What made you annoyed today?

Started by Aarna, July 01, 2007, 19:59:54

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Quote from: Carnage Visor on October 26, 2007, 23:06:36
-1 Kudos?

Who did that? But I'm so nice to everyone, why wouldn't you like me? Unless it's a grudge...

I don't want to think about it. I've been giving kudos out like free puppies, trying to win people over, but I don't get anything in return!

GOD! These kudos are getting to me! I don't even know what they are but it's like, I just want some because it makes me feel like people like me here, and when they get taken away, I wonder why someone would do that, because as far as I know, I've stayed pretty nuetral here!  :?

Quote from: ROGUE on October 27, 2007, 17:55:54
Iam in same vote, as alot of people, someone i msg, also received alot of Smites,
and i cant work that one out either, this person is nicer than me, i think, so ? ? ?  :smth017 cant work it out,
at all.
So i gave karma to bring that person out of minus, but just keeps on coming ?

Yes annoying. And hard to make sense of.      Other than that, it could be worse. !!!!  All in all i really love it here. :smth023

:rocker so i will just have to get used to it i guess.  . someone simply doesnt like me.- can live with that.

But can't live without here, and all the other awsum people :smth023

edit~ annoyed nothing good on t.v., so bored, thats all. umm ok

I have given both of you +karma, because I like your guys' posts.

Think someone might be going around and just giving everyone -karma because they think it's funny. Anyway, if that were the case, shame on you.

I don't have any idea how I have +1 karma and both of you have -karma. I don't post much, and I don't think I really contribute to curefans, quite odd in my opinion.

Hope I don't come off as..weird, and I hope your karma goes up.
But I think I get a bit confused, am I seducing or being seduced?


Quote from: ROGUE on October 27, 2007, 17:55:54
Iam in same vote, as alot of people, someone i msg, also received alot of Smites,
and i cant work that one out either, this person is nicer than me, i think, so ? ? ?  :smth017 cant work it out,
at all.
So i gave karma to bring that person out of minus, but just keeps on coming ?

i wonder... i wonder why you people still like to see this as something to do with hooking up with one's friends.
you DON'T click +karmajust because you see someone who's "generally nice" and you don't click -kamra either when you see someone who's not your best friend. it has nothing to do with being a "niceness competition". ok?
i must wonder why this still seems to be so unclear to some people.

so, when you're clicking somone's +karma JUST because you see someone else has clicked him/her -karma earlier, it's all going wrong. because look: you are here complaining about "someone" maybe going around and clicking everyone's -karma. ok, now i don't know if it's true and this person really exists, but if he/she does exist then yes surely this person is misusing the feature. BUT you are also misusing the feature if you're just clicking other person's +karma just because this is "a nice person" in general - or because you just want to "balance out" some bad karma someone has and thus only "help" your friend - because that's misuse too. different misuse for sure and certainly not ill-willed - but still misuse altogether.
because to me it seems like you are thinking "as long as i click +karma for people i think are nice people, i will get +karma
backl from them". but that's NOT how it's supposed to work. because you don't click + or - because you just see someone. it's connected to the post content, not to persons/personalities.
and things are not getting anywhere here if we don't ALL try and use it wisely. it's not a good way of thinking to think "hey i think someone might be going around and misusing this feature, so i'll just click all my friend's +karma, just in case!" - because this makes no sense in a long run. and everyone should know it, right?
so let's not give a f*ck about this "someone" who's going around clicking everyone's -karma (if this person even exists), but the rest of us let's try to do the right thing, ok?

because my impression is (unfortunately) that some people here think that as long as they keep talking and talking and talking and complaining about this thing over and over again, it'll somehow just go away. but what if david  was right? did you read what he said earlier? that as long as you keep repeating yourself and have nothing new to say, it's very likely that there's really someone out there who's bored reading all these repeated complaints that pile up here. so when you complain about waking up in the morning and AGAIN finding out that someone has clicked your -karma during the night: can't you just consider the possibility that maybe (just maybe) you are actually fueling this yourself? just by repeating the same thing here over and over again.
and before you do the next thing and say "so, my opinion doesn't count/matter here?" - because your opinion does matter. but look at it this way: the fact just is that by now pretty much everyone pretty much knows your opinion already and so shouting it out for a 1000th time won't probably really make any difference, at least in a positive way. because people simply get bored reading repeated things, maybe that's a bit sad but i'm afraid it's true. both here and elsewhere in life.

