What made you annoyed today?

Started by Aarna, July 01, 2007, 19:59:54

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I hope your knee gets better soon ROGUE!!!

*HUGS* to ROGUE and to everyone else feeling sad  :smth056


getting better, worse than i thought ~but not as bad as could be. Been awhile since i have had a knee accident,
when i was little i loved bandaids- everywhere, cute in pics always at least 5. sooky girl made me feel better.


I broke my arm and now have a c   ast and it's itchy and I tried to itch with fork and fork broke and now it hurts and it's still itcvhy. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

I broke it playing hockey (actually someone's sttttick bro ke it) now have too type one anded.
Who am I? Who are you? Is this world what we percieve it to be? Do we even exist?


WOW everyone seem real sad and that's bad. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( Funny, rhymes. :smth001
Quote from: ROGUE on October 22, 2007, 15:32:22
What made me annoyed today....

my front garden has been dead for ages, and i purposely let the grass go mad, because i know it pisses my neighbors off,
but the dogs love to eat it, aswell, and i hate people telling me to cut it..like my dad, and friend- who has heaps of money
and clean car, and all that stuff. Which is good for him, but maybe if i could afford to pay everyone to do everything...

Anyway, got some trees removed, now it is a dead patch of earth, like an evil being cursed it.. :evil: or something, but i am happy
iam going to plant my native plants, so i wont have to worry about it anymore, hopefully they are kill proof.

But in the meantime, i walked out the back, in the dark and tripped over some thick wire mesh, tried to step over it, and
got dragged down like a bucket of shi by my pants, and cut my knee open, and bruised, i just lay there for awhile in agony..... :smth089

Guess the garden will have to wait.   I was happy to be doing it, for myself, and the birds, etc.
Now immobilized. :(  could be worse. . . .

p.s. Thanx Silversand from awhile back, being cool and nice to me.   :smth023

p.s.s. wish everyone well and to have better days.  :rocker  and liked what BoneHeadhaggar said  :smth045

hope you get better.
Who am I? Who are you? Is this world what we percieve it to be? Do we even exist?


we seem to have a lot of accident prone people on this forum :D
its nice to be nice


Quote from: CureCrusader on October 23, 2007, 11:24:50
I broke my arm and now have a c   ast and it's itchy and I tried to itch with fork and fork broke and now it hurts and it's still itcvhy. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

I broke it playing hockey (actually someone's sttttick bro ke it) now have too type one anded.

OUCH !! now that must hurt. ohh sorry, hope is better soon, that game sounds so brutal.  :smth075

Cure Freak

Sorry to hear about your leg, ROGUE. Hope you get well soon.

And sorry to hear about your arm, CureCrusader. Get well soon also.

:smth056 to you both.


I'm sorry to hear that about your arm CureCrusader  :(
Hope it will get better very soon  :)

Carnage Visor

Quote from: Siouxsie_ on October 22, 2007, 05:43:12
seeing a psychiatrist?

Yeah, I go to a school specifically for teenagers with emotional problems, some more severe than others...Some kids self-harm, some kids are just anger-management, some kids are just very depressed, some addicted to drugs, some all of the above. It's a very small school.

I have my own therapist at the school, as well as one I see outside of school for more medical things...I'm a big mess of a teen really!

Thanks for showing concern, sorry for bringing this thread back a bit, I know alot has happened since your post, but I couldn't pass up such kind words without a response!  :smth023

Thanks, that was really cool! :smth020

Yanna Sometimes

Quote from: Carnage Visor on October 23, 2007, 23:50:00
I'm a big mess of a teen really!

Me too. I have no idea where to start.
What made me annoyed today was school. Progress reports came home and I'm failing math. It's always the same old. My teachers always comment on how I should participate more and never hesitate to ask for extra help when I need it. I guess I'm just stubborn like that. Oh yeah, a bunch of people made me annoyed today. People I see every single day. I hate school and friends and my family. I also tossed a DVD, hoping it would glide through the air like a frisbee, but it broke. I no longer own Halloween: Resurrection.  :roll:
And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
That the dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
[i]Mad World[/i]


Quote from: CureCrusader on October 23, 2007, 11:24:50
I broke my arm and now have a c   ast and it's itchy and I tried to itch with fork and fork broke and now it hurts and it's still itcvhy.
I broke it playing hockey (actually someone's sttttick bro ke it) now have too type one anded.

I hope your arm is better CureCrusader!!~ hugs~

I am annoyed today for no real good reason.. :smth011

Maybe i forgot to do something??? I don't really know why :cry:
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


The volume of e mail I received during my holiday.
QuoteThanks for your e mail, but, unfortunately I will be out of the office on holiday until 25th October & will not have any access to mails during this time.

This is from my out of office reply. Can anyone spot the bit where it says "please send lots more e mail than usual, as I really enjoy having to sit up until the small hours dealing with it"??
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake

Carnage Visor

-1 Kudos?

Who did that? But I'm so nice to everyone, why wouldn't you like me? Unless it's a grudge...

I don't want to think about it. I've been giving kudos out like free puppies, trying to win people over, but I don't get anything in return!

GOD! These kudos are getting to me! I don't even know what they are but it's like, I just want some because it makes me feel like people like me here, and when they get taken away, I wonder why someone would do that, because as far as I know, I've stayed pretty nuetral here!  :?


Iam in same vote, as alot of people, someone i msg, also received alot of Smites,
and i cant work that one out either, this person is nicer than me, i think, so ? ? ?  :smth017 cant work it out,
at all.
So i gave karma to bring that person out of minus, but just keeps on coming ?

Yes annoying. And hard to make sense of.      Other than that, it could be worse. !!!!  All in all i really love it here. :smth023

:rocker so i will just have to get used to it i guess.  . someone simply doesnt like me.- can live with that.

But can't live without here, and all the other awsum people :smth023

edit~ annoyed nothing good on t.v., so bored, thats all. umm ok


Quote from: Carnage Visor on October 26, 2007, 23:06:36
-1 Kudos?

Who did that? But I'm so nice to everyone, why wouldn't you like me? Unless it's a grudge...

Sent you a PM, Carnage.
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