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Happy today because....

Started by Steve, April 14, 2007, 10:39:40

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Quote from: scatcat on December 16, 2007, 16:34:11
HT beacause my little boy came home soo happy!!  :smth001 (he wil always be my little boy). I said 'what about a hug?'... and he grabbed the biscuit-tin and gave it a hug!!?? then.. of course I got a sqeezie one right after that!~  :smth020

Isn't it the best thing in the world to see them smile? :D

Pretty glad today because this morning at 5.15, on my third morning shift in a row, suffering horribly from lack of sleep, I had a customer who said to me "How lovely to find someone so nice and helpful and smiling at this horrible hour". It's nice to be appreciated once in a while, especially at an hour when I mostly just hear grunts!


Happy today cos later this week, we're heading to the "big smoke" (Adelaide!!) for's a 400 kilometre round trip, but the BEST thing is...I will see my "boy" too..all 6'1" of him... :smth058.... we'll catch up with close friends we left behind, see my funny little mum ( some things that she says just make me laugh, unintentionally!) my gorgeous, brave sister ( going through a living nightmare re her sad) my partners parents ( no doubt another hot debate with his father; bigotry and narrow mindedness at its worse!!) my "step-kids" ( two are really nice, the other is a shithead) but the very thing that makes me smile, lightens my mood and feeds my soul is being with my beautiful, funny, loving son. I miss him, but we keep in touch...but to wrap my arms around those broad shoulders, to sit and talk, and talk and oh! how he makes me laugh, to hear all his news, to see that handsome face, so intense at times, when he talks of troubles some of his friends may be having ( he has known most of them since he was 3 years old!) then breaking out into that wide, kind smile when we speak of the funny things which have happened to him over the last few months; I soak up his being, his presence, as we will be coming home after a short while, and he will be the last person I seek before we do, to get one more hug, one more laugh, to hear him say "love ya mum" as he drives away... amongst all the whirlwind of my life, the sadness and the happiness, the one thing that is constant, unwavering and the love and pride I have of my son......he makes me happy... :smth045  today and every day...
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain "...

Carnage Visor

I'm proud to say that I love my mom. I hug her all the time, and (this is humiliating) when my friend was sleeping over, we got in a huge fight and I went and slept in her room.

NO, I am not a wimp, I was just raised to be very affectionate. It doesn't do me any good around my guy friends, because they call me gay. But when I have a girlfriend, I'm sure she'll appreciate it.

I am happy today because tomorrow is a half day of school, followed by a regular day, and I get Friday off! And then Christmas break from then on!


And I am proud of YOU Carnage Visor, for being honest and open about the love you have for your Mum.. your friends are probably jealous of your relationship with her, ignore their silly taunts!!
You know, I can't think of ONE of my sons friends who would be embarassed or ashamed to give their Mums a hug...and these are guys in their late 20's now ... (yeah yeah, I'm an old fart!! haha)
I read your post, and it made me happy... good on're a nice person.. :smth023

OH!! enjoy your holidays too!!
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain "...

Carnage Visor

Quote from: melly on December 19, 2007, 03:33:41
And I am proud of YOU Carnage Visor, for being honest and open about the love you have for your Mum.. your friends are probably jealous of your relationship with her, ignore their silly taunts!!
You know, I can't think of ONE of my sons friends who would be embarassed or ashamed to give their Mums a hug...and these are guys in their late 20's now ... (yeah yeah, I'm an old fart!! haha)
I read your post, and it made me happy... good on're a nice person.. :smth023

OH!! enjoy your holidays too!!

Hey, thanks! That's very sweet! I surely will.  :smth001

I am 16 though, so I don't consider you old!   :smth023

Hmmm...I feel I need to regain some sort of masculinity :oops:, and the girly signature isn't helping...jk
:-D lol


NO no no...don't change a THING Carnage Visor!!  You make me laugh..I just read your post in "What do you want for xmas", that's some list!!
and it made me laugh..
Now, I'm not "buttering" you up here, but when you're happy, you are so funny, and I enjoy reading your posts, cos sometimes, we all need a laugh!!
You have quite a way with words for someone so young...
thanks...for making me feel happy.. :smth023
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain "...