and, before you do the obvious and smite me for being honest and speaking out my mind: like david,  i'm also sorry if i have to sound rude. but it's nothing against anyone in particular. nothing. i'm just trying to be honest.
(and if it needs to be said: if you haven't noticed i haven't even been online most of the two past weeks. so so much for ME clicking anyone's + or -, if that was what someone's thinking.
and "someone here doesn't like me" - here we go again: just like this was some sort of liking meter. my honest question would be, why do you keep insisting on it? we should all be old enough to have passed that stage long ago - i hope.)

so come on folks: why don't you please stop these repeated complaints and these repeated comments like "the question still remains unanswered..." about the same thing and please try to find something genuinely worthwhile to discuss about. because look around you: there're definitely a whole LOT of more interesting topics/threads around here than coming into this same thread every (other) day and just complaining about karmakarmakarmakarmaetc....
come on people, you/we all have better things to spend our time with, i'm 100% sure of it.

and now i'll be returning back to my happy  NON-online (=nonline? :-P) state. so at least no-one can start bickering me about clicking anyone's -karma - or +karma either.
and a good day to everyone.  :smth001

Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


Quote from: japanesebaby on October 28, 2007, 11:26:46
Quote from: ROGUE on October 27, 2007, 17:55:54
Iam in same vote, as alot of people, someone i msg, also received alot of Smites,
and i cant work that one out either, this person is nicer than me, i think, so ? ? ?  :smth017 cant work it out,
at all.
So i gave karma to bring that person out of minus, but just keeps on coming ?

i wonder... i wonder why you people still like to see this as something to do with hooking up with one's friends.

and now i'll be returning back to my happy  NON-online (=nonline? :-P) state. so at least no-one can start bickering me about clicking anyone's -karma - or +karma either.
and a good day to everyone.  :smth001

It wasn't rude, quite informative really. I agree..I have given out very few karma things..

anyway, good day to you, as well.
But I think I get a bit confused, am I seducing or being seduced?


The person i was referring to earlier is not just nice, but also helpful to this forum, and never a smart ass,
and always supportive, with links too,  so i found it hard to immagine why.. but is not for me to know.

And the reason i gave this person karma- is because i respect their input- as i do alot of people here, and as i
have said they are always helpful, etc. not because friend? I msg alot of people, but for different reasons.  :smth023
Getting to know people, but i dont karma because of that, If and when i do, is for the good, helpful reasons.

Ok, sorry i mentioned this,  I had some empathy with the situation a few posts up. Thats all.

Thank you  AlluivialL & Japanesebaby, and everyone, have a nice weekend.

Hope nothing annoyes anyone too much  :oops:

and cant wait to see some Halloween costumes :smth059

Carnage Visor

Sorry I complain, I feel bad now and I don't want you to be mad at me, lets start over. I'm not trying to get you to take it away, I guess I'm just flustered onna counta my severe depression (I'm sorry, but it IS a burden) and all that jazz.

Well, enough complaining, I just wanted everyone to respect me and like me as I like all of you. I also feel bad because I make japanesebaby annoyed, so I'm sorry about that. It's hard to understand what my train of thought is unless you have the problems I do, but who cares about my problems? No exuses, I just wanted to let you know that I have mood swings and maybe sometimes I take things too seriously, other times I can handle things more rationally.

Please forgive me and let's be friends!  :)


Quote from: Carnage Visor on October 28, 2007, 16:38:11
Well, enough complaining, I just wanted everyone to respect me and like me as I like all of you.

I think we all respect each other in this community and that's why we're growing everyday.

In the other hand, I think Marika said it all (and very good said, actually), normally we should give a "good karma" to someone who makes a real contribution to the forum. If any of us help the other, give links to cure news first than anyone, post the setlist right after a Cure concert is finished, help other person with a detailed explanation about how to use some of this forum's features (like Marika did now), etc.; then those are examples of WHEN to give a good karma to someone.

So now I'm going to give a good karma to japanesebaby not because I like her (which I do, as well), but because now she used part of her time (and time is something you won't ever get back) to try to explain in this forum, again, how to use the karma.

Now I'm going to eat some potatoes with fish, so good day everyone  8)
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo

Carnage Visor

Mmm, I love fish!

Anyway, karma aside, I was kind of pissed at my Ipod because it runs out of power so fast, and it lies to me about how much power is left. It looks half-full, then suddenly it shuts out and says that the battery is dead. So I charge it all night and into next morning, same thing happens. What the hell?

And two, I have been working ages on this movie project parody of "DAY OF THE DEAD" and other 1980s B-Movie horror films, and suddenly for no reason my editing software says the clips are all corrupt (I have been editing this for a while and everything was fine until now!!!

It just says they're corrupt, and when I try to play them with a video player (Quicktime, Realplayer, Windows Media Player...) it's all glitchy and there are a ton of dropouts and pixelation...wasn't there before.

It's making me very angry...and this movie was going to be huge...

Yanna Sometimes

Damn, CV. That sucks. You know how much I love your work! Oh well, look like I'll have to be patient. Anyways, what made me annoyed today was the fact that I'm going to move from Canada to the U.S. after I finish high school. Also, I keep putting off a stupid project that's due this week and my ear keeps bleeding.  :smth011
And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
That the dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
[i]Mad World[/i]


Im sick  :(

so i couldnt go to my spanish class and now my teacher is going to be mad at me grrrrr!
so i will have to go next week and its bonfire night next monday so i'll be in school until 8.30pm on bonfire night  :evil:


Quote from: Hero on October 29, 2007, 22:05:12
Im sick  :(

How are you today Hero?

Today i really feel lonely..boring..tense.. :(
"Thick As Shit"


Quote from: Sussex on October 31, 2007, 04:00:06
Quote from: Hero on October 29, 2007, 22:05:12
Im sick  :(

How are you today Hero?

Today i really feel lonely..boring..tense.. :(

Still sick  :( and depressed but its halloween! yey - the one day i can be myself and people dont look twice :-D

*HUG* dont be lonely :( thats the worst


Hey,  :shock:

Iam annoyed, been to dentist today, root cannel job- numbness wore off before dentist had finished, and lots of pain after,
like a nerve thobbing from my top gum line up my eye and accross to my ear- hense the new avatar that looks like my nose has dissapearred and hense my re-occuring spelling mistakes,

...Medication...you see..... god my nose looks funny, its not short- but i was screwing my face up and turning into a vampire or werewolf or something evil, Not sure, i will let u know when transformation is complete. :twisted:  but happy my fangs are showing "ahhhh I wvant to suck your blooood!!!" said in a vampire lysp -also dentally provoked  :evil:

Hero & Sussex hope you both feel better soon. And CV hope your computer demonic possession is lifted soon- Im sure you will make it happen regardless, and look forward to seeing it.  :smth023


Dentists scare the willies out of me :roll:
Hope all is well soon.
I still have a spyware problem. Some avatars appear as free scan ads.
Happens on other sites too,so it's not specific to here.
Tried every cleaner out there & ......zip :evil:

Typing is also v slow :x
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


Steve~I have had some trouble loggin in to here, and also other people,
get a message that says "509 bandwith exceeded - 1.3.37 apache  .. " apache is the server of here, i guess.. but wonder how many people are having trouble lately, i thought it was just me.  :smth017

I should send msg to David, but more likely get noticed here, maybe it is due to more traffic. more people.

Thats bad what is happening to you, i have also had the long wait for pages, but no add's in avatars.........yet  :shock:
oh yeh i think you need to do the restart, whats it called.... take it back to before you had problems, -your computer.
Mine is new, so thinking i should start it all again, from the start.
I think someone has been awaking my URL recently, was on sleep, and i could hear the noise like it was starting up- from other room, so i pull the plug now, when i finish.

But not saying it originated from here, our problems are different, just similar timing.  I have downloaded alot of stuff also recently, more likely is from that, and prob you too ?


Quote from: ROGUE on November 01, 2007, 18:08:04
get a message that says "509 bandwith exceeded - 1.3.37 apache  .. " apache is the server of here, i guess.. but wonder how many people are having trouble lately, i thought it was just me.  :smth017

that's because the site was off-line for a while yesterday, that's all. it's fixed now.
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine