What made you annoyed today?

Started by Aarna, July 01, 2007, 19:59:54

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The increasing littering of sidewalks, streets and parking lots with remnants of 'to go' products. Garbage cans are located exactly where consumption is currently no longer permitted. The customer must be at least 50m away. Other containers overflow. The garbage disposal doesn't keep up. Some cups are still half full. So this is the throwaway society. 😠
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


Much as I'm glad about the people who work to keep our roads safe and clear from snow, it still is annoying to be awakened at 4.20am by the noise of the snow plough...  :unamused:
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Quote from: MeltingMan on January 06, 2021, 19:13:51The increasing littering of sidewalks, streets and parking lots with remnants of 'to go' products. Garbage cans are located exactly where consumption is currently no longer permitted. The customer must be at least 50m away. Other containers overflow. The garbage disposal doesn't keep up. Some cups are still half full. So this is the throwaway society. 😠

OMG, don't get me started. 👹  You should see the roadsides on the remote road we live on; peppered with bottles, cans, take-away containers etc.  This is a no-through road, residents only, and the odd people on the weekend going up into the state forest.  There seems to be a regular drinking bourbon and coke because that's the most common can along here.  Talk about drinking and driving, at the same time!   :1f635: Perhaps it's the same dude who crashed his ute into a tree a couple of years ago. 💀

...and if some fairy godmother granted me three wishes, you know what one of them would be?  Every time someone litters, it magically gets transferred to their lounge room floor, and there it is when they get back home!  And if they don't put it in the right place - recyclables in the recycling, compostables in the compost bin (and composted), e-waste to the appropriate outlet etc etc - it just magically keeps re-appearing on their lounge room floor, until they get it right.  And if they try to move house to get away from it, the rubbish transfers with them, to their new lounge room.  And if they don't learn, the rubbish transfers up their rectum.  🦀 👾
SueC is time travelling


... when neighbors order goods / products on the internet and don't open the door when the postman (or whoever) is there. 🤬
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


Quote from: MeltingMan on January 18, 2021, 16:59:52... when neighbors order goods / products on the internet and don't open the door when the postman (or whoever) is there. 🤬

Or when the postal delivery person doesn't drop off parcels directly into the big mailbox at your gate, but puts in a card saying, "You weren't home, please pick this up from the post office in town."  And I AM home, the delivery person can just never be bothered to come up the driveway to knock on the door.  If you complain at the post office, it's, "You need to talk to the manager," but the manager is never in - probably too busy golfing, excuse me, networking.  :evil:

Quote from: Ulrich on January 18, 2021, 09:34:16Much as I'm glad about the people who work to keep our roads safe and clear from snow, it still is annoying to be awakened at 4.20am by the noise of the snow plough...  :unamused:

You have my sympathy - it's an awful time to be woken up because it's too close to the time you have to get up anyway to get another good bout of sleep in.  :(

For us it's not a snow plough, but this critter:

Tiny little thing, smaller than a mouse, but makes an awful racket by attacking his own reflection in the window this time of year (the males are sex-crazed in summer, pre-nesting, and fend off "rivals" for their females).  We've got things hanging in the window to break up the reflection, and that's worked the last few days, but now he's found a different part of the window to attack.  I might just hang a chaff bag over the outside of each of these windows so we can sleep through to proper morning.

I've got ear plugs, which is helpful when the other bird strategies don't work.

And I am annoyed about another matter today. 👹  I might need the Ranting Thread if this circus continues:  Novak bloody Djokovic making a list of "demands" to Tennis Australia because he doesn't like the Australian entry quarantine conditions (fortnight in a special hotel without leaving the room is standard, everyone has to do it, and Tennis Australia is bending over backwards to get fitness equipment into the rooms of Australian Open players etc).  He "demands" that their quarantine be shorter than standard - no clue about epidemiology, and after all, this is the guy who thinks he can purify water with the power of his mind :1f635: and who made a super-spreader sports event at the Adriatic last year where he partied with others without precautions and a whole bunch of people, him included, got COVID. :evil:  And he is trying to tell Australian epidemiologists and public health people how to do their job.  No wonder Nick Kyrgios called him a "tool" on social media - I think Djokovic is a really good illustration of a "tool" - not just this, his whole general "I'm so special, the rules don't apply to me" behaviour.

Some of these people have complained that the food isn't good enough and that it's like being in "jail with Wi-Fi" when they are staying in 5-star hotels and not even paying the bill - Tennis Australia is picking that up for them - when ordinary Australians have to pay their own hotel quarantine bills.  Some of the Australian Open guests clearly don't like making their own beds, and one of them complained about having to wash her own hair - she never does that, her hairdresser does it for her twice a week, etc etc. :1f635:

This after the people of Melbourne spent months in hard lockdown last year to turn their second wave into zero community transmission, and five people coming in on the Australian Open charter flights were already diagnosed with COVID.  That's why we have quarantine.

A nice contrast came from Victoria Azarenka:

QuoteThe former women's world number one said all players needed to show patience and be respectful of what the Victorian community had gone through during the coronavirus pandemic.

"I would like to ask all my colleagues for cooperation, understanding and empathy for the local community that has been going through a lot of very demanding restrictions that they did not choose, but were forced to follow," Azarenka tweeted.

"I would like to ask to be sensitive as well to the people who have lost their jobs and loved ones during this horrible time for all of us around the world.

"I would like to ask all of us to have respect for people who work tirelessly to try to make our lives easier."
SueC is time travelling


Annoyed is a bit of an understatement - but I don't have time for a full-blown rant on The Ranting Thread.

Apparently the people who took part in March4Justice yesterday (fed up to the back teeth with consequence-free sexual abuse and general abuse of power in Parliament and in wider Australian society), and those who couldn't go but supported the protests, are supposed to be grateful because the demonstrators didn't get shot, according to our PM.  :1f635:

Hooray for our "vibrant democracy" - more here:


A good summary of why there is presently huge public outrage in Australia, written by a friend of the person who suicided recently after maintaining for many years that she was raped by the man who is now Australia's Attorney-General (and who is a thoroughly and credibly documented misogynist, not to mention he's abolished the Family Court in Australia, and re-written laws to suit his own ilk):

SueC is time travelling


...and just as a postscript on misogyny in our Australian Parliament, as perpetrated by members of the political conservatives:


Material provided to Channel 10 and The Australian ($) shows at least four Coalition staffers filming themselves performing solo sex acts on the Parliament House desks of female MPs, and, subsequently, sharing the material on Facebook Messenger over a two-year period ending last year.

The ABC notes that, in a statement, Scott Morrison has condemned the material and confirmed at least one of the men has been sacked.
from https://go.pardot.com/webmail/272522/870171819/f53fffee1f947d85762e1fd881ff5845d649def0f054f3dd5c14c43639f8f388

This is the same ScoMo who never knows anything, was never informed of anything etc etc, even when his staffers rape women in Parliament House.  He probably doesn't want to know - but he's the sodden leader of his sodding party.  And his very own Attorney-General is a well-documented misogynist who is facing a rape allegation, and is now getting full pay for doing half his job while preparing to sue the ABC for covering the story (and not even naming names).

Not that it's a problem confined to the political conservatives, but generally, the more right-wing they are, the more likely they are to adopt toxic masculinity as a philosophy (not to mention white supremacy, funny how they go together), or have it as their default - just take a look at the American Alt-Right...🤮🤮🤮
SueC is time travelling


Same old, same old.  Next MP in this one-trick circus that's the current Australian government:  Andrew Laming.

QuoteLaming is a troll with a long-term record of shitposting and offensive behaviour. Once a light was shone into his garbage can, it was inevitable that further scandals would emerge. But that thought didn't occur to Morrison's office, where the initial response was simply to order Laming to apologise for bullying two women online.

Within 24 hours Laming was mocking his own apology and suggesting he had no idea what he was apologising for. Onto the next stage: having been openly defied, Morrison then told Laming to undertake an empathy course, and told the media he'd told Laming to undertake an empathy course.

An empathy course.

And so we proceeded: out came the disgusting story of Laming upskirting a young woman. Most upskirters try to hide their actions while lurking on escalators with phones in bags, and then deny it if sprung. Laming — who has also lurked behind bushes to photograph a victim of his trolling — did it in front of people and admitted to doing it. "I thought it was funny but your reaction was awkward," Laming responded to one of the people involved in the incident.

That's the mentality of the troll summed up perfectly. "I thought it was funny". It's the decency of other people that is "awkward".

Apart from anything else, upskirting is a crime. Laming should be being investigated by police, given he's confirmed his actions.

By this stage of the cycle, Morrison had gone to ground, or at least to the footy, where perhaps he thinks he's safe from all this women's stuff. It was left to leader-in-waiting Josh Frydenberg to announce Laming wouldn't be standing again. Laming himself said he was taking leave to get some therapy and hilariously asked for "privacy".

Laming defiles Parliament with his presence. He's a walking, talking, upskirting example of the Coalition's profound problems with women. He embodies Scott Morrison's utter cluelessness about why he has been smashed by gender issues and the explosion of rage about the abuse, disrespect, harassment and assault of women that characterises so much of Australian life.

Yet he will apparently sit in Parliament until the next election.

As a further demonstration of the once contested, now accepted view that Morrison can only respond to gender issues as political problems to be managed away or toughed out, Laming is perfect. Half-arsed apologies, "empathy courses", taking leave at taxpayers' expense, but continuing in politics, because Morrison is on the edge of minority government.

from https://www.crikey.com.au/2021/03/29/scott-morrison-andrew-laming-blunder/
SueC is time travelling


Awful weather last night (wind, snow), not funny after some sunny spring days. :disappointed:
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Got accused of animal cruelty today - when asking for advice on a developing problem with two of our cattle.  They were disbudded before we bought them so should never have grown horns, but grew funny little blunt ones anyway.  I noticed yesterday that each of them had a horn stump that was bending back into the skin and starting to break the skin, and apparently I am cruel because this has even happened.   :1f635:

Meanwhile, the neighbour to one side of us starves their overstocked cattle every winter till they go down to skin and bone, and one year three of them dropped dead in a fortnight that we could see from the road, from exposure because of the poor condition they were in.  We didn't ring the RSPCA, but we did report it to the Department of Agriculture because we felt sorry for the shivering, miserable, hungry herd and on the off chance there was a communicable disease involved which could get into our herd.  We did many years ago make a report to the RSPCA when we were hiking near Northcliffe one morning after a severe overnight storm and found half a dozen dead newborn dairy calves in a little paddock without shelter within sight of the main farmhouse, and another half dozen shivering and miserable and totally unattended.  The RSPCA told us they didn't want to get involved because it was too far from Perth and involved food animals!  And obviously, once you begin discussing that with others, you start to hear other stories like this.

Every time we drive to Cosy Corner we drive past paddock after paddock of pastured cattle with not even a single tree in sight - no shade at all and no shelter from the cold storms that lash our area in winter.  And nobody cares.

We plant shelter belts, are careful not to overstock, provide mineral licks and supplementary feeds, make sure even our food animals have quality lives with plenty of feed, socialisation, shelter and opportunities for exploration, and our animals are sleek and shiny and never thin.  I've adopted retired racehorses who were living lives equivalent to solitary confinement prison in their previous lives (but apparently that's not a welfare issue).  I've got donkeys from the Donkey Society who needed special management and are getting it here.  I trim everyone's hooves to prevent deformities, rot etc, and blanket old or sick animals in cold weather.  I attend to health problems when I notice them.

But apparently, consulting someone about a health problem in your stock that you've never encountered before and only just noticed is grounds for being threatened with the RSPCA.

This is like being threatened with Social Services when one of your children is starting to get an ingrown toenail and you ask a parent with more experience for advice.
SueC is time travelling


Quote from: SueC on April 06, 2021, 12:29:42But apparently, consulting someone about a health problem in your stock that you've never encountered before and only just noticed is grounds for being threatened with the RSPCA.

This is like being threatened with Social Services when one of your children is starting to get an ingrown toenail and you ask a parent with more experience for advice.

FFS. I'm losing the hope that anything will ever change for the better...  :persevere:
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


The so-called cross-watching when reading tarot cards. 🥴

(With a gender-neutral interpretation for Gemini, any consideration for Capricorn women and Sagittarius men is irrelevant.)
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


I'm glad you added an explanation, @MeltingMan!  Now I think I understand 15% of it! :yum:

...just beginning to understand what you might be talking about!  ;)

I am annoyed today because yesterday I found a cow with hindquarter paralysis on a neighbouring property and rang the owners' relatives who hopefully passed on the message.  But I will bet you anything that if I go back there, the cow will still by lying there slowly dying of hunger, thirst, exposure and bloat.  It's raining almost nonstop and this cow can't get off the ground.  It can only move its front feet.  Brett says I shouldn't go back because there's nothing I can do.  The RSPCA doesn't care about stuff like this, which is vastly amusing considering how much they care about the very beginnings of ingrown horns.  (Both our steers have healed up fine - it was just superficial injury.)
SueC is time travelling


Quote from: SueC on May 05, 2021, 10:30:04I am annoyed today because yesterday I found a cow with hindquarter paralysis on a neighbouring property and rang the owners' relatives who hopefully passed on the message.  But I will bet you anything that if I go back there, the cow will still by lying there slowly dying of hunger, thirst, exposure and bloat.  It's raining almost nonstop and this cow can't get off the ground.  It can only move its front feet.  Brett says I shouldn't go back because there's nothing I can do.  The RSPCA doesn't care about stuff like this

Argh! 😡😢 ...there's nothing that pushes my buttons more than animal cruelty!! I would have thought the RSPCA would do something, or if they feel nothing can be done then at least they should euthanize the poor thing rather than let it suffer.
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


Quote from: word_on_a_wing on May 05, 2021, 13:00:23
Quote from: SueC on May 05, 2021, 10:30:04I am annoyed today because yesterday I found a cow with hindquarter paralysis on a neighbouring property and rang the owners' relatives who hopefully passed on the message.  But I will bet you anything that if I go back there, the cow will still by lying there slowly dying of hunger, thirst, exposure and bloat.  It's raining almost nonstop and this cow can't get off the ground.  It can only move its front feet.  Brett says I shouldn't go back because there's nothing I can do.  The RSPCA doesn't care about stuff like this

Argh! 😡😢 ...there's nothing that pushes my buttons more than animal cruelty!! I would have thought the RSPCA would do something, or if they feel nothing can be done then at least they should euthanize the poor thing rather than let it suffer.

Yeah, I know, I agree, blah blah blah.  :1f62a:  :mad:  But see the post above re the dairy calves that died of hypothermia and the report we tried to make.  Completely pointless. I tried all that through the years and so did friends and I've never, ever seen any improvement in an animal's welfare as a result of calling the RSPCA, including a starving old horse (the vet concluded it was skinny because it was old - but I knew they weren't feeding it properly or giving it shelter and it used to follow me and beg for food when I fed my own horse in that agistment place, and I'd watch it shiver in the rainstorms when my own horse had a rug on and it wasn't nearly as old as that one, nor was it skinny so guess who needed the warmth more  :1f62b:), so I gave that up after their response to those calves who died of exposure, over ten years ago.  I think they don't care about large animals mostly - you'd probably have to film someone beating a dog for them to take action - at least in our part of WA.

If it was wildlife we could ask our neighbour to shoot it and he would, but because it belongs to someone we can't do that.  The people don't live onsite and probably have jobs in town and it took me a couple of hours before I could even get hold of their relatives, who played pass-the-message.  They don't see it and probably think that they should let it take its chances.  It's not going to get better on its own...

And just on that topic, temperatures are dropping and pasture growth is slowing, and quite a few people overstock, so we're starting to see skinny animals in quite a few paddocks, and of course they're locked into there and if nobody feeds them they just starve slowly.  This afternoon I drove past a paddock where several dairy heifers were skeletal and the rest of the herd skinny and lying down.  It's just everywhere and it drives me mad.   :1f635:
SueC is time travelling