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Started by Steve, July 14, 2007, 17:49:04

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En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


Here's a link that works for the 2019 Helsinki show:

Hello everyone 🖐 ...I've been away but keep my eye on the forum when I can. Saw my name pop up so thought I'd say hi.

I've been busy switching to a new job, and buying a new home.
Missing seeing The Cure live, but I'm  sure I'm not alone on that.
Hope you are all going well :)
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


Hello, @word_on_a_wing!   :)   How exciting!  Feel free to tell us more!   :cool 

We're watching the Supersizers eat the diet of Wartime Britons.  The plus side was the focus on vegetables, but unfortunately their translation was unbelievably unappetising - haven't these people heard of herbs and not overcooking things?   And OMG the mock cream, and the Spam... :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

SueC is time travelling


We re-watched this and highly recommend it for various reasons...especially if you've lived through the 80s, but it's also thought-provoking and funny at the same time.

A little background:

SueC is time travelling


We've looked at Supersizers in various British historical eras of mostly consuming meat and alcohol (Edwardian, Restoration, Victorian - urgh, urgh, urgh  :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) - and the thing that amazed us about all three periods is how much money the upper echelons spent on huge excesses of food, how much of it they wasted, and how terrible the food was for the price they were paying:  Literally nothing there we'd have enjoyed eating, and all of it really bad nutrition - hardly a vegetable in sight, except boiled cabbage, rubbery celery, and various forms of potatoes.

Tonight we arrived in the 1970s, and I thought I'd share this one given that most of us posting here have lived through at least part of this decade and remember some of it.  Brett and I were born in the early 70s and therefore have vivid memories of the decade, so this programme was like a time warp - the horrible "modern" architecture (which we can now all agree looks shoddy, but back then some people thought was space-age), the hideous interior decorating with orange and lime green plus the inevitable brown sofas and full-wall wood panelling, the flares, the technicolour eye shadows, the fur coats, hopping balls, discos, etc.

But the biggest shock was seeing the table of typical 70s ingredients for a week - they've been doing this for all the time periods, and this was the first time the table was covered in packets and cans, instead of actual unpackaged food.  And I remember that it was exactly like this when I was a child - most of our vegetables other than potatoes, onions, carrots and celery came from tins or the deep freeze - tinned peas, tinned beans (I didn't have a fresh bean till I was a teenager), tinned mushrooms (ditto).  Salad ingredients were limp iceberg lettuce, typical plastic supermarket tomatoes and fairly rubbery cucumbers.

All the packet foods make you gag - "pork faggots" which were under 20% meat (and how hard is it to make your own rissoles, or your own mashed potatoes, or to prepare some fresh vegetables?), boil-in-the-bag fish and various other precursors to the microwave meal... this is when it began - all the excessive packaging leaching plasticisers into pretend foods, and making an ongoing landfill problem - and the preservatives which an undertaker once told me now keep human corpses fresher for longer than when her grandfather ran the family business, because most people's bodies are now filled with them from these convenience foods.

Enjoy the tooth-rotting spectacle of your childhood lollies - remember the sherbet?  The lolly cigarettes?  The pink Hubba-Bubba?  The milk bottles?  The edible bracelets?

If anyone feels like more 70s time warp stuff, we can also recommend:

SueC is time travelling


Captain Kronos - Vampire Hunter on youtube. (Good old Hammer production. You can endure the interruptions in advertising.) 👌🏻
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


I just watched an amazing animated short film (7mins)... I loved it so much I wanted to share! It's called Bao.
It's streaming on Disney, but it's also on YouTube (with ads)

"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."


Susan Atkins Interview (1976) 🤔

Quote from: A. SchopenhauerFor him, because he is this one and no other, because he has such and such a character, no other action was of course possible; but in itself, that is, objectively, it was possible. The responsibility of which he is aware therefore only affects the act initially and ostensibly, but fundamentally his character: for this he feels responsible. And the others hold him responsible for this too,
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


I have something for you, @MeltingMan:

Enjoy!   :winking_tongue  :angel

Currently watching more Supersizers - this time Medieval - I think @Ulrich would enjoy this particular episode - some excellent architecture, knights, jousting etc (the food is awful again though):

SueC is time travelling


On SBS, which is our international channel:

The trailer makes it look a bit annoying but it's really not. It's a beautifully written and shot film about legal and illegal immigration, prejudice, and above all childhood. And it's very close to home considering the Australian government has ripped a little Tamil family out of a tiny Queensland community which had adopted them, and has imprisoned them on Christmas Island for the last three years, for over $7 million of our tax money, just to make an example of them - while their local Queensland community is lobbying to have them back.  :smth011
SueC is time travelling


alfredissimo! mit Helmut Berger (1999) 😋😎
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


A new documentary about and with John Carpenter produced by ARTE and therefore really worth seeing. He takes us to the original locations, but more importantly, he goes into how the score was made. I always knew that he did most of it himself. The old movie theater is also very impressive. Adrienne Barbeau also has a say. For fans: have a look. One more remark: since so much content is subsequently blocked, I decided not to use the 'share' function this time out of protest.
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


Quote from: MeltingMan on June 16, 2021, 16:55:42One more remark: since so much content is subsequently blocked, I decided not to use the 'share' function this time out of protest.

Well I found this, but watching it might be "blocked" in several countries (outside Europe):

I'm not a big fan, but I might take a look (when I have more time). :cool
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


We're nearing the end of our trawl through all the classic Dr Who series and have hit a purple patch. Ghostlight was so well done; and this next one we're in the middle of is so excellent - the storytelling, the sets and locations, the acting, the costumes/make-up (nice 40s period piece, the monsters look like something that's been mouldering away at sea for centuries, the newer vampires look ultra gothic and it's all so effective), the themes and ideas in this...

SueC is time travelling


Quote from: WikipediaA woman seeks to have her husband eliminated in order to receive an inheritance of 100,000,000 dollars that she will only have if she becomes a widow.

En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)