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Started by Steve, October 11, 2007, 08:50:26

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I got to thinking.. you know that movie; "Mickey Blue Eyes" with Hugh Grant? where he tries to play/imitate a mafia guy and he tries to say these words " Just four-get abouwt it "?  it makes me think of these things and always makes my son and I laugh to just forget about it and close the subject.. It's over with .. LET IT GO!! :smth023

Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


:smth006  Hi, everyone.  I'm honestly NOT trying to drag this topic on, but I do have an honest suggestion.  Seeing how this whole "karma" thing is still in the beta version anyway and we're still testing it out... maybe a change could be made to show the number of "applauses" or "smites" next to the actual comment it was intended for??  Just a thought seeing how that would actually make more sense to me - otherwise it gets distracting seeing someone's karma number the same for every comment.  Makes me wonder what topic or comment I've missed that could've been useful information and vice-versa.  :D

Anyway...just a thought.  Really just tryin' to be constructive. :lol: Thanx!!
"And I shiver and shake
When I think of how you make me hate"


Quote from: LuvURobert on October 13, 2007, 03:44:58
maybe a change could be made to show the number of "applauses" or "smites" next to the actual comment it was intended for??

You mean you would like a system where any user can rate comments?...Hmm, that's not bad idea.

Actually YouTube -for example- allows you ro rate an user's comments with a + or -. We will take a look if we can do something like that in this forum. Thanks for the suggestion :smth023
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Quote from: japanesebaby on October 11, 2007, 21:34:05
Quote from: crowbi_wan on October 11, 2007, 20:08:14
Quote from: ROGUE on October 11, 2007, 18:23:55

I just think this place was awsum as it was.  :rocker

So is it any less awesome now?  The staff is just trying something new.  It doesn't take anything away from the site.  The same people are here talking about the same stuff.  And in my opinion Curefans is still the best Cure site in the around  :rocker 

this place has been here for... well, for several years actually (if you take your time and browse back into the archives, we didn't start about two months ago). and i don't see how it changed with this little addition. :smth017
and really no offense but why are people instantly like someone's after them, like people were suddenly threatening each other here? like crowbi said, we are the same people here as we were yesterday, right? so who's after you? :?:
i think the fact that we're trying out such a feature shows that we trust our members and trust that people will know how to use it and will respect each other. actually, i think that should go without anyone even saying it. 

all i want to say is that i've been really tired about this all day and i still don't get all the controversy going on here.
i've started to pick up some patterns that are seriously making me think things over here... (posted somewhere else about it).
i'm especially concerned about certain hints towards "club forming" because of this.
because that sort of things do not belong to curefans. :smth011
if there's any club here then it's one big club where everyone here belongs.
and everyone (at least those who've been here long enough!) should really know this.

~Yes, thanks for reminding me, iam well aware Curefans is over 2 months old- I have read here before, but only recently joined.
But really does it matter, how long someone has been here ?  If this is 'one big club' .(it shouldnt matter?)
I state i like it here, as i do.
My opinion is no less valid because of my length of time, Or any Newbies contributions- shouldnt be judged to start with, or just because
they are new ?

Anyway, no hard feelings, It is just my opinion.

I have apologized for my reaction the other day- I have a life other than here, please realise, and have received some bad news.

So this doesnt matter so much- but there has been others feeling 'not so good' over it, is it worth it?

Take care everyone.

p.s. dont think there is any need to dramatise this anymore, you ?  No, btw i dont "feel anyone is out to get me."
Just feel it is less welcoming and pretential.
Just one opinion.

HAVE FUN    :roll:

edit~ RE:above...I think its a better idea too, to post a comment next to + or - (like youtube)
and then at least its not annonomous and pointless (how would you know trolls, etc- also a reference to another post)


just quickly:

no i didn't meant my opinion (or anyone else's) is better than yours because i've been here longer. it's not of question of value, of course not. what i meant is: people who have been here longer might see some things with more perspective than newbies who just joined. because look: pretty much the only people here who seemed to be loudly worried about this and afraid of trolls and afraid of some people maybe starting to play nasty games now or people starting to form clubs, the only people who mentioned this were newbies. if you read the comments, did you notice any of the long-time members being afraid of these things? no i don't they were, just look at other members reactions - nobody was freaking out. so maybe that speaks about something don't you think? if long-time members are not worried about that sort of club forming or nasty things spiringing out of this, doesn't it tell you something about the atmosphere here?
so let's not start any club recruiting or troll-hunt or whatever, were we old members or new newbies or something in between.
we've have it nicely here and this really changes nothing.

and about the fear of trolls in general: i think we've been lucky to never have trolls here. people here seem to know how to behave and thank god for that. so all i'm saying the less we talk about "what if they'll come?" the better it might be. at least let's not invite them here by shouting out their names.

but i think scatcat was right and this conversation should be pretty much wrapped up already and we should all maybe concentrate on something more interetsing for everyone.

(ps. i think we can all read normally sized letters very well enough. so you don't need to shout at us. ;))
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine

melly well said japanesebaby...take a bow...simple,to the point,and eloquently put...
and that, my friends, is that.... :smth038
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain "...


Ok Thank you Japanesebaby glad my contributions are just are valid and equal-

I guess that is why i felt the need for larger letters, because i write fewer words.
Forgive me, but why these options available if not meant to be used ? (type size, colour etc)

The word 'troll' was mentioned previously within this thred, So thats not my thought - At all. -already made reference to that.

But good visualization of how things can, and will be taken out of context.

iam not sure you realise this, but alot of people are afraid, Now, of saying the wrong thing.
And frightened of you., and being kicked out of here from having a individual thought differing to

I want to speak freely so please dont take offense, This is not what i want.

You can remove this post if you like, but i rather be honest with you, and i do respect you point of view,
but not sure you see mine.

I like to think things can be worked out, and kept relevant. But not sure recently, as alot of things
you say to me, I have not said., and this makes me explain myself again and again.

edit ~ ok take care  :smth006 


Quote from: ROGUE on October 13, 2007, 08:21:36
iam not sure you realise this, but alot of people are afraid, Now, of saying the wrong thing.
And frightened of you., and being kicked out of here from having a individual thought differing to

like i said, i won't keep this going for the sake of it because i don't see why this topic should be kept running around in circles. but once more:
i'm not sure what this "lot of people" are. please: like i said, our older members have not expressed any such freak-out feelings towards this. we've only picked this sentiment coming from a couple of more or less newbies who obvously haven't settled here and obviously haven't looked around well enough yet.

and moreover, i don't get why anyone should be afraid of ME (or any other mod!) here.  :shock: :? :smth011 :roll: :!:
what on earth is that supposed to mean? well to be honest i find it almost insulting about hints like that, that anyone should have to suspect me or any other mod here about something like this. :!: sorry but if i'm really honest this is starting to turn into ridiculous.
please go and read what j said here:,3652.msg33037.html#msg33037

i couldn't put it any better than he did. ok?


and being afraid to be "kicked out here" (or getting smited) for having a different opinion than someone else? i'm sorry i don't understand this at all, not at all. this is exactly the sort of paranoia that is now brought here from some other boards, something that people want(?) to drag here into this place too - please don't do it because we don't have it here, we don't need it here ok?
this is exactly what i meant when i said that maybe people who have been here longer than you have more perspective on things going on in THIS forum and on the discussion culture that THIS forum has. this is not some fucked up place where people stab each other in every single turn. we do NOT have to drag some other forums' problems here and start fearing something imaginary - that's what i meant when i said "don't invite the trolls".

and if you think the karma system is up for "applaud for all who agree with you, smite all who disagree with you" then i'm sorry but i have to say you have truly understood the whole thing somewhat wrong! :!:
because it's not that. it's not some kind of switch you are "supposed" to hit everytime you read someone's post - you don't need to "rate" every single post in this board/forum. you just use it when you find something that qualifies ok? you can even choose not to use it ever. it's just an option, not some sort of obligation. besides, if people use it too much it only causes inflation - so let's use it wisely.

but please go back and read what has been said about it in this thread. it's all been explained/described enough times already so i think i (or any other mod) don't go through the trouble of explaining it again.
let's not continue creating this drama about non-existent problems. look around: we don't have any problems or intrigues here so why should we create any?
i try and want to keep my tone frinedly because i do NOT have ill will against anyone. but if i'm truly honest, i do feel like locking this damn topic by now because this is just going on in circles, honestly. whereas i'm always more than glad to help anyone who has a question about anything here and people shouldn't hesitate to contact if they do have a question or two, but i'm also getting a wee bit tired of explaining this same thing over and over again for the same people and using a huge amount of my my online time on this thing. this forum is here for the cure and i'm here for the cure, we are here for the cure. that's what brings us together. so let's cut this drama because there's nothing really to base it on. nothing has happened, nothing has changed. look at our older members rogue: they are just continueing as they always were - shouldn't that tell you something?

we do have a settled way to run this place. and we will continue as we have so far ok? nothing's changed.
let's not keep rocking the boat here with this because we have no reason for that.

keep it cool people. and why don't we leave this topic for now.
like melly said "that, my friends, is that".

case closed.


Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine



just letting you know the feed back i am getting,

so it must be very important this 'karma', seeing as though its upsetting alot of people.

ok, bye for now.   :smth041  is ok if i use emoticons ?   just joking, is ok ?  ok hey hey  :D

I think David has a good idea - similiar to youtube- comments, otherwise there is nothing stopping emotional or whatever smites,

thats all.  Annon + & - doesnt help anyone to improve themselfs or whatever.

As i said yes iam new, but have read here for a long time.   Over and Out.

Byes thank you for time, but making newbies feel insecure, makes me ask- Does this place want newbies ?   or just happy as is,
then close the gates, if so, and not let anymore in.

I thought topics are here to debate and understand.   Case closed ?

I guess it cant be explained, then, But genuinely Thanks anyway. Maybe someone else will.


Quote from: ROGUE on October 13, 2007, 09:06:13
but making newbies feel insecure, makes me ask- Does this place want newbies ?   or just happy as is,
then close the gates, if so, and not let anymore in.

ok this is really the last comment i'll make here now:

i don't understand what you are implying with "does this place what newbies?" - karma has nothing to do with who's a newbie and who's not. "close the gates" - that's insane. why are you implying to this "club forming" again? because this thing has nothing to do with it.
you really must have understood the whole karma thing somehow wrong, that's all i can think of, sorry. or i get a feeling that you see threats looming out there everywhere(?). this is something that could be very good if used wisely but why stare only into all these "what ifs"? and just like it was some sort of attitude around here to "smite the newbies and applaud the old friends" - just PLEASE go back and read what has been said all along: karma is NOT something you clickclickclickclickclick everytime you see a friend or someone you know already - it's related to post CONTENT and not to persons. ok? don't make it a club thing. i cannot deny that it theoretically could be misused for something like that too - but we wouldn't have put it up here if we didn't trust our member to use it right ok? this seems to be clear to our old members but newbies seem to be afraid - because they haven't looked around here.
i really cannot see how this sort of little feature could be seen something that disencourages new people to join - sorry but i honestly don't get the idea behind that.

and why bring this "club" thing up again and again? no offense relly, but i honestly do not see no-one else than you keeping this idea (of fear) up here. :?:
no we don't want clubs in here and we don't want to support that sort of attitude. so people should understand what this karma thing is before they start using it. using it for some club purposes means you're using it wrong. so don't so that, please.

you know this all makes me think: just what if this karma thing had been running here all along, before you ever came here?
i bet it wouldn't be such a complete fuss then as it has been now. it would have been recognized as part of this forum. 
as it should be now too.

NOW: closed.
and PLEASE no more posts with more or less repeated content/opinions only. i'm a patient person but i'm really getting a wee bit tired of repeating myself just because i go misunderstood time after time. and sorry i'm not going to hang around here and discuss this all through my saturday.
so please let's move along folks  :smth079  ;) and so we don't need to lock this topic.

Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


My only question being, "if it makes people miserable, what is so important about 'karma'.?"

by people i refer to several, obvious isnt it ?

So it must be very important then ? or necessary, which is fine, just wondered why it is so important.?

I never thought this place was going bad- why fix it, if it aint broke ?

Thats all i have wanted to know. Why is this so important- That it doesnt matter if people and the atmosphere is
effected., Just why ?

I have wanted to know.

Thats all, its gone side tracked several times, maybe i should have ignored all that.

anyway still the question remains, obviously wont be answered,

ok case closed.

this is getting a little too silly  :smth020


Quote from: ROGUE on October 13, 2007, 08:21:36
Ok Thank you Japanesebaby glad my contributions are just are valid and equal-

I guess that is why i felt the need for larger letters, because i write fewer words.
Forgive me, but why these options available if not meant to be used ? (type size, colour etc)

The word 'troll' was mentioned previously within this thred, So thats not my thought - At all. -already made reference to that.

But good visualization of how things can, and will be taken out of context.

iam not sure you realise this, but alot of people are afraid, Now, of saying the wrong thing.
And frightened of you., and being kicked out of here from having a individual thought differing to

I want to speak freely so please dont take offense, This is not what i want.

You can remove this post if you like, but i rather be honest with you, and i do respect you point of view,
but not sure you see mine.

I like to think things can be worked out, and kept relevant. But not sure recently, as alot of things
you say to me, I have not said., and this makes me explain myself again and again.

edit ~ ok take care  :smth006 

this is what i said, nothing to do with clubs ?

Yes better things to do.  It gets frustrating when i dont say things you mention.

But i do understand you are busy and have other things to do.

Moving on~ HAVE A REALLY NICE WEEKEND  :smth023


Quote from: ROGUE on October 13, 2007, 10:17:02
Quote from: ROGUE on October 13, 2007, 08:21:36
Ok Thank you Japanesebaby glad my contributions are just are valid and equal-

I guess that is why i felt the need for larger letters, because i write fewer words.
Forgive me, but why these options available if not meant to be used ? (type size, colour etc)

The word 'troll' was mentioned previously within this thred, So thats not my thought - At all. -already made reference to that.

But good visualization of how things can, and will be taken out of context.

iam not sure you realise this, but alot of people are afraid, Now, of saying the wrong thing.
And frightened of you., and being kicked out of here from having a individual thought differing to

I want to speak freely so please dont take offense, This is not what i want.

You can remove this post if you like, but i rather be honest with you, and i do respect you point of view,
but not sure you see mine.

I like to think things can be worked out, and kept relevant. But not sure recently, as alot of things
you say to me, I have not said., and this makes me explain myself again and again.

edit ~ ok take care  :smth006 

this is what i said, nothing to do with clubs ?

Yes better things to do.  It gets frustrating when i dont say things you mention.

But i do understand you are busy and have other things to do.

Moving on~ HAVE A REALLY NICE WEEKEND  :smth023

no, i'm not quoting imaginary things here:

Quote from: ROGUE on October 11, 2007, 17:39:03

p.s. quietly i think it is a club forming already,  :smth017 what ever gives  some
validation i suppose.  I was just concerned about  people feeling they
cant speak their mind, etc.  Or being intimidating to newbies, anyway iam over it.,3652.msg32912.html#msg32912

so please let's not keep this sort of sentiments up around here.
this is not what is about and we're so much better off without all that.

and i will lock this for a while now so that this won't get repeated over and over and over.
a very nice day to everyone.
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


You beat me to the punch, M.  I think it is about time this particular thread is locked, at least for the time being.