Your Top Movies & Recommendations

Started by dsanchez, July 11, 2007, 00:34:22

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Today I'd like to recommend a documentary I recently re-watched. Don't let yourself be fooled by the finished movie, which is a "train wreck", because the documentary about the original director (and script-writer) being fired by the film company is a hilarious and fascinating tale!  :D

A few years ago I met Richard Stanley (near Montsegur, where he lived), I thought he was an interesting and bright person with lots of knowledge about all kinds of things. He's spent the last 20 years making some documentaries, a few short movies and also exploring the mysteries around Montsegur. Now it seems he'll finally be able to direct a feature film again (I'll keep my fingers crossed).  :smth023
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


"Destroyer" (watched it in a small cinema last night, original language), found it was very good, dark and a bit confusing (different time settings, in the end you'll understand it all). Nicole Kidman is doing a great job here...
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Due to a posting in the "currently listening" topic, I was reminded of this documentary, which I enjoyed some time ago:

Quote...tells the story of a profound, essential, and, until now,
missing chapter in the history of American music: the Indigenous influence.

Featuring music icons

RUMBLE shows how these talented Native musicians
helped shape the soundtracks of our lives.
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Apropos of documentaries, this is worth seeing

Quote from: undefinedwe are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road — selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America


Not many new movies coming to the cinema right now, but this one did and I liked it (it is complicated though... )!
Description from imdb is pretty apt:
QuoteArmed with only one word, Tenet, and fighting for the survival of the entire world, a Protagonist journeys through a twilight world of international espionage on a mission that will unfold in something beyond real time.

The title (and names in the movie) refers to something called the "Sator square":

Quote"Tenet" is the middle word of the "Sator Square" (also called the "Rotas Square"), a sequence of Latin words creating a palindrome sentence. It was first found on stone squares in the remains of Pompeii and later discovered in other places around Europe and the Middle East. It goes as follows:

I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Brett just went to see that same film with his parents at the cinema when he was in Perth (assigned seating, lots of gaps) and really liked it too, and says it was great to see a non-white lead for a change in a mainstream American movie.

The last movie I watched (borrowed from library) is a documentary worth recommending:

At the moment, also from the library, we're watching Tony Robinson's Coast to Coast - no trailer for this, incredible scenery and we'd love to do this walk; 14 days should do it - honestly, if we had a TARDIS and a farmsitter we'd be off like a flash and the dog would love it too.  It's walking from St Bees in Cumbria to Robin Hood's Bay in Yorkshire, across the Lake District, Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors.  This would be something ancestral for Brett as well.

One funny thing we noticed on this one (we've watched the first two parts to date) is that so far, most of the people featured have looked unhealthy (candidates for diabetes and heart disease) - very weird for a hiking documentary - and nobody has been shown to eat anything healthy yet - now there's a correlation.  Tony Robinson started off eating a Scotch Egg for breakfast, and for lunch as well.   :1f635:  A Scotch Egg is a boiled egg (so far, so good) wrapped in greasy sausage meat, and then crumbed and deep-fried.  :1f632:  This is exactly the kind of thing The Two Fat Ladies used to cook up on their show, which we watched with macabre fascination and yet never found anything featuring on it that we'd actually want to eat ourselves...

Not a fresh fruit or vegetable in sight, so far - if you're going to eat a Scotch Egg, at least have some F&V to accompany it...  :1f636:
SueC is time travelling


That Yeats poem Before The World Was Made reminded me of an equally spine-tingling film that's little known but one of the best things I ever saw in my whole life:

...back story is that as a boy, the main protagonist lost his best friend to a presumed drowning, and when he returns briefly to the town as an adult, he rescues a stranger from drowning in the same river, and then things get spooky and complicated... but it's a very, very beautiful film...
SueC is time travelling


We watched this last night and it's excellent:

Wonderful lovable lead character, great story - and at the same time, really hits you in the face with the ideas about gender roles we're still not entirely rid of...
SueC is time travelling


"The Fisher King" (directed by Terry Gilliam), 30 years old, still a crazy, but also very entertaining film:

I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


I missed that post, @Ulrich - and that movie - looks good!  :cool

We did catch this Terry Gilliam film and highly recommend it, did you see that one?

Also Brett loves Twelve Monkeys, which I've not seen yet.
SueC is time travelling


I watched this on tv last weekend and it was hilarious (based on a true story, incredible as it sounds)!

@Sue - I haven't seen Tideland yet.
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Really gorgeous film we came across by chance. Highly recommended. ♥

SueC is time travelling


We saw this a couple of nights ago and thought it was excellent.

I think they need to show the first half hour to all 15-year-olds in Health Education classes, to start a conversation on what consent looks like, and doesn't look like, and why you should take another person's no seriously, whether to sex, drugs, alcohol or anything else, and why it's not OK to take advantage of people just because you can, or to then pretend it's all their fault. Also to talk about the culture of misogyny and "boys will be boys" which is corrosive for males and females alike (though of course, boys are far less likely to get raped, or to have their complaints ignored, and boys are still far more likely statistically to get the benefit of the doubt, and to get promotions at work regardless of objective ability).

Carey Mulligan was, of course, Sally Sparrow in the classic Dr Who story Blink - this is 15 years later and she's riveting in this. We both gave the film an A+ but also both think it lacked representation of decent males, who do actually exist - though you could argue that in some circles it's rare to bump into one, and also that the film was already really long without adding more subplots.

Watch it and talk about it.  :smth023
SueC is time travelling