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Started by Steve, July 14, 2007, 17:49:04

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En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


I'll be watching this excellent series (ok I already saw S1 & 2, but S3-5 is pretty "new" to me):

I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Note the (damaged) P-51 (3:00) and the map (6:50). 😯

En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


Man, @MeltingMan, are they noisy!  :1f631:  :cool

Even noisier than this mob:  :winking_tongue

SueC is time travelling


I watched a few episodes of mini-series "Chernobyl" - absolute "horror", because even though it is a "dramatisation" of events, you do know most of it happened for real... :1f631:  :'(

I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


That looks really horrible, @Ulrich, and it better be too, because we humans are so easy to anaesthetise about stuff like this.  By the way, I read recently that one of the reasons Germany is a world leader in getting their population on renewable energy sources is because of the public backlash in Germany about nuclear power, and citizens deciding they wanted solar, wind etc, not a nuclear future.  Well done to your citizens - I wish Australians were this proactive on the scale German citizens were.  We still have dumbass politicians discussing building nuclear reactors, and subsidising the mining and burning of coal with our tax money, when there's enough solar energy here to run us many times over, if only we use the available technology to capture it.  (This message is brought to you by an off-grid household running on solar and batteries for electricity, passive solar design for the majority of home heating and cooling, an average of two nights a week in winter with the wood fire on, which also backup heats the solar rooftop hot water, pedestal and ceiling fans to keep air moving in summer heatwaves, and other things like this - all done on an average building budget, showing that anyone with an average budget can get off non-renewables for running their buildings.)

And speaking of horrible, did you ever watch this?  I wish it was compulsory viewing for all politicians (and all voters, to be fair).

SueC is time travelling


Nine Inch Nails were inducted into the Rock&Roll Hall of Fame...
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


Gosh I love the evolution of technology that allows one to stream concerts live to a big screen.
Currently watching The Cure live in Helsinki 2019.  ...very good footage, and awesome performance...

"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


Ooooh, thanks for the link!  :cool

We got Vera Season 10 for Christmas and are about to binge, I suspect.  Also we're watching the final episodes of Sylvester McCoy's classic Dr Who episodes on the way through the entire classic series.  Currently we have a treat - an old Jon Pertwee story called Invasion of the Dinosaurs that we couldn't get hold of before - the actual dinosaurs are beyond ridiculous, but I've always liked Jon Pertwee's Dr Who and he got a lot of good stories.  We also re-watched Listen from Peter Capaldi's era; excellent story...
SueC is time travelling


A one-shot short film "A Midwinter Night's Dream":

I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


We're currently watching Giles Coren & Sue Perkins's travels through the culinary aspects of various historical epochs in various countries - we first saw that when it came out but it was such good fun we're doing it again.

The two hilarious presenters get a medical check, then dress up in the period costume of the time and spend a week trying out each epoch before getting a follow-up medical check where blood test results, body fat etc are compared to original values.

The pilot episode looks at upper-class Edwardian England:

The first breakfast alone has enough food to last our household for two days.  Everything is meat meat meat and there's scarcely any fruit or vegetables in sight, and they've apparently never heard of a salad.  When fruit and vegetables do make an appearance they're usually overcooked to the point of flaccidity.  In fact, it's extraordinary that with all the expense and excess around food, most of it was done in a completely unappetising way - I'd be interested in very few of these dishes myself.

I concluded that upper-class Edwardian cooking was about show, status and greed, rather than enjoyment and nutrition, and generally a waste of ingredients, not to mention blind to what should be the nutritional foundation of any meal - fruit and vegetables and (mostly) wholemeal / wholegrain cereals, legumes etc.

Oh, and if you watch this episode and get to the duck press, tell me if that didn't make you want to throw up, rather than go, "Mmmmmmmh, yum!"... likewise with their "invalid food" of mince on white toast, and the "tonic" made from water they soaked raw mincemeat in (hmmmm, food poisoning, parasites etc) - because when you've got indigestion from eating tons of meat and scarcely a vegetable, what should you do to fix it other than have more meat and white bread... :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

In many ways the fact that the Edwardian upper classes ate like this and their medical establishment didn't notice the problem, in fact contributed to the problem with totally idiotic recommendations, parallels our own ridiculous age which has so many elephants in the room that even most of our "experts" don't seem to see, let alone discuss...

The human race is doomed, and deservedly so.
SueC is time travelling


Not currently watching but recently re-watched, and highly recommended for anyone who hasn't caught it and I'm putting it in as a link for another discussion elsewhere.

SueC is time travelling


Quote from: word_on_a_wing on December 28, 2020, 13:09:40Gosh I love the evolution of technology that allows one to stream concerts live to a big screen.
Currently watching The Cure live in Helsinki 2019.  ...very good footage, and awesome performance...

Finally got around to starting this tonight and it's very good. If any technical nut knows how it is that these people are having conversations on stage in the middle of songs with all that noise and earplugs in, please let me know. Maybe they're very good at lip reading?
SueC is time travelling