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Cure-fans with skills.

Started by Trust..., May 07, 2009, 20:14:59

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Witch skills do you have ?

Musician skills
3 (17.6%)
Drawing skills
5 (29.4%)
Painting skills
1 (5.9%)
Writing skills
4 (23.5%)
Other skills
4 (23.5%)

Total Members Voted: 17


Most people think that Cure-fans are black and depressed persons, but in my opinion I think a lot of Cure-Fans have special skills for Music and Art. And I would like to know witch skills that you have?

Can you play an instrument, are you good with drawing or painting, can you write in no time wonderful poetry, ...

So, let us know, how much artist is in you  ;)


Vanilla smile and a gorgeous strawberry kiss x


I like to draw. With soft pastels. And I like also calligraphy.

It's a way to expresses myself.
Vanilla smile and a gorgeous strawberry kiss x


I have no skills, but I keep trying :P
I've tried music, painting, drawing, debating, singing, acting, poetry, sporting, comedy, juggling, dancing and writing...At the last one I was best (I think myself XD),

but I once found a sentence that stroke everything I ever knew about myself:

My Skills are as varied as they are impracticle

Wahah  :P


Mmm I would go under the artistic area skill wise. I used to draw many many years ago. Now I make plush dolls if people want them. I'm also, on the side, making a Batman doll for myself  :-D
My fav superhero.


Hey Hollylicious,
Nice that you found this topic :) I saw your dolls, good job! I like porls version
and about batman :D, I would like his car :-D.
Vanilla smile and a gorgeous strawberry kiss x


Thank you :) I make them with my own care and hands  :-D
Not just The Cure dolls either.
I like Batmans car too  :smth023

And anyone feel free to add me to your friends list if you like.
I haven't had time yet to fix up my profile picture or anything. The weekend will be better.


*cough* *cough* I have all the skills the poll asked, plus acting skills.
I really like drawing, tbh. Mostly sketches. (º_)º/
And I can play a bit of piano, some chords on guitar and some bass lines as well xD
And role-playing, too. Damn. What am I? xD And if I write, it's either a fanfic or some weird and psychedelic idea of mine. (There was one where there are four mentally ill siblings, and the youngest one before being born *went through a sheet load of violence*)
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