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Happy today because....

Started by Steve, April 14, 2007, 10:39:40

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Carnage Visor

Happy tonight because I get Monday off!

It's been a hectic week...a kid I go to school with was diagnosed with Cancer. (He'd been missing from school for a few months) and a teacher's husband died. I will write about that in the sadness board for those who want to grieve with me.  :cry:

So, not the kind of week I like to have at school. I was overcome with sadness and dread, a feeling spreading through the school like an epidemic. I hope he's alright, he was a great guy!

But the Monday Off somehow makes that feel the back of my mind. Time to recouperate and get my head straight. Peace, everyone!


Hey CV sorry about your friend and your teachers husband, i hope you feel better soon. A long weekend will deffinatly help  :smth023

Im very very very happy today because i'm going to see Siouxsie tonight :-D Aghhh im so excited... I've got hours to wait and i'm stuck in school for nearly 3 hours but i'm so happy :-D :-D :-D I think im about to explode of excitment, God knows how hyper i'll be at The Cure :shock:

Anyway.. happy Friday everyone!

Carnage Visor

Happy Friday!!! ("Friday I'm In Mutual Acceptance")  ;)

Well, as I stated in the "Sad Today" thread, all is well with the student who was diagnosed with cancer. He's back in school, and seems to be doing just fine. I hope his treatment goes well!  :)

Today, as well, I got a discount at the local market on a 12 pack of COKE. The lady just said, "You know what? I'll let you borrow the [extra change] today."

They've been pretty good with letting me off the hook when I'm a few dimes short!  :smth023


HT: got the weekend home, then away again.
great to see my gatto ( cat).. and my son..  :)

Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Happy today because... I'm going to the concert in Milan tonight! My husband and I had been planning it since November, and then 10 days ago everything started to go wrong: from work they said they wouldn't give us the day off they'd promised us, then when we fixed that my husband had other problems (of a personal nature, I won't go into it now), then a few days ago --car trouble (we were going to drive up), then we both got the flu, now I'm better but my husband isn't so I made plans with a friend who would take his ticket and get us to Milan by car, then yesterday she called me and told me she was running a fever.... Aaaargh! As of this morning at 10 I still didn't know if I would make it to Milan tonight! I was really depressed. But now it looks like everything is ok and in a few hours I should be there, if nothing else goes wrong!
Please wish me luck.... Somebody up there doesn't want me to go this concert...?


Quote from: robiola on March 02, 2008, 13:44:15
Please wish me luck.... Somebody up there doesn't want me to go this concert...?

wish you luck! and just don't pay attention to the man upstairs (that is if he's even there... at least i know what i think of that...) - i hope you get to go and be there!  :smth023

you know what happened to me when i was about to leave to hamburg concert (15th february)? well i bet you wouldn't believe...
ok, something TOTALLY unimaginable happened, something that shoudn't have been possible,  which is that i missed my plane in the morning of 15th - that's right, i did! the plane was going up in the air and i was on the ground! oh god!  :smth087
and ok, it was my own stupid fault completely, i don't blame it on anyone. but just imagine if i was shocked...  because i was not just about to miss the concert in hamburg  but also the one in berlin as this was a combined trip. that was a pretty awesome feeling, sitting there and thinking like "oh my....!!!!". and of course i had booked cheapest possible economy plane tickets which means that you cam't change/switch flights. so i lost all the money on those original tickets, both there and back again... "oh, just what i needed!" *sarcastic tone* and by the way, if you might wonder, no i'm not a rich person, not at all... so it was a complete catasptrophy also financially.
but against all odds, i made it to hamburg in time. and hey just don't ask me what it cost me - but i made it!
and i remember standing in the crowds there in hamburg and hearing the distant bells of'plainsong' starting up. i remember thinking "it was worth it, it was worth it...". i really had no difficulties to enjoy that gig, i can tell you. :)

that was surelyso  a horror story in the making there - i hope we get no more of them!
and i hope everything works out the best way for you!  :smth023
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


Jb, it gives me chills to think how much you must have spent to get to Hamburg after you missed your flight (I work in an airport, I see these things all the time).
But if you made it, I can make it too! And since it's been so difficult, I personally think I should be rewarded with the elusive Faith encore we've all been waiting for here in Italy. But really, it's my first time -- they can play anything and I'll be happy. :-D


Quote from: robiola on March 02, 2008, 14:14:46
Jb, it gives me chills to think how much you must have spent to get to Hamburg after you missed your flight (I work in an airport, I see these things all the time).

it was damn awful situation and if one thing is for certain it's that i must make sure it will NEVER happen to me again! i'd like to keep it as onece-in-a-lifetime experience...

i always end up having these quarrels with god... :sigh:
the man upstairs: "japanesebaby shall not go to hamburg and berlin!" :twisted:
me: "shut up - and watch this!" :smth019

ok, it was a lot of money, some of my friends here at home told me it was madness... but like someone told me there in hamburg, the money i sepnt will be just water under the bridge after time passes. but if i had given up and accepted my fate and stayed home, i know i might have regretted it for the rest of my life... so it was not an option.

i hope you get your 'faith'.  :D
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


Got home in 1 piece from Rome & have to say that Marco (psichonaut) & his wife (Terry) were a delight to spend time with (even when Marco nearly got arrested for climbing on the St Francesco statue :oops:.
I wanna go back.
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


Quote from: Steve on March 02, 2008, 15:59:29
Got home in 1 piece from Rome & have to say that Marco (psichonaut) & his wife (Terry) were a delight to spend time with (even when Marco nearly got arrested for climbing on the St Francesco statue :oops:.
I wanna go back.
i need an explaination


That crazy man of yours.
I should just say that seconds later, the police pulled up & demanded Marco's ID papers etc.
Wasn't serious at all & Terry & I didn't take a picture of the police grilling Marco.
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake

Carnage Visor

Tomorrow, I am staying home. My school feels they need to punish me with countless sentences in dentention for stealing apples from the Daycare contained within our school building...Come on, they're just apples! And not to mention, today I went apesh**, was kicking lockers, swearing, shouting, and I toppled over a trash bin on my way out, followed by a sweet "F&^# You ALL!" before I stomped out the front door.

See what that place does to me? I'm so docile and sweet when I'm not there, but those kids, the teachers...they drive me insane! They're so hateful and rude and's like being in first grade again.

After telling a teacher to F-Off, I don't really want to go back anyway, I'll have to face the sentences in dentention. I guess hiding out like a fugitive isn't a good idea either, but at least I won't feel like I'm being tortured.

I've mentioned before how ignorant, prejudice, and obnoxious my peers are...but it's gotten worse (one in particular, the others are mostly my friends). This kid will jump at any opportunity to insult me to my face, even in front of teachers. I could be completely silent, minding my own business, and he'll get in my face and say, "HELLO, FREAK! YOU LOOK RIDICULOUS! YOU'RE SUCH A NERD!"

And when I retaliate, he gets all defensive and scared and says, "Teacher! He's picking on me!" WHAT A LITTLE PRICK!  :smth011

My mom thinks they are being ludicrous, therefore is granting me a day off! YAY!  :-D
Sorry if I upset anyone.

I'd never snap at you guys though, love ya!  ;)


Off to Lisbon tomorrow.
Hope to meet JB for a drinky :-D
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


Quote from: Steve on March 06, 2008, 19:50:10
Off to Lisbon tomorrow.
Hope to meet JB for a drinky :-D
(is turning green from envy) How many shows are you doing Steve?


2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo