2008.02.09 Stockholm - Hovet (Sweden) *Sold Out*

Started by j, September 27, 2007, 16:05:59

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Thanks budvarka for the links :)

Simon now blond? I haven't expected this. Have to get used to it :)
It suits him i think. I have to see the photos of the concert.
Anyway, he is such a cool bassist, he can also have blond hair :D


Quote from: scatcat on February 10, 2008, 14:16:13
let's hope there was a taper!!  ;)

There was a few.  One has already said he'll put his master on dime, just don't expect him to do it right away. 


Wasn't there an interview awhile back where Robert said that they were preparing 75 songs to rotate through the 4tour?  I don't have my spreadsheet of songs played (it's at work) but I think they've played 67 or 68 so far.  Based on that, we will get a few more surprises, but the basic layout of the tour is set.


Quote from: Steve on February 10, 2008, 01:34:09
Disappointing set.
Many thanks to Marika
Hope this isn't the shape of things to come.


Fatter than Bob, balder than Porl, as sober as Simon, as amusing as Jason


in my opinion this show was special!! all 3 new song in one setlist! Is it not enough for first show of european tour? and i think it will be better and better with more new songs...
i never said i would stay to the end


Quote from: monghi on February 10, 2008, 21:18:35and i think it will be better and better with more new songs...

I hope so. The first show of any tour has never had a spectacular setlist compared to later shows, but I'm just wondering if this is basically going to be a re-hash of the Asian/Australian/Mexico shows, where they just randomly pick from those songs and not add anything else.

I mean, songs like Let's Go To Bed, The Walk, Just Like Heaven, alt.end... Just think what it would be like if they were replaced with something we haven't heard in ages... or something new?

But those songs never seem to go away. I really have nothing against those songs either, but I just think it's time to retire them.


maybe Robert should bottle his blood, sweat, tears and soul and sell it. You know, THAT may satisfy some of the whiners. But then again, they would probably complain he didn't extract enough, and he needs to be shrivelled up on the floor with nothing left in his veins, just to satisfy their personal demands.
I say "good on you guys for getting your shit together and taking on an exhausting and debilitating tour"...
catch you all later.
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning to dance in the rain "...


I honestly like it better when bands tour without an album to promote.  That way you get a strong cross section of material from all of their albums without the feeling that you're getting the new album shoved down your throat.  This, I think is much better than what some artists do where they play shows consisting of nothing but material from the last two albums. The lack of news about the new release is concerning, but I'm not going to let that hamper my enjoyment of the shows that I see. 


I think we should be grateful because of our band is touring yet. Look how many bands don't tour anymore (Pink Floyd for instance). The choice of a concert setlist is up The Cure, and I personally trust what the boys are doing. They could add other songs (I love to hear "Bloodflowers" and "Mint car" :D for instance), but that's just my opinion. The band has the last word. And speaking personally, it does not matter what they play, I will follow them 8)
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


home again...
i'll write longer comments in my blog when time allows (hopefully already tomorrow), but a few quick things:
i've moaned about the boring setlists myself before (and i know i'll continue doing that) - and i was surely missing the kind of surprises they threw in the mexico concerts. maybe that was special, because they played three nights there - that makes a difference i think. thus it's a shame they don't play consecutive nights now anywhere in europe! anyway, despite the lack of surprises i have to say being there makes difference: up until 'shake dog shake' i was not the slightest bit bored or irritated. even 'inbetween days' sounded bearable - hmm....  haha  :-D
yet the moment they slammed 'us or them' to the table, it did take a nosedive. it took me a while to recover from that, honestly...
and seriously, if they think that 'us or them' is somehow "heavier" than 'the kiss' and that they can surpass it by playing 'the kiss' first and 'us or them' a bit after, they are dead wrong. especially at hovet, 'us or them' was just a wall or dreadful noise.
the acoustics have some part in that too: the band were VERY bass heavy. also, they were truly pretty loud. last time i was in hovet i thought i was listening to a band that tends to play pretty loud but this was surely a lot louder. i think songs that depend on porl suffered from this, like 'wrong number' etc. - i really couldn't hear what he was playing underneath all the wall of basssssssss.
i wouldn't play the bad sound on the band since i believe it would take a miracle for anyone to sound perfect and crystal-clear in that venue. there's something there that works against good sound.

anyway, i think the problem wasn't/isn't so much in the mainset but in the encores. they should really do something and change those ages old encore habits by now! the pop encore has been somewhat tedious already quite some time because there's nothing new in it and i don't think there ever will - now they've only added that freaky 'freak show' in it which makes it even worse. honestly, it's an embarrassing song and i hope it's not even included on the new album - maybe a fool's hope but a strong one...

i'd hate myself if i'd be only praising them now earth to heaven (because there would be nothing left to look for in the upcoming shows?) and i'd hate myself if i was only bashing then now (because that would mean it was useless to travel all the way over there) - and since i find i can do both i think that's actually a good thing. and thinking about it now, i find myself kind of liking the controversial feeling i have - because there's a lot to hope for BUT there was also a lot that really affected me there, truly. there was a bunch of performances that really affected me and convinced me again that this still IS the best band i know - even thought they seem to like to fall on their faces at times these days haha. (and by the way some of these performances i mean were actually performances of these songs that are often being bashed as overplayed, and which i've been bashing earlier too - but i don't mean BDC, god forbid! ;-P).
anyway, more details about that later.

a really positive thing was that robert sounded very good. of that i'm really happy about. like said earlier, simon was on fire and in all i think there was lots of energy in the performance at times, sharpness and edge.
by the way, the stage design was also cool: very sparse but very cool.
i'll try to up some pics now...
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


Quote from: dsanchez on February 10, 2008, 23:50:53They could add other songs (I love to hear "Bloodflowers" and "Mint car" :D for instance)

They played Blooflowers during the last Mexico show.

Mint Car... Yeah, that would work with this lineup. Wait, they don't have a tambourine player!  :lol:


I apologize if I have somehow missed it but has anyone posted photos from Stockholm?  Professional or amateur?  i can't get a very good view from the video on you tube.
My parents burned my CURE collection in 1989!


i love the new hair style.
THAT is old cure,expect the unexpected !

nice pics !


Quote from: loladare on February 11, 2008, 00:31:21
I apologize if I have somehow missed it but has anyone posted photos from Stockholm?  Professional or amateur?  i can't get a very good view from the video on you tube.

i've uploaded some of my pics  in the gallery now.



(i should have some video clips to upload next, but first: :smth015)
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine