Happy New Year!

Started by bartabas, January 01, 2006, 00:50:55

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Quote from: Ulrich on January 01, 2018, 13:06:10
Happy new year everyone! Looks like we can hope for some Cure activity in 2018.  :)



Happy new year fellow curefans! wish you all more drink, more dreams, more drugs, more lust, more lies and more love...!
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo

Fabien G

Happy New Year to you.


SueC is time travelling


While most of the rest of the world seems to be nursing hangovers, I'm doing pretty well... :beaming-face
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Hahaha!  :lol:  We went to bed around 10pm.  Seen too many of these "new" years to get excited about all that.  Also you don't get hung over from cuddling up with someone.  :winking_tongue   Therefore we were up at 7am without needing to detox anything, and our heads feel just fine.  :cool
SueC is time travelling


My advice: if you wanna avoid hangover, don't drink (much)!  :P

Quote from: SueC on January 01, 2020, 10:09:36Also you don't get hung over from cuddling up with someone.

Oh well, I guess that depends on that person - but I'm gonna keep quiet...  :expressionless:
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


This conversation has the potential to become incriminating for somebody - but probably not for me.  :angel

...I guess that depends on how you define "hung over"... :angel
SueC is time travelling


Happy new year to everyone, this ones been a f*cking trip so let's hope 2021 gets better for all 🍾
Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves


Hiya @chemicaloverload:)  How's your year been?  Are you done with cramming and exams now?

I hope you have a fabulous 2021, despite everything (and I think this dark viral cloud has several very silver linings anyway).  Easy for me to say maybe because we already live in relative isolation and neither of us lost our work plus we live in a part of Australia that never even had a first wave, relatively secure behind mostly hard-locked state borders, so it didn't affect us hugely - unlike probably 90+ percent of people on the planet.  Good luck and best wishes to you in the UK.  From what I've been hearing, Scotland has managed things a bit better than the resident clowns-in-government down south of your realm...
SueC is time travelling


Happy new year.... I think anything this year will be better than 2020 (we already have a vaccine to start with) and have learned lots of new skills and ways to 'survive'. I hope most people get vaccinated and the virus gets under control. Here in Slovakia we didn't start the year well, highest number of cases ever so more restrictions. Let's hope the vaccination campaign gets as many people as soon as possible.
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Hello Sue, I have yet to start my dissertation but have plans to start it this week, so when uni goes back and my dissertation supervisor emails me, I'll send him something lol

Im glad you've been well, I was impressed with the aussie efforts! We are doing ok, although this strain is getting out of control so I think we are going to be locked down far longer than is planned again. I can't complain with Nicola's approach, far better than what England has had to put up with. I'm keeping a beady eye on the independence argument which looks to be strengthening off the back of this mess.

I hope you all manage to stay well and secluded. How is the summer weather thus far?

Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves


Sending you positive vibes for your dissertation, @chemicaloverload.  I wrote something endless like that once and had to lock myself up in a room to do it, and not allow myself to get out of my pyjamas and have a shower before I'd done at least 800 words of publishable standard (it got to about 80,000 words all up, eventually).  THEN I rewarded myself with a shower and proper breakfast, before getting back to the grindstone.  I remember vividly that during the writing of that thing, the days and nights were like a strobe light and everything was surreal.  I do not enjoy that kind of process, although the outcome was nice - I much prefer writing essay-length stuff...

Yeah, if I were in Scotland, I'd be wanting independence I think...

The summer has been blessedly temperate so far; and the odd heatwave tolerably short (1-2 days, maximum around 35 degrees C - NOT 40 degrees yet), many overcast days and maxima generally in the low to mid 20s, which is how I like it because I melt at temperatures over 25 degrees... We're still getting regular rain, in the form of crashing thunderstorms, or onshore flow producing drizzle.  We also had a very wet spring, which broke our 3-year drought in this region...

Paddock cam, early spring:

By late spring we were knee-deep in grass (and neck-deep in hayfever).  Now it's time for avoiding prickly grass seeds that can get in your socks in the thousands if you don't wear burr blockers...

Hayfever has largely stopped now so I'm not complaining!  :)

Had much snow in Scotland?  @Ulrich had a White Christmas!
SueC is time travelling


All the best to you in 2022, may all your dreams come true :)
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo

Fabien G

Happy New Year to you all.