage is prohibitive) and so Brett worked out a little hack so we could watch them after all.

This probably isn't going to work under Windows.  We use Linux as our operating system, and Brett downloaded a few packages that allowed him to play such DVDs on his laptop, which he then hooked up to the TV and good sound system in the lounge.  He says you can also rip these DVDs with such packages and then play them off a USB stick etc.  And, that you can buy DVD players that don't have region locking in them - usually cheap Chinese ones.  And that Blu-Ray players aren't that expensive anymore - especially secondhand.

It's unbelievably annoying that DVDs get region-locked.  It might be illegal (were you to ask) to play them back the way we do, but the way we see it, we've bought them fair and square in good faith and should therefore be able to play them.  The first DVD that created this problem for us was an old BBC series that we ordered that was allegedly OK for Australia but when it arrived, it was locked to Europe.  It wasn't available in any other form and was a rare find anyway, and so Brett worked around that.

Good luck! :)
SueC is time travelling


Thanks for your thoughtful response Sue.
I'm thinking I'll buy the digital download of the Cureation set for now, and wait a bit longer, in case the DVD is released in Australia in the future.
The use of software to convert it sounds interesting but a bit too complicated for my liking.
I contemplated buying a Bluray Player, or a player that plays dvds of all regions/zones but I'm reluctant to take that step (as I'm trying to minimise my possessions and 'footprint' as much as possible).
Cheers 🌸
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


You're welcome, @word_on_a_wing:cool  And you wouldn't believe how much perfectly functional electronic gear you can pick up off kerbside rubbish collections in this country... :1f631:   Looking around our house, much of our electronic gear was either bought second-hand, or passed on to us by upgrade fanatics.  I've not bought a TV set in over 20 years - people keep passing on their throwaways to us, often without us even asking - they can't bear how "backward" we are and probably think we are too poor to afford "the latest" as they can't conceive of not wanting those things... :)

Ask around, and someone will probably throw their "outdated" Blu-Ray at you for free.  Also, have you tried Freecycle?   ...better to be re-homed, than going into landfill...

You should see our mobile phones!  :)  I have no interest in using a mobile phone for anything except phoning people or texting them.  And, I usually don't have it on me - only when going to town.  The rest of the time it sits in the house, like a landline.
SueC is time travelling


Today received the deluxe box set, Blu Ray for me. Relatively cheap, 50€ from Amazon Spain. It said American version, but also no region locked Blu ray,i can confirm, currently watching on my ps4.
I wish they had released a 4K version on UHDBR, despite not having a player for that yet, but still looks and sounds amazing.
Also bought since i had some money from Google rewards, the digital albums on Google play music so i don't have to rip my cds.
I've only found the digital video on iTunes, so not buying there. Will have to find a way to rip my BR to have a digital copy since is  more convenient.


So I went out today and bought me the DVD (instead of Bluray, which I had in mind, but the shop "only" had 2 versions of the DVD and this looked nice, so I bought it):

Part of the booklet:
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Well, it's the perfect weather for watching dvd's (cold, wet, grey). Yesterday I watched "From there to here" and wasn't totally impressed. Of course, to be fair, this wasn't filmed/edited by Tim Pope, but still: I'd expected a little more (the effects used are sometimes good, at times "cheesy").

Best song (so far) for me from this part: "Jupiter Crash" (I already liked this one back in 1995, when they performed it at "Rock am See" festival!), worst track: "39" (if they'll play this at the next concert I'll go to, it's an ideal opportunity for a run to the toilets)...
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Quote from: Ulrich on November 08, 2019, 13:01:02Best song (so far) for me from this part: "Jupiter Crash" (I already liked this one back in 1995, when they performed it at "Rock am See" festival!), worst track: "39" (if they'll play this at the next concert I'll go to, it's an ideal opportunity for a run to the toilets)...

Yeah, Jupiter Crash is one of my favourites too, and the lyrics to 39 are something of a storm in a teacup, especially viewed from this end!  Gotta tell you, turning 30 was way more traumatic than turning 40, because by then I knew that the whole youth worship thing was a load of bollocks and I wasn't going to be suddenly a little shrivelled old lady at 40 or have my inner qualities disappear - I was only getting more creative. We all have finite life spans, but it's better to live well than to keep agonising over an end that's not there yet, and when it is there, it's the same oblivion as before we were born, and that wasn't too painful.  By the way, @Ulrich, our neighbour is in his 60s and built his own two-seater aeroplane from kit. He said that his brain worked best in his 50s!  And is still working better than in his 20s.

Thanks for the reviews! :cool  We're looking forward to Christmas.
SueC is time travelling


Quote from: SueC on November 08, 2019, 14:47:02Yeah, Jupiter Crash is one of my favourites too, and the lyrics to 39 are something of a storm in a teacup, especially viewed from this end!  Gotta tell you, turning 30 was way more traumatic than turning 40, because by then I knew that the whole youth worship thing was a load of bollocks and I wasn't going to be suddenly a little shrivelled old lady at 40 or have my inner qualities disappear

Well I agree about JC. Also about the birthdays, 40 seemed "easier" to me than 30. (Let's just forget about turning 50... I still feel like 48...)
Back when "Bloodflowers" was new, I could relate to "39" (RS spent half his life with this band, so I understand the sentiment). But now, it seems a bit "out of date" and the way it sounded on the dvd wasn't too pleasing to my ears.
Next up will be "From here to there".  :cool
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Well, "From here to there" was enjoyable (better than the first part, I thought). Especially the songs from "If only tonight..." until "100 years" were emotional and powerful for me.  :smth023
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Quote from: Ulrich on November 08, 2019, 17:48:04...40 seemed "easier" to me than 30. (Let's just forget about turning 50... I still feel like 48...)

I've always liked the -8 birthdays, for some reason.  18, 28, 38, 48.  The -9 birthdays feel a bit claustrophobic.  And to be honest, as of next birthday I'd prefer there to be general age amnesia and then I can just be ageless, because it's sort of tedious doing all that counting and trying to remember how old you are when it changes all the time anyway.  I'm going to adopt a more Hopi Indian perspective of time as cyclical, rather than the linear view of the West.  :P

QuoteBack when "Bloodflowers" was new, I could relate to "39" (RS spent half his life with this band, so I understand the sentiment). But now, it seems a bit "out of date" and the way it sounded on the dvd wasn't too pleasing to my ears.

It's unusual for the sound to be off.  We'll have to watch out for it.  I recently heard a performance of Disintegration where I actually didn't recognise the song at first.  Seemed to be varying something there.

Re the age, I kind of get angsting over getting older and leaving your 20s, 30s etc and feeling a little like you've been shot into deep space, because that's what it was like for me too - especially turning 30; less so now.  I just didn't ever get scared that my creativity was going to dry up or that I was all done or that I was going to run out of words, because of getting older.  I kind of expect intellectual and creative things to get better with practice, i.e. as we get older.

I guess my reaction these days at this ageing-angst is more poking fun back at myself contemplating 30, etc.  I think the song does describe a very human experience that lots of us can relate to.  There is a kind of grief attached to this stuff, but I also found that the losses are offset by gains, which is why I now think it's a bit of a storm in a teacup to stress about turning 40.

In a way, these lyrics can be two things: Acknowledgement of feelings like that, for the people feeling them; and also, for the people who've been there and kind of got over it a bit, something of a Theatre of the Absurd - which allows us to laugh at ourselves.  (We did a lot of Samuel Beckett when I was in high school, which is how I was introduced to that concept!)

QuoteNext up will be "From here to there".  :cool

From your reaction to it, I gather you're one of those strange people who listens to lyrics as well as enjoys the actual music!   :cool   We're looking forward to watching all this at Christmas...
SueC is time travelling


Quote from: SueC on November 11, 2019, 12:53:53It's unusual for the sound to be off.  We'll have to watch out for it.  I recently heard a performance of Disintegration where I actually didn't recognise the song at first.

Same thing happened to me when listening to (watching) the Hyde Park concert dvd, it took me quite long with one song: "what's this? Oh, it's supposed to be Fascination Street"...  :?

Quote from: SueC on November 11, 2019, 12:53:53From your reaction to it, I gather you're one of those strange people who listens to lyrics as well as enjoys the actual music!

Yes, normally I do. (There are however a few songs, of which I never really got the lyrics completely, but still enjoy nevertheless!)
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Hi all, and Merry Christmas 🎄

Did anyone get a DVD version of the Cureation and Anniversary release?
If so can you please look on the box and check if it has a Region number, or says "Region free".
Online stores are saying differing things, with Amazon saying Region Free, but other places clearly saying it won't play in Australia.
I'd be thankful to anyone able to check 🙂

...edit** I just found the answer! Yay!! The DVDs are Region Free!  I deciphered it by zooming into an image of the discs and noticing "FSK 0" typed on them (which apparently means Region free) ...horray! 
Would have been handy if it was made clearer that the DVD disks are Region Free ...will order now and look forward to finally being able to see and enjoy this !!
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


Quote from: word_on_a_wing on December 21, 2019, 13:33:42...edit** I just found the answer! Yay!! The DVDs are Region Free!  I deciphered it by zooming into an image of the discs and noticing "FSK 0" typed on them (which apparently means Region free)

No, it does not. This sticker (see e.g. above on my photo of my dvd package) means it can be viewed by anyone from the age of "0" (as opposed to e.g. "16" or "18").

I will check what it says on the back of my package asap. EDIT: can't find any info on the dvd or package itself.
Amazon (German branch) says it is "region 2".
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


... oh shoot. I ordered it last night so guess I'll just have to see what arrives.

The website I bought it from is the Australian Amazon site, and it clearly does say All Regions
Fingers crossed
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


Quote from: word_on_a_wing on December 22, 2019, 01:55:25The website I bought it from is the Australian Amazon site, and it clearly does say All Regions

Sounds good.  :smth023
If that doesn't ring true, send it back and complain!
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...