Quote from: Carnage Visor on December 19, 2007, 02:04:09
I'm proud to say that I love my mom. I hug her all the time, and (this is humiliating) when my friend was sleeping over, we got in a huge fight and I went and slept in her room.

NO, I am not a wimp, I was just raised to be very affectionate. It doesn't do me any good around my guy friends, because they call me gay. But when I have a girlfriend, I'm sure she'll appreciate it.

Hey there CV.. You are perfectly normal!! 
I have an absolutelty HUGE KING sized bed.. and ( my son would probably shy from telling his school friends this..) but i love it when he's on holidays.. and he jumps into my bed,he brings his 'teddy', and I have my 'leppy' ( the leopard'.. AND also our Cat climbs aboard).. it is just like when he was a newborn.. us mums love it.. he is getting a bit old I know, but.. loves the security from me, his mummy.. AND I know he will make a girl very happy when he is grown up, into a very mature young man. Without a father figure around.. MUMS do just fine in protecting and making sure their children feel safe and secure in the love that is without words.  :smth023

I take pride in my son , who is an intelligent teenager now, but with compassion to all those who are suffering..animals, humans, rainforests, environment, and he has great respect for his parents. He doesn't ALWAYS shy from holding my hand in the street, but he loves me, I know.. I can reduce him to jelly with a tickle in the right spots!! And the smile in return is what I live for.  :smth020

Have a great Christmas CV..  ;)

What made me happy today, other than my beautiful son, a day of laughing and fun,,.... just saw that in Melbourne BLACK BOOKS is back on the ABC at 8.55pm Wednesday nites..although I have the whole 3 series.. my digital-top-box-thingy is broken,... so need a new DVD and digital top box AND a new HDTV... will it never end???

Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


I'm very happy today because earlier i got bored and decided to cut my hair and now it looks cool again! And its decorated with various bits of ribbon and charms  :rocker
And its now the christmas holidays so no homework! (Actually i have to revise for exams in january but eh!)
5 days to go!


Carnage Visor

Thank you guys! I actually feel like I got alot off me old chest!

I hate to brag, but I get tomorrow off, (my bro and sis need to go to school tho! sorry for them) and I am really relaxed. It feels like I just fell onto a crate full of hypodermic needles and then drank ten gallons of highly-caffienated energy drinks! It's a great/odd feeling.

Since my dad and mom split up, the bond between me and my mom has become greater, I always bring along my IPOD and share with her all the forgotten post-punk mp3s I find, gothic rock bands, and hardcore punk from the early 80s, and she likes it!!!

I'm glad you like my siggy too...She looks so cute and sweet in that picture, I can't bring myself to change it. Girly or not!  :)



Fatter than Bob, balder than Porl, as sober as Simon, as amusing as Jason


Quote from: Janko on December 21, 2007, 13:33:44

Brilliant innit?
My fave bit is the when he treads on the dvd remote & that THX thing starts playing for what seems like an inordinately long time.
:smth043 :smth082 :smth044
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake





Fatter than Bob, balder than Porl, as sober as Simon, as amusing as Jason


Quote from: Janko on December 21, 2007, 16:12:58



no, because I heard the reviews, and it is more of a Bee- rated flick!!  :-D  ;)
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Quote from: Janko on December 21, 2007, 13:33:44

I love that movie. I bought the DVD (supposedly for my son) and we've already watched it quite a few times -- cracks me up.


Quote from: scatcat on December 21, 2007, 16:31:35
Quote from: Janko on December 21, 2007, 16:12:58



no, because I heard the reviews, and it is more of a Bee- rated flick!!  :-D  ;)

It's shite. pure and simple.
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain "...