Parkplatzgespräche ("off-topic" deutsch)

Started by SueC, July 26, 2019, 15:57:51

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Quote from: Ulrich on July 27, 2019, 17:19:51Erledigt, neues Thema "Parkplatzgespräche" ist eröffnet und die Beiträge alle hierhin verschoben.

Mit Heino konnte ich noch nie viel anfangen. Mit bayerischer Tuba-Musik auch nicht, aber neulich habe ich "La Brass Banda" gesehen und die waren toll!

Jetzt wo ich das gesehen habe, meine ich, das Folgende könnte Ihnen auch gefallen!  :cool

Gute Nacht allerseits - zum Glück ist morgen Sonntag... :1f634:
SueC is time travelling


Ja, sehr nett. Erinnert mich ein wenig an The Dead Brothers!

Auch sehr unterhaltsam ist der "Keller Gospel" von der "One Man Band" The Dad Horse Experience:
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Wir kannten The Dead Brothers beide nicht!  (Sample track there, I like - Brett loves - and the dog was looking all over the place in the intro to see if there was a wild animal anywhere!  :rofl)

Die "One-Man-Band" ist sehr talentiert - aber mein Mann meint, eine Ente spielt da mit.  Gut zu wissen, dass es auch in Deutschland eine alternative Kultur (oder zehn?) gibt.  Der deutsche Akzent ist amüsant - der Album-Titel noch mehr!

Hier sind sehr alternative Australier (viele davon ursprünglich aus Südafrika):

Die machen alles mögliche - habe ein gutes Album von ihnen, Absynthe. Leider schwer auf YouTube etc zu finden...

Schönen Tag noch! :)
SueC is time travelling


The Dead Brothers und auch Dad Horse Experience hab ich vor Jahren mal live gesehen.

Leider kann ich irgendwie nicht mehr alles auf CD oder LP kaufen, hab sowieso schon zu viele...
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Ausserdem ist auch im Kopf das Problem, dass der Schrank voll ist. :angel  Bei mir jedenfalls.
SueC is time travelling


Quote from: SueC on August 01, 2019, 04:43:44Ausserdem ist auch im Kopf das Problem, dass der Schrank voll ist.

Normalerweise nicht. Manchmal schon... dann verzweifle ich, weil ich denke "wann soll ich das alles hören?".   :1f632:
Aber: ich nehme viele CDs mit und höre sie im Auto oder nebenbei während der Arbeit (manchmal möglich).
Um etwas "Struktur" hinein zu bekommen, suche ich mir teilweise welche aus die gerade eine Art "Jubiläum" haben, z.B. wie erwähnt Lou Reed's "New York" oder "Disintegration" oder "Freedom" von Neil Young.
Plus natürlich neuere CDs und irgendwelche auf die ich grad Lust habe.  :cool
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Hmm, ich stand mit 14 zum ersten Mal in einer Universitätsbibliothek (wollte eben eine richtige sehen!) und sah damit, dass ich niemals in meinem Leben auch nur die Hälfte von dieser Bibliothek richtig lesen könnte.  Ich glaube, das nennt man eine Existenzkrise.  :)  Und mit Musik ist es leider auch so.  :'‑( Ich habe schon so viel zuhause zum (A?)anhören, und will es nicht sitzen lassen, also mache ich meine Ohren manchmal absichtlich zu.  Ich würde z.B. lieber die Lücken in meinen Kollektionen stopfen, als noch 100 Bands mehr zu "adoptieren" - in English I would say (and that's so much easier) that I'm a bit of a completist with artists I already really like (and with listening to those things more than once a year), and more interested in that than sampling everything out there.  There's still Cure albums I don't have, and Waterboys albums I don't have, etc, and various other things I was interested in following up for a long time, which if given an either-or choice I'd rather do, than look through a bunch of new artists.  Sometimes, of course, new things will pop out at me, and I can get enthusiastic about that too.  I just don't go chasing after it! :-)

Sie sind gut organisiert mit Ihrem System. Mein Mann macht das auch ungefähr so.  :cool

SueC is time travelling


Quote from: SueC on August 01, 2019, 13:41:52Ich würde z.B. lieber die Lücken in meinen Kollektionen stopfen, als noch 100 Bands mehr zu "adoptieren" - in English I would say (and that's so much easier) that I'm a bit of a completist with artists I already really like (and with listening to those things more than once a year), and more interested in that than sampling everything out there.

Yeah, I kinda found my "peace" with not being able to listen to everything. Don't want to, really.

Sadly, my "collection" is all over the place, e.g. I own all the studio albums by The Cure, but some on vinyl and some on cd only. (Of course, with some I have both...)

Quote from: SueC on August 01, 2019, 13:41:52Sie sind gut organisiert mit Ihrem System. Mein Mann macht das auch ungefähr so.  :cool

Du kannst auch "Du" sagen.
You can say "you" to me.  XD
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Quote from: Ulrich on August 01, 2019, 16:27:05Sadly, my "collection" is all over the place, e.g. I own all the studio albums by The Cure, but some on vinyl and some on cd only. (Of course, with some I have both...)

Ich hatte das Glück, während der LP-CD Übergangsphase meinen Musikgeschmack plötzlich drastisch zu verändern - das Hirn wurde "formal operational" und wollte also mehr zum kauen. Einige LPs wurden also Frisbees; die "ernste" Musikphase war den CDs nur einer Handvoll LPs voraus. :)

Quote from: undefinedDu kannst auch "Du" sagen.
You can say "you" to me.  XD

Thank you kindly.  ;)  There is no polite form in English, and that's something I miss, also for comedy reasons.  I will probably do a mixture of both.  :angel

Of course, it's even more confusing that "you" can be singular or plural, and has to be deduced from context.  :1f631:  Some American friends of mine taught me to say "all y'all" instead of "you" when I mean a plural form!  :rofl
SueC is time travelling


Für SueC. Weil Wochenende ist. 😉

QuoteIch selbst bin schon lange tot und kann es trotzdem sehr empfehlen.
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


Oh, bugger!  The clip won't play in my country.  I wonder if I can get around that...

Nice quote though! :rofl

...hmmm, jetzt muss ich wenigstens etwas in Deutsch sagen...

also - "etwas"!  ;)

PS:  I got around it!  Bwahahaha!  Thanks for posting!  :cool And now I have to stop laughing long enough to explain it to Brett (to whom I explained what his name means in German long ago...)
SueC is time travelling


OK, I've translated the whole thing to Brett and in the process have creased my face at least another two years' worth.  And because one good turn deserves another:

Ich wünsche allen ein schönes Wochenende (und weil es noch Freitag ist, dass ihr "Freitag Bin Verliebt" umgehen könnt - oder auch nicht ;)).
SueC is time travelling


Just on that Mösenhof-Protein thing, @MeltingMan - why don't people simply eat eggs? Complete protein right there.  Or...

But no, they've got to have some factory gimmick.  :1f629:

Good lampooning there.  Foamed-up buffalo sperm hahaha.  Of course, the contents of an egg are also manufactured in a reproductive tract. Bon appetit.  (We humans find that concept so disgusting unless it's in our secret personal lives.  :yum:)

From that perspective though, what's "safe" to eat?  Dairy products?  Well, milk is mammary gland secretions (which reminds me of a strong contender for worst song lyrics ever, "Let me get my hands/on your mammary glands" by The Smiths).  If you turn that into yoghurt or the matured sorts of cheese, you're then eating mammary gland secretions that have been inhabited by microorganisms and contain their metabolic products and excrement - which is part of what gives different cheeses their different flavours.  The same principle is, of course, also true for other fermented products, like beer, or Sauerkraut.

People might think they can avoid that altogether by limiting themselves to plant foods, but an apple is a matured plant ovary, and flour is ground-up endosperm (this sounds nasty, but it's just a food support package for the plant embryo), containing actual plant embryos.  Same when you eat nuts - split an almond in half and you can see the embryo right there.  You really can't seem to get away from reproduction.  Celery sticks might be your safest bet - that's just non-reproductive plant body parts, and if you grow your own, you can harvest it stalk by stalk without killing the plant (you're just maiming it  :evil:).

Which brings me to honey.  We keep bees right here.  If you're lucky, it's flower nectar (secreted by the plant reproductive parts, of course) brought back to the hive in the bee stomach and regurgitated into the honeycomb.  It's subsequently evaporated to bring up the sugar levels to the point that fermentation won't be a problem, and then it can be stored indefinitely.  So what you are really eating though, on your toast in the morning, is condensed bee vomit, originally derived from plant reproductive organ secretions.

And that's if you're lucky. Anyone here tried aphid honey?  I did, in Italy, as a kid.  It's super dark and has an exotic flavour.  To make aphid honey, bees don't visit flowers, they visit sap-ingesting aphids and tickle them until they release a drop of sap from their posterior orifices.  They then carry this back to their hives and regurgitate and condense in the usual manner.  So then you've got condensed bee vomit that's really recycled aphid diarrhoea as well.  :1f629:   But it tastes fabulous, like most of the other stuff mentioned above.

This was merely an academic exercise to demonstrate that humans mostly happily exist in a mental la-la land.  :angel

I'm sorry I was unable to do this in German - it would have taken hours... thank goodness you're all so proficient in English...
SueC is time travelling


I hang out with a few people interested in linguistics, and one of them presented us with this, which made us all laugh terribly - especially the two of us who actually speak German.  In case you've not seen it:

SueC is time travelling


Quote from: SueC on August 10, 2019, 02:15:35So what you are really eating though, on your toast in the morning, is condensed bee vomit, originally derived from plant reproductive organ secretions.

Ähm, jaaa, danke vielmals für diese Info...  :P  :1f633:  :1f629:  :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